Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 13

"So why exactly is everyone taking a different route to New York?" Brian asked me.

"To confuse someone if they were following us. Its easier to follow a group of 8, than a group or four or two." I replied.

"Oh, okay." Brian replied looking out the window of my car.

After I had told Amber how I felt about Brian, we decided to go to our other house in New York. Chloe would take Jimmy, Johnny, and Leana on the train, Amber, Matt, and Val would take a plane. While Brian and I took a car.

Brian suddenly started laughing.

"Whats so funny?" I asked.

"You always said you would get a Porsche, I just never believed you would."

i laughed and took the turn off for route 66, I drove down the empty road while thinking about the conversation I had with Amber earlier.


What" I asked annoyed.

"I saw that!"

"Saw what?"

"You almost kissed!" Amber exclaimed.

I blushed and replied "So hows you and Zacky going." Hoping to side track her.

"Actually, we made up."


"Yupp, we both love each other and talked it out. Once this is over we'll go on a actual date and make it all official."

'Thats great."

"I know," Amber sighed "But you know whats hilarious?"


"You trying to sidetrack me."

I gulped "What do you mean?"

"Back to the subject, how do you feel about Brian?"

I sighed "I still. . I don't know. . part of me still really likes him."


'Yes but how could he ever forgive me for leaving? And who's to say I won't do it again, and I've lied to him before. I was such a bad girlfriend."

Amber signed "Kristina we understands, he'll forgive you and this time around you won't have to lie."

I shook my head "Amber he can't just forgive me, and if threes a next time he'll be way too insecure to be in a relationship with me.

"But the heart wants what the heart wants."

"Well my heart isn't going to get that."

End Flashback

Brian brought me out of my flashback by calling my name.

"Kristina!" He called again.

"What?" I asked.

"I heard your conversation with Amber."

"What?!?!' I shirked.

"I heard your conversation with Amber." He repeated, slower this time.

"You were evaesdropping on us?"



"We need to talk." After Brian said that he started looking around panicky.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

After looking around some more, Brian finally calmed down to answer me. "Nothing its just that everytime I say those words to you, something happens."

I smiled "Well nothings going on, so lets talk."

"Okay, where to start?"

"How about with I'm sorry I left two years ago."

"Amber explained sorta of that you left because of your work."

"Ya, our orginal mob got beat and instead of putting ourselves or you guys in danger we just left."

"Was it hard?" Brian asked slowly, as if scared to actually ask.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. "It was actually . . truthfully? Really hard."


"You know how hard leaving for tours were?"

Brian nodded "that hurt alot, leaving your for months at a time."

"More than that."

"Is that possible?"

"Well for tours you knew or have a general idea when you're coming back, but when we left we had no idea when we were coming back or if we were going to." I explained.

"Ya that makes sense."

'It must of hurt you guys alot."

Brian nodded "everyone thought for sure, you were going to come back. But Zacky and I knew you weren't, we knew you guys were gone."

"Why? I mean how'd you guys figure?"

"There was no note, showing how hard it really was. We figured it hurt that much, it would hurt more to come back."

I nodded "it hurt alot to see you guys sitting there confused the first time, but that was nothing compared to the hurt I saw in your eyes when you and Zacky figured it out."

Brian laughed "That was a surpise, especially when I found out Matt, Val, Jimmy, and Leana already knew."

"Matt, and Val corned me in my bedroom that first night."

"Then kicked you out right."

I rolled my eyes "Yuppers, they kicked me out and it was my room."

"Thats Matt and Val for you, oh and then you came and cuddled with me."

I looked away feeling my face turn red, "ya sorry about that."

"Don't be, I liked it."

I felt myself smile and when I looked out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brian smilling too. I heard my engine complain and quickly shifted to 6th gear, so I could coast for a while.

I was about to take my hand off the gearshift when I felt Brian put his hand on top of mine. I looked over to him to see his smile get bigger, but his eyes stayed on the road ahead of us.

I looked back to the road and the car was silent for a moment, not awkardly silent but nice and sweet. It was to say the least perfect.

"Kristina?" Brian suddenly called out.


"I missed you, alot."

"I missed you, alot too." I replied my smile getting bigger as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww I liked the end! Of the chapter, not the story.

Well thats chapter 13!
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