Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 18

"You get to go home today, excited?" My doctor asked me.

"Estatic" I replied.

Truthfully? I wasn't ready to go home, there was too much drama waiting for me. Too many questions

All the girls, expect Amber, wanted to know everything. Every little detail about mine Brian's convosations. Every time he left the room they would pounce and ask a million and one questions. Amber would laugh at me while shook my head and refused to anwer anything.

The doctor laughed "well remeber to rest your lung and ribs are still healing."

I nodded, and got dressed, checked myself out, and went to wait outside. I expected Amber or Brian but instead I got

Jimmy driving my Porsche.

"Get out" I stated calmy when Jimmy stopped infront of me.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Because you're going to crash."

"I haven't yet, have I?"

"Jimmy get out" I growled


"Jimmy, I may be recovering but I can still kick your ass."

"Okay, okay calm down gosh." Jimmy repliedwhile getting out.

I glared at him and pressed the pedal to the metal, racing off to fenway park.

"Why are we here?" Jimmy asked getting out the car behind me.

I ingored him and walked to the gate and flashed the guard a smile, "I'm here to see Jake."

The guard smirked as I turned and stretched showing my gun. "Name?"

"Kristina Lange." I anwered.

The guard nodded and lead Jimmy and I to the box seats.

"How did we get in without tickets?" Jimmy asked.

I went to walk over to Jake but told Jimmy to stay put.

"Kristina! Nice to see you still alive." Jake called once he noticed me.

"Jake, always a pleasure." I said as I hugged him.

"Your boyfriend?" Jake asked pointing to Jimmy.

"No, he's engaged to one of my friends."

"Okay well lets get down to business."

I nodded and Jake threw a wad of cash at me.

"50, apparently you took out so of his best men."

"Anothny?" I asked.

Jake smirked and threw another wad at me "35, he was a hated man."

I smirked "Good."

Jake and I made small talk, and soon everyone was getting up to leave since the game was over.

Jimmy and I walked out and he was excited about seeing the game from box seats.

"You know Brian won't be happy." Jimmy suddenly said.

"Why? Because I took you not him?"

"No, because you have a sugar daddy."

That almost made me laugh, but I kept a straight face "Now why would you say that?"

"Because that guy handed two wads of cash and you two seemed cozy."

"Who? Jake?"

Jimmy nodded and once again I resisted the urge to laugh "Jimmy seths my mob boss' sn, he was paying me for the job we did. And I've known him for about 4 years, he's the one that convinced his dad to take Amber and I into the mob."

"Oh, that makes sense."

I rolled my eyes and walked into our suite.

"Guess what bitches?" Jimmy called.

"Shut up Jimmy! I'm trying to catch the recap of the baseball game!" Zacky yelled back.

"Yankees won!"

"How do you know?"

"Because I watched the game from box seats!" Jimmy said happliy while Zacky looked shocked.


Jimmy shrugged "Kristina took me."

Zacky turned his glare on me "You took him instead of me? He doesn't even like baseball!"

I shrugged "You should have picked me up."

I walked in and threw the larger wad at Amber "split it with Chloe."

"How much?" Amber asked.

"25 per, I gots 35 for Anothny!"

"35 what?" Brian asked walking into the room.

"35 grand." I replied while Amber walked out and Brians jaw dropped.

"How'd you get that?"

"I killed that guy, Anothny, turns out there was a huge hit out on his heads."

"Do you have a hit on your head?"

I nodded "10! Its so pathetic."

Brian chucked "Yes because 10 grand is nothing."

I nodded "Its not! I can't even buy a new car! Or a good gun!"

"Hey Kristina can we talk?"
♠ ♠ ♠
ohh chapter 18!

Please and Thank-you!