Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 12

"We have company" Amber whispered to me.

"Chloe! We have company!" I sang into the intercom "Meet in the living room."

I skipped into the living with Amber and the rest of them following. Everyone arrived with Chloe arriving last.

"What the hell? I thought you call for me, not everyone." She said walking into the room.

"We wanted to meet your company!" Jonny exclaimed.

Amber, Chloe, and I laughed really hard at that.

"What? Don't like company?" Jimmy asked eyeing us on the floor clutching our stomachs.

"Its . . not that. ." Amber said trying to stop laughing.

"We like . . company . .and all . " Chloe continued.

"But its. . .not the company . . you invite in" Amber finished.

"Huh?' Johnny asked confused.

"Its. . .Mob. . company." I wheezed out finally finished laughing.

"Ohh" All the guys finally understood.

"Kay Chloe and I will take the backyard and circle around."

"I'll go in the front." Amber added.

"No, you have to watch them." Chloe said nodding towards the group.

"They can watch themselves!" Amber protested.

"Another group can ambush them!"

"But what about the front! It needs to be protected!"

"Fine! Kristina will take it" Chloe said through gritted teeth.

"Both of you shut up!" I shouted "Chloe and I will be taking the sides, Amber will take the front." I declared.

Amber stuck her tongue out at Chloe while Chloe glared at.

"Under one condition." I added, both turned to look at me.

"Brian, front or goup?" I asked him

He looked suprised "What? Me?"

"I taught you how to "hunt" for a reason. I said using air quotes.

Years ago, when we were dating, the first time a hit was put out of them I told Brian that I used to hunt with my father. And that we should go sometime, in reality I just need him how to use a gun.

"What?" He asked baffled.

"I never really hunted with my father, there was a hit out on you so I taught you how to use a gun. Now choose front or group."

Chloe turned to me "Stats?"

"umm" I tried to remeber "7 to 9 I believe"

Amber rolled her eyes, her stats were better now, but not when at first.

Chloe turned and looked at him "Front."

"Brian, you okay with attacking the front of the group?" I asked,

His eyes went wide and his mouth hung open "What?"

"You going to attack the front of the group, Kris and I have the sides/back. You'll get 3 to 4 people, tops." Chloe explained rolling her eyes.

"400 yards" Jeeves suddenly said.

"Shit! Out of time!" I yelled and ran to the closet and pulled out a vest and shoved it towards Brian. "Put it on!"

While he put it on, I grabbed four headphones sets. I gave one to Amber, Chloe, Brian and one for myself.

"Jeeves, confused playlist 5, outside blaring loud when I say." I called to Jeeves. "Keep headphone line 2 open and fazzle all other lines."

I turned to everyone "Okay headphone line two, the music will be too loud to hear anything else but this. So keep it in your ear and them music will be confusing or in other languages so pay no attention to it. Got it?"

"How will it be confuseing?" Matt asked.

"It says turn, watch out and gives commands too. Very confusing if your groups not ready." Amber explained.

"350" Jeeves called.

"Kay Brian you said at the 100 line, Amber will show you, shoot anything and anyone." I told him.

"What about you two?" He asked.

"We won't be anywhere near you, but if you see us shoot."


"Disgues, it won't be us. kay?"

He nodded sadly and Chloe and I ran to our postions. "Now Jeeves!" I said into the mircophone. And the music came blaring out, I could barley here my own thoughts.

I suddenly saw a guy in black try to walk by me, and I shoot while talking into my headphone. "Okay first wave up, looks like 5 or 6."

"I see another two waves behind this one, same numbers." Amber voice replied.

I saw the guy go down, and heard Chloe say she got someone. I started to move and shoot 2 or more guys before they even saw me.

bang I heard that bang and felt it, I looked down to see m gun had been shot out of my hand. I looked up and kicked the guy before he shot me.

He jumped back up and soon had me pinned in to the ground, I struggled against his hold when suddenly he was lifted off of me. I looked up to see him crumpled to the ground and Brian holding a gun to his head. I quickly shot up, pushed Brian away, and shot the guy in the head.

"I almost had him!" I whined

Brian shrugged and looked at the guy "Well now he's dead."

"Did you have to shoot anyone?"

"No" Brian said shaking his head.

"Good" I said walking back to the house.

"Why?" Brian asked but I put my finger up signaling one moment. "Amber?" I asked into my headpiece.

"Yes?" Her voice rang out

"We clear?"

"We all good, hows your leg?"

I looked down forgetting it was in a cast, "Fine."

"Hows your arm Brian?"

"Prefect." He replied smiling.

"Chloe?" Amber asked.

"Fine, lot in your damn forest but fine."

Amber and I laughed, Chloe always got lost there. She'd be lost for hours and then suddenly show up, back at the house.

"Jeeves cut music, scramble and retrieve all messages and thanks." I said

The music stopped and Brian and I walked back into the house in silence.

"Why?" He suddenly asked.

"Why what?" I asked confused.

"Why were you glad didn't kill anyone?"

"Oh! That! I didn't want you to have to deal with the gulit. It can be horrible."

"You guys got over it?"

"I never had any, Amber feels guilty everytime thats why they have to shoot first or throw the first punch."

"You don't feel any?" He asekd, this tie confused.

"Nope, thats why I was perfect to join the mob. I see it if you did something that bad to have be killed, then you deserve it."

"But what about the inn-" He started but stopped when I held up my hand.

"I never said my idea wasn't flawed, so I don't think about all the innocents."

"Oh, and Chloe?"

"Chloe, as long as she gets paid she'll do anything."

Brian threw me a look and I shoved him "Always the dirty mind, Brian. I ment killing wise! Chloe would never seel herself."

"You said I didn't."

"But you thought it first!"

"Can people in the mob read minds now?"

"No but we can read faces, and you are an open book." I replied.

"Only to you." He said softly.

Again I shoved him "To everyone." And with that I took off, running to the house.He soon caught up and matched my pace, so I went faster. Again he caught up and matched my pace, I sped up and again he caught up. I went into a dead sprint and went as fast as I could. I got to the house and waited a few minutes before he finally arrived.

"Man you can ran fast!" He wheezed trying to breathe.

"Remeber I was on the track team."

"Oh, right you wanted to keep in shape."

"Duh! How else do you think keep this sexy body." I said pointing to myself.

"Self confidence much?"

"Like you aren't."

"Touche" He said shaking his head "But you do have a good body." He said leaning closer I could feel his breath on my skin.

I leaned forward a little too, our lips got closer and closer until suddenly Chloe appeared.

"Damn! I hate you backyard." She said before stopping to stare at us.

I had jumped back the minute I saw her, and Brian was shaking his had at her. Chloe eyed me and I shook my head as well.

I walked into the room and Amber pulled me into another room, so we were alone.

"What" I asked annoyed.

"I saw that!"

"Saw what?"

"You almost kissed!" Amber exclaimed.

I blushed and replied "So hows you and Zcky going." Hoping to side track her.

"Actually, we made up."


"Yupp, we both love each other and talked it out. Once this is over we'll go on a actual date and make it all offical."

'Thats great."

"I know," Amber sighed "But you know whats hillarious?"


"You trying to sidetrack me."

I gulped "What do you mean?"

"Back to the subject, how do you feel about Brian?"

I sighed "I still- -
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter yay!

hahaha I wasn't going to put it up till Wedenesday or Thursday, but Kill Hannah is coming to concert and I got excited so I typed the whole thing out! opps

But anyways sorry for the cliffhanger but you know you secretly like them they keep you on the edge of your seat.

And on the last noe comment! Please!

So Comment! Please and Thank you!