Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 17

- - still Brian's pov - -

The doctor and a bunch of nurse ran in, and I was pushed out the door. But it didn't matter I was in daze, Kristina, my Kristina was dead and she died protecting me.

I walked into Chloe's room and everyone got quiet, I took a deep breath an uttered those words. "We lost her." I then walked out, and into the waiting room where I broke down in tears. I let the tears take over me, I cried and cried hoping the pain would go away. But it never did. I cried for losing Kristina, my best friend, my protector, but most of all I cried for Kristina, my one true love.

I must of been out there hours, just crying my eyes out because next thing I know the doctor's asking me if I wanted to go say my last goodbyes to Kristina.

But what could I say to make the pain go away?

- - Kristina's pov - -

I heard my heart monitor stop and then I left a jolt go through my heart. I felt my body stiffen, fuck that hurt and I opened my eyes. The room was way to white.

"Kristina can you hear me?" A person asked.

I nodded "I died right?"

The guy chuckled "No, you're in the NYC hospital care."

"That explains the white room. But how am I alive? I heard my heart monitor stop."

"Well um . .your boyfriend kinda of stepped on the wire that connects you to the machines. . and well all electrical signals stopped. . and so the signals bounced back through you and that's what caused you to wake up." The doctor, I now realized, explained.

"So basically my jackass of a boyfriend stepped on some cords, which stopped my heart monitor but woke me up?"

The doctor nodded.

"Can you send him in please?" I asked and the doctor turned to go. "But wait don't tell him okay?" The doctor nodded and was gone.

I heard Brian step in and pretend to be dead or something.

- - Brian's pov - -

I decided what I was going to say, just a goodbye and then I can hopefully move on. Who am I kidding? I'll never move on, I love Kristina too much.

When I walked into the room, she looked so peaceful just lying there. It was sickening how good she could look even in death. I went and grabbed her hand and felt the tears coming, I squeezed her hand and let the tears come down as heard as they wanted.

But then a miracle happened, she squeezed back. I looked down to see her smiling and I went to say something but she opened her mouth and started singing:

"turn it up i never wanna go home
i only wanna be part of your breakdown
she got caught by the four on the floor
i picked her up
and she'll never get let down

and now i can't stop
thinking about it
all YOU people at the top
don't know nothing about it

we don't give a fuck what the price is
so just leave us to our own devices
and we'll leave you alone

I'll be there when your heart stops beating
I'll be there when your last breath's taken away
in the dark when there's no one listening
in the times when we both get carried away
when we both get carried away

she says it all without a thought in her head
she says it all as she's pressed up against me
a little something just to take off the edge
a little more and I'll fall off the planet entirely

I'll be there when your heart stops beating
I'll be there when your last breath's taken away
in the dark when there's no one listening
in the times when we both get carried away
when we both get carried away

I'll be there when your heart stops beating
I'll be there when your last breath's taken away
in the dark when there's no one listening
in the times when we both get carried away

when we both get carried away
when we both get carried away
(I'll be there when your heart stops beating)
when we both get carried away
(in the dark when there's no one listening)
when we both get carried away"

By the end the tears had stopped and I was smiling, but I didn't understand. "How?" I asked.

"Listen" she said and started singing again:

"I'll be there when your heart stops beating
I'll be there when your last breath's taken away
in the dark when there's no one listening

"I'll be there when you're heart stops beating, except in reality you were here when my heart stopped beating. You were there when my last breath was taken away, when no one was listening you were there." Kristina explained and then she sighed "+44 has such a way with words."

"But how? I heard it stop?" I asked.

Kristina looked at me darkly and opened her mouth to explain when Amber came in.

"You okay Brian?" Amber asked in tears.

"Why wouldn't be okay? Are you hurt?" Kristina asked concerned.

Amber turned and looked at her with wide eyes. "Kristina! You're alive!"

Kristina nodded and everyone, except Chloe, came in as well.

Amber turned around and shouted "Hey everybody Kristina's alive!"

I heard a few shouts of "no way" "you're kidding "wow" but almost everyone asked how.

I turned to Kristina. "Listen up people because I'm only explaining this once." She said.

"Well I was in a coma and well as you all know Brian came to talk to me, and well with him being a jackass and all, he stepped on a chord. Well the chord happen to connect from the machine to my heart and the machine malfunction causing it to seem as my heart had stopped. And the electrical impulses shot back through and thats how I woke up."

The word "wow" escaped most of our lips at that point and Kristina looked at me with that same dark looked and smacked me in the stomach "Jackass."

Everyone laughed and Johnny, Jimmy, and Leana left to go tell Chloe the good news. We talked aimlessly for hours, until visiting hours were over.

Each patient was allowed on person to stay with them, Amber was staying with Chloe while I stayed with Kristina.

I went to sit in the chair when Kristina stopped me, she scooted over and patted the spot next to her.

"You sure?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and nodded "I wouldn't move if I wasn't sure."

I climbed in next to her and she moved so she was snuggled into my side, and her head was on my chest.

"Did you know people in comas can hear whats going on around them?" Kristina suddenly stated.

"Really?" I asked surprised she wasn't asleep with all the pain medication they gave her.

"Yup, I heard everything and I have something to tell you!" She said slurring her words, the main medication was taking affect.

"Whats that?"

Kristina looked up and me with wide eyes and kissed my cheek and said, very clearly, "I love you too, Brian."

I smiled and noticed Kristina had fallen asleep, I then also feel asleep.

I slept better that night then I had for two long years.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I almost kill Kristina and then I get the comments i want? How is that fair?

Any who, how was that chapter? Did you see it coming? Did you really think she was dead?

Oh! and I love the song my plus 44! And it worked so well too!

Please and thank-you