Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 16

- - Brian's POV - -

All of us got up figuring it was okay, I saw Kristina walking to Amber. Both of them were beat up, Kristina was bleeding from her legs and her head. Amber had a bloody nose and was also had cuts up and down her arms. Chloe had a black eye and had been shot in the arm.

"Kristina! Turn around!" I heard Chloe yelled, I saw Kristina turn around as a guy appeared, out of nowhere and shot her.

Kristina stumbled and then fell to the floor. "No!" I yelled running to her but Zacky, Matt and Jimmy held me back.

Amber picked her gun and shot the guy, before also falling the floor.

Chloe turned to us and nodded "Its fine, now."

Both Zacky and I ran as fast as we could to the other side of the warehouse. I pulled Kristina into my lap, while Zacky pulled Amber into his. Matt and Jimmy comforted their girlfriends and Johnny talked to Chloe.

"Kristina" I cooed, realizing her eyes were close.

"Hey baby" I head Amber say to Zacky in the distance.

"Kristina" I said a little louder.

"Baby! You scared me." I heard Zacky tell Amber.

"Kristina" I said louder and shaking her.

"I'm sorry baby, but its all over." Amber told Zacky.

But it wasn't over, at least not for me, the love of my life Kristina wasn't waking up.

"Kristina!" I said frantically shaking her, willing her to wake up.

"You sure baby?" Zacky asked Amber.

"Kristina! Wake-up!" I said louder.

"Good." Zacky replied, Amber must have nodded or something.

"Kristina! Please, baby wake-up." I said I could feel tears gathering in my eyes.

"Baby, you okay?" Amber asked Zacky.

I could hear the rest of them asking, more or less the same thing.

But I couldn't ask that, my baby wasn't waking up.

By now the tears were falling and I couldn't stop them.

"Please baby, Kristina, wake-up! I still love you! I need you to wake-up!" I pleaded.

Amber and Zacky must of heard us, since Zacky walked over with a limping Amber not to fall behind.

"Whats wrong?" Amber asked sitting next to me.

"Shes. . .not . . .waking up." I said between sobs. I grabbed her wrist remembering and checked for a pulse.

There had to be a god, she had a pulse. A faint one, but it was there.

"O thank god" I let out a breath, I didn't even know I was holding.

"She had a pulse?" Amber asked also checking for one.

I nodded feeling myself smile, inward, even through all the tears.

She was going to be alright

"Err, Zacky get Chloe and tell her to pull the car around." Amber told Zacky, more like commanded.

"Whats wrong?" Zacky asked worriedly. "Are you hurt."

"No its not me, its Kristina her pulse is getting fainter by the second we need to rush her to the hospital." Amber said quietly hoping I wouldn't hear.

And boy did I hear.

Zacky nodded and ran to find Chloe, while I felt the tears coming faster and harder.

Amber pulled me to her and let me cry on her shoulder. "Shh Brian, it will be fine I promise. Kris is a fighter, she'll pull through. She still loves you, she'll live even if its just to tell you that."

Any other day, I would have found that romantic or it would have at least made me smile, but today it made me cry even harder.

"Shit! Sorry! I promise Brian, it'll be fine. I promise." Amber said soothingly.

I felt the tears getting slower and I heard a car peel in and stop in front of me. Zacky came and grabbed Amber and pulled her into the car. I picked Kristina up, bridal style, and carried her into the car.

Everyone else piled in and Chloe peeled out of there, going as faster as the car let her. I finally understood the meaning of petal to the metal. I looked down at Kristina and finally noticed the blood soaking through her shirt. I looked down and noticed that I was also covered in blood.

Minutes later we pulled up to the hospital, Zacky and I ran in caring the girls. The doctors started fussing over both of them. Chloe walked in next and then prepped both her and Kristina for surgery.

Amber got a few stitches and then walked back out and sat in Zack's lap, Chloe got out of surgery an hour later. Chloe woke up about a half an hour later, and we went in to her room to wait.

Seconds ticked away . . which turned to minutes sticking away . . which turned to hours ticking away. And still no word on Kristina.

The doctor was checking on Chloe when another doctor walked in.

"Are you here for Kristina Lange?" The doctor asked.

"Yes we are." Amber answered.

He looked at her charts before replying "Sorry but I can only give information with the constant of family or an insigant other."

I didn't even hesitant before answering "That would be me, we've been dating for quite some time."

"How long?" The doctor questioned.

"5 years" thats how long we had been dating before she left.

The doctor nodded "do you want me to say this here or in private?"

I shook my head "No these are our friends, they're close enough to be family."

The doctor nodded "Well we just finished surgery, she had 2 broken ribs and the rest were bruised. There was a pretty nasty gash in her head, and another 2 gashes down her legs. And she had been shot, really close to heart it punctured a lung. And she lost a lot of blood."

"Will she be fine doctor?" I asked, tears threatening to fall again.

The doctor grimaced "its all up to Kristina, and how hard her body fights to stay alive."

"Whats her chances?" Jimmy spook up.

The doctor frowned "About 20 to 80, chances against her."

And thats when my world went crashing down.

"Can . .can. .I . . see her?" I asked through the tears.

The doctor nodded and lead me to another room, that held Kristina. She looked so helpless.

Beep . . beep . . beep. . beep

"At least she's breathing." I said to no one particular, since it was just us in the room.

I grabbed her hand "Kristina, please baby you need to fight. You need to get better, I still love you baby with all my heart,. And I want to grow old with you baby you're my better half. I never stopped loving, so please please wake up. Get better, please baby."

Beep . . beep . . beep. . beep

The tears kept coming and this time I didn't try to stop them. "Please baby, I love you really baby. Please don't die on me. Baby, please don't!"

Beep . . beep . . beep. . beep

"Please! Baby! I still love you!"

And thats when her heart monitor stopped

Oh shit
♠ ♠ ♠
ha ha! If you didn't hate me before, I don't blame you if you hate me now.

hahaha! okay its sad and all but you have to admit the ending was brilliant! I love it!

I thought the whole "i miss you" ending was my favorite, but no this one is so much better!

Okay the cliffhanger went from a big as one to a motherfucking big one no?
Bet you wished you gave me more comments now.

Well comment and the next chapter will come sooner.

So Comment
Please and thank-you