Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 15

"Bitches, I'm home!" Chloe yelled when she arrived on Friday, with Johny, Jimmy, and Leana in tow.

"Well aren't we just lucky." I replied as Amber tackled Chloe to the floor.

Jimmy and the rest of them went to hang-out in the rest of them, while Chloe dragged Amber and I to my room.

"Whats up?" I asked concerned when I noticed Chloe pacing, a sure sign she was nervous.

"They followed us here." Chloe replied in a grim tone.

"What?" Amber screeched.

"Thats why we got here later than expected, we got off the train and drove." Chloe replied in the same grim tone.

Chloe was expected to arrive on Friday, it was Sunday.

"Do they know?" I asked.

"No, I told them I wanted to drive the rest of the way to throw them off." Chloe said.

"Anything else?" Amber asked.

By Chloe's look I could tell I didn't want to know the answer.

Chloe nodded "They want. . a final standoff."

"One on one or what?' Amber asked wanting the same clafiation I wanted.

"Us against them, whom ever survives gets them." Chloe said nodding towards the room that held the guys.

"You guys ready?" I asked.

Chloe nodded as well as Amber who spook up "When?"

Chloe finally meet out eyes and replied in a very grim, almost dead tone. "Tomorrow, the warehouse, at 9."

I bit my lip, they would have the upperhand at the warehouse but we had the upperhand since we were better at nights.

"We better start getting ready, who wants to go see Mikes representative?" Amber asked.

'I will" I volunteered "I'll go now, I guess."

I looked at the clock 7:15, I had to go before they got too busy.

I grabbed my keys and drove down the familar path to the "office." once i arrived I was greeted and escorted to Jake's office. Jake was Mikes brother and his representative in New York.

"Kristina, long time no see." Jake greeted me.

"Too long." I replied.

Jake turned and did a handmotion and the guards left, leaving us alone.

"So what do i owe this visit too?" Jake asked.

"Theres a showdown going down tomorrow." I replied calmly.


"Us and the mob after our protection job."

"Your exs, correct?'

I nodded "yes, and we wanted to know--'

"If I can help, correct?" Jake asked cutting me off.

I nodded and opend my mother but once again Jake cut me off, "Sorry, I really am but I'm booked tommorrow. But I will supply the weapons, my arms dealer was here today so I'm stocked full."

I looked up and smiled "You sure?"

Jake nodded and an escort walked in and lead us down to the weapons room, where Jake and I packed 4 or 5 bags full of things.

'Mind if i borrow a car? I brought a porsche, but we have more than 2 people going." I asked.

Jake nodded and passed me some keys "you taking the job?"

I nodded "we have to, unless you have a babysitter."

jake shook his head 'well good luck." He said giving me a hug.

I hugged him back and walked out to the car. I drove to the hotel in silence there I found Amber and Chloe asleep, probably resting up for the next day, and I followed suit and went straight to sleep.

The next day all three of us were on edge, the others noticed but everytime they asked we blew them off telling them it was nothing.

Eight pm rolled around way too soon and soon we were getting in the car, driving to the warehouse. Once there we got the guys situated in the back and set our amo around us, by then the others had arrived.

I recongized one guy, Anothny, he used to be in the rivial mob when we were in Huntington.

"What no back-up?" Anothny sneered.

Amber and I shook our heads.

"Aww, and I excepted more from you two." He sneered again.

"Ah, but we stick will kick your ass." I shot back.

Anothny smirked "How can you be so sure, its what 3 against 20?"

Shit, he brought alot of back-up.

Amber smiled confindent "Because, you know Chloe right? She's not in the mob, shes a hit man."

Anothny's smirk dropped for a moment, but came back soon enough. "If you think that will help you."

I narrowed my eyes and was about to say something, when Anothny shot straight into the air. "Let the games begin, the night is young since it is only 9." He announced and then everyone on his side started shooting.

Amber and I ducked and started shooting at everything we could see clearly. Chloe was on the second level, shooting with at the father people. Anothnys back-up may have been large, but they sucked they did nothing but waste bullets.

Once they were out Amber and I ran out and started shooting at everything, but soon my gun was shot out of my hand and there was a guy in my face. I socked him before anything could happen, but he pulled out a knife and cut me in the leg.

I fell at the sudden pain but tackled him, I quickly grabbed the knife and slit his throat. I then grabbed my gun and shot him in the head. I went to turn but I was tackled again to the floor, but before the guy had time to react I plunged the knife into him and dragged it to the bottom of his stomach.

I then threw him off of me, and once again shot him in the head. This time I turned before I was stabbed in the other leg.

"Motherfucker! Stop stabbing me!" I yelled before turning and shooting the guy, on the floor, who had stabbed me in the head.

I turned and saw both Amber and Chloe fighting with people and noticed Anothny was the only one left. I went to walk up to him when he turned and noticed me, and tackled me to the ground.

I groaned in pain and he quickly got off of me. He then kicked me in the stomach repeatly, and then in the face. I grabbed my knife and cut stabbing him in the pain. Anothny screamed in pain and with that I jumped up and punched him and kneed him. He groaned him pain and I picked up my gun and went to shot him when he pulled out the knife and stabbed me in the arm.

He then pulled in down my whole arm. I could feel the tears coming and finished shooting him before I dropped to the ground in pain. A few minutes later, my andeline had somewhat kicked in, I stood up and went to walk over to Amber since I saw no one else.

I had almost got ot Amber, who was also pretty bloodly when I heard "Kristina! Turn Around."

I went to turn around but not before i heard the boom of a gun, the pain in my chest. I screamed in pain and fell to the floor.

'Kristina! Can you hear me?" Was the last thing I heard before everything went

♠ ♠ ♠
ohh! Cliffhanger!

haha I only got 4 of the 8 comments I asked for
so here was your big ass cliffhanger.

How was it?
Good or bad?

Or was it not big enough?
Or too cliche for everything to go black?

please and Thank-you!