Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 2

Avenged Sevenfold

Of every band in the world we had to protect, it had to be them. They couldn't stay out of wars could they, they loved to piss off people. They had to piss off the wrong person didn't they?

And now Amber and I had to protect them. Amber did everything in her power to try to convince Mike to switch assignments with someone else but no. We were stuck here.

We had day watch, some other group had night watch. So here we were stuck in the car watching the house for some kind of movement or "vistors." So far no one. While Amber was glad, I was upset that I couldn't take my anger out on someone.

I was getting lost in my new book twlight, when Amber started nudging me. I looked up and noticed a guy on their doorstep, you could see the faint outline of a gun in his back pocket. There was 3 other guys with him, with the same outline.

When Jimmy answered the door, they forced their way through and slammed the door shut with his foot. I looked towards Amber who looked like she was waiting for my confirmation, usually you have to wait for some kind of danger to act.

But given the high profile of this case and our history, that our boss knows about, and four guys with guns, I took that as enough confirmation for me. I nodded to Amber and pulled up my hood and got out of the car, while Amber did the same.

The closer to the door as Amber and I got, the louder and more clearly we could hear the yelling. Amber stood infront of the door, and I was on the side. I always went in first, she opened the doors.

We heard a scream, too high shrilled to be a guy, most likely from one of their girlfriends. Amber took that as the final confirmation and kicked open the door, I ran in with her closely behind me.

I quickly took in the scene: 4 guys scattered around the room, and them closley grouped with the girls crying and the guys looked scared. They may be tough and all but guns can scare the strongest of guys.

The guy turned to us and before they had time to react, I started to shoot at them. They shoot back, but I was quickly ran behind the furniture and ran into another room them following.

I heard Amber yell a string of profanites and the guys who had started to shoot at her, she could never make the first shot.

The two guys ran out of bullets and went to pull their backups, but were too slow. I had quickly shoot them both, and ran to help Amber.

She was still in the living room shooting at one guy.

the other must be deadI thought, but a minute too quick. Soon my gun had been kicked out of my hand, and my hand was throbbing. I turned to see the other guy smirking at me, I smirked back.

Guess its Hand to Hand combatI thought.

Soon he had tackled me to the ground and was taking swigs at me. He kicked me in the stomach and face a few times before picking me up to hit my face again. Bad move on his part I quickly kneed him in the goin, crumbled to the ground, where I kicked him the stomach and face a few times. I was about to grab my gun, when he kicked me in the goin.

I stumbled but grabbed my gun "stupid, stupid boy. Don't you know that doesn't hurt Girls as much as it does guys?"

I saw his eyes widened at the word, and I pulled down my hood. His eyes, if possibe, got bigger and he silently pleaded with me not to pull the trigger.

I pointed it at his head and shook my head "Sorry wrong business", and pulled the trigger.

I heard another guy behind me and saw I the guy I thought I had killed before. "Do you people not die?"

"Bulletproof vest babe." He replied, walking towards me.

I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up above me, for a small girl I was pretty strong. And I put the gun to his forehead.

He stared at me and smirked, silently daring me to pull the trigger. "Guess I'll have to hit something thats not bullet proof" I said throwing him on the ground.

I kicked him in the stomach and had him laying on the ground infront of me. I pointed my gun down and shot him there.

He screamed in pain and reached down to his bleeding pants, with silent tears pouring down his cheeks.

"I'm no ones babe, got it?" i asked and he nodded slightly, and rocked back and forth probaly trying to miminize the pain.

"Good" I said and once again, pulled him up and put the gun to his forehead.

This time he, like the other guy, silently begged me not to and whimpered. I kneed him one more time in the goin, causing him to scream louder this time and the tears to once again roll down and faster this time.

It was my turn to smirk, and with that I pulled the trigger. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and went limp in my hands, I threw him down and blew on my smoking gun.

I heard clapping behind me and turned to see Amber clapping and laughing.

"Ladies and Gentle man that why you never call Kristina babe." She said laughing.

I simply bowed and started to laugh with her. I heard someone clear their throat, I turned to see them still in a group. Both the girls and guys looked quite frighted at the sight of us.

I looked towards Amber who shrugged and left the room to make sure we got everyone, and that they were truely dead.

"Can I help you?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"What the fuck just happened?"

"Where the fuck did you come from?"

"What the fuck?"

All the guys started asking questions all at once. I sighed and put my hands up in the stoping motion.

"One at a time." I asked trying to calm myself down, I was still pissed.

Matt was the first to talk, "Who the are they? And who are you?"

"Well I can't be sure, since I didn't have time to ask, but I figure they were hit man sent to kill you." I answered.

"Kill us why!?!?!" Johnny exclaimed

"You pisses off someone important, and since their mob and rival mobs are at war, they plan to make an example out of you." I shrugged "Warn people not to mess with them."

"Who did we piss off?" He asked timidly.

"No idea, we're only here to protect you not make amends." I said pointing to Amber, she had just walked back into the room carring a body and added to the pile.

I raised my eyebrows at Amber and then walked out of the room to call Mike and tell him the body count, and ask him for the number of the clean-up crew.

I walked back in, and heard Amber explaining the purpose of a protection job.

"So you belong to the mob?" Jimmy asked

Amber started to explain, and I noticed her hood had also came down. I looked over and noticed Brian and Zacky watching us with questioning looks.

Please don't let tem recongize us, please! I silently prayed to God.

As I finished my prayer, I heard the clean up group pulling up.

"Any one hurt?" I asked.

"Just a bit shaken up, you guys came in time." Matt paused and then continued "Then again you were waiting for this right?"

Amber laughed, shook her head, and pointed towards me. "Only she was"

They all threw questionly looks at me "What? Don't look at me like that, I happen to love my job. And the night shift always gets to have all the action!" I whined like a five year old.

"Remind me to never piss you off, or call you babe" Jimmy said shaking is head.

Johnny, Zacky and Brian nodded their agreements, but Matt spoke up.

"I know did you see the number she did to the last guy?"

"Damn girl! That was cruel, to shoot him in all places! And then you didn't kill him for another 2 minutes or so!" Jimmy said

"And to kick him!" Johnny said while shaking his head.

I smirked and Amber spoke "Shes scary when she has a gun."

All the guys nodded their heads, and the girl seemed to relax a bit. The clean up group walked in the room and mumbled profanites when they saw the mess.

They threw us a look, Amber and I knew excatly what it ment "Get the hell out."

Amber and I nodded our acknowledgements. I looked at the clock 6 o'clock, the night shift wouldn't be here for another 4 hours and we couldn't leave them alone. It wouln't be safe for them.

I groaned "Amber! Its only 6!"

Amber paled and groaned as well.

"What? Whats wrong?" Johnny and Matt asked concerned.

"Night shift won't be here for another 4 hours. . ." I started and they still looked confused

"And its too dangerous to leave you guys alone" Amber continued.

Everyone knowed their understanding, but Matt once again had to speak up. "But I think we can handle it, we'll expect them. We can take them." Zacky and Brian nodded.

They were always too cocky for their good.

Amber rolled her eyes. "No you can't"

"Yes I can take! I can take on people double their size." Brian agrued.

"You think so?"

"I know so!"

"But you can't"

"Says who?"

I rubbed my head growing tired of this agrument. The guys were in too much of a heated agruement with Amber to notice, I had reloaded my gun and hand pointed it at Matts head.

Jimmy and Johnny noticed as well as the girls. Their eyes got huge and they had the same pleading look as everyone else. They nudged Matt, but he still took notice.

I cocked my gun a little to the side, not very noticeable except to the trained eye, and shoot. The bullet zoommed past Matt, barley missing his ear, and hit the wall behind them.

The cleaning crew groaned, another bullet for them.

While the othe group jumped, and Matt visably paled looking between me and the wall.

"That almost hit me!" He exclaimed jumping to his feet one he regained his voice back.

"Ahh, but it didn't' I said

"But it could have, I could have die-" He started but stopped once I put the gun to him head. When he felt the cool metal, he whimpered and got the same pleading look as everyone else had.

"I never miss, so if I aim for you you're dead. If I don't aim for you, you'll be fine. Got it?"

"Kris! Stop showing off!" Amber said sitting down.

I rolled my eyes but put my gun on safety and in my back pocket. "Sit the fuck down." I said to Matt who automatically obeyed.

"Heres the plan, since we can't leave you alone because its too danger--" I started but was cut off my Brian.

"No you're just scared we'll show yo-" He started by stopped when I whipped the gun back out.

"Shut up or I swear to god!" I screamed, all the guys looked down.

"Great now you've pissed her off!" Amber groaned.

I glared at her before turning back to the guys "Since its too dangerous, you guys will stay at our hotel with us. We have a pent suite, enough room but not enough for us not to be able to keep an eye on you."

The girl happily nodded, while the guys looked hesitant. I glared and them and they nodded too.

"Since theres only 4 girls, I'll take them in the rental." Amber said walking out and the girls soon got up and also followed.

I turned back to the guys. "Keys anyone?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Still waiting for the much wanted feedback!
