Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 20

"Yuppers, we're going to be just fine. Promise."

Brian's smile grew wider too "so will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, I'll be the Synster Gates girlfriend. Since you know he is bring sexy back." I replied.

I laughed while Brian smirked and leaned over the table to kiss me, just was he was about to add tongue I pulled back and smiled innocently while taking a bite out of pizza. Brian rolled his eyes but also took a bit of his pizza.

"So how have you been these past two years?" Brian asked.

I shrugged, "same old same old."

"Come on! I want to know everything."

"Well for the first couple of months Amber and I always felt really bad and hard a hard time doing our jobs, especially when they cried. But then one almost shot Amber in the head because we left our guards down, and well we stopped that."

"Anything else?" Brian pressed.

I nodded "after that we got really violent, or at least I did. I felt so bad and instead of being sad I would change it to angry, hence why we get sent to the protection jobs and the full on fights. I learned how to torture a guy to get any information from him, and you can't see any of the marks.

"But Amber couldn't change her sadness to anger like I could, and I had to fix that. I hated seeing Amber so sad. So we drove to Huntington, just to prove you guys had moved on and we got to Johnny's, to see you guys leaving with those chicks that we here when we arrived.

"Both of you guys looked so happy, and thats when my anger problem got worst. I loved to torture people, just so I wouldn't feel any pain. Amber on the hand she could finally shot people point blank. At one point we were so good, we took on a gang of about 9 or 10, and they all died and neither of us had a scratch.

"After that Amber and I calmed down, figuring we had left for the best of reasons. And well one day we got a protection job, hopped on a plane about an hour later, and ended up in Huntington protecting you. We called our boss tried to back out but he wouldn't let us, and about two weeks later we see 5 guys force their way in to Matt's house. And we ran in, and you can probably figure out the rest." I finished.

Brian nodded, "wow thats a lot to take in."

I nodded, "so what happened to you guys?"

Brian took a deep breath "well for the first week, Zack and I had convinced ourselves you would come back. And then somehow we convinced ourselves one of you were pregnant, so we would debate on and on which on of you guys were the one. We were convinced you would come back after 9 or 10 months, to at least show us the kid.

"We even behaved for those months, waiting to be daddies. We stopped drinking so much, and cut our partying down too. When the year mark came and went, be both knew you guys weren't coming back. Zack and I both feel into a deep case of depression.

"Our playing and recording were bad since we were hungover, practically every other day. I was disgusted by Zack's actions, he was disgusted by mine, we both thought we were better than that, but we couldn't stop. That lasted for about two months till Val told us to 'stop being a bunch of girls and moping.'

"So we went back to our old ways, partying more but only drinking in a group. We were finally getting over our lost loves. We went back to your guys' house to find out whatever happened to it, to find a new family had moved in around a year before. Thats when the news finally hit us that you guys weren't coming back.

"About a week later we meant Maria and Lilly, those girls that were here when you arrived, neither of us ever really liked them but they helped us over the last leg of getting over you guys. They were there for us when both Zacky and I launched our clothing lines.

"Thats why they were here, to finalize the our stocks. They thought they deserved something since they were there since the beginning but Zack and I gave them nothing. But a few months later we broke it up, we were in love with the fact that we were with someone, I don't even think we ever liked them.

"Well the night we broke up with them, I picked a fight with this really big guy. While that got the rest of the guys involved and I almost had the guy when he pulls a gun and holds it to my head. He about to shoot, when someone walks out, he immediately removed it and said we would finish this later.

"For the next week or so, I felt I was being followed and then one day, we bust into the house and kill the guy right in front of me. And weirdly, I was attracted to you the minute I saw you whip out your gun, not even thinking about the possibilities that you could be you." Brian finished.

I nodded, "I know what you mean about loving the fact you were with someone."

"You got a new boyfriend?"

"Ya during that whole self pity stage, Amber and I dated twins."


I shrugged "you and Zack are practically joined at the hip, at least with twins there's a reason them to be so close."

Brian chucked "okay, I gotcha, so what happened?"

"Well we "dated" for about 3 months and then one day they asked us to be their girlfriends." I said using air quotes and all. "And well two days later they were caught giving information, to our enemy mob."

"What happened?"

"We killed them, but they put of one hell of a fight it was sweet fight."

Brian laughed "okay." He must have finally noticed the tears at the corners of my eyes. "Baby whats wrong?"

I smiled "you straighted up, because you thought I was pregnant? Thats so sweet."

Brian smiled and walked around and moved into the bench with me, "baby, I love you. I want the best for us, and if you, I mean we had a baby it wouldn't want a crazy fucker for a dad."

"You would make one hell of a dad."

Brian wrapped his arms around "and you would one hell of a mom."


"Ya, baby?"

"1. We aren't having a baby anytime soon, so sorry if you had your hopes up, and 2. I love you Brian, I hated having to leave you."

Brian kissed the top of my head "1. I would love to have a kid, but not till we're both ready, and 2. I love you too, and I'm glad you came back."

I looked up and kissed Brian, this kiss was lust like the last one, but full of emotion. Actually mostly full of innocence and love.

I pulled away slightly and rested my forehead against his. He rubbed his nose against mine and I pecked his lips. He smiled and took a deep breath.

"Hey Kris?"

"Ya?" I smiled, I hadn't let anyone call me Kris since I left him. Since thats what he called me.

"When we get back would you--"

"Seems that doomsday has come early this year
The last angel has gone
I can't remember the last time I cried
The last angel has gone home."

"Sorry its my phone." I say pulling back and digging in my purse for it.

"Gosh you mus love Atreyu a lot, its all I ever hear you play."

I nodded "their my favorite band."

Brian face dropped slightly before he looked at the ground.

I smirked "after you guys, of course." I said pecking his lips once more, before answering.


"Hi, is this Kristina Lange?" The voice asked.

"Yes this is she."

"Well this is the Glenville hospital, I'd like to inform you that- -

"Is someone hurt?" I asked cutting them off.

"Yes, someones been in a car accident."

"Are they okay?"

"We're not sure yet. Thats why we need you to get down here"

"Wait! Who's is it?"

It was your- -"
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohh! Cliffhanger!

Seriously, you guys should have expected it since I got 2 comments for my last chapter.

You should remember the drill, give me 8 comments and I'll help the cliffhanger, don't give it to me and well the cliffhanger gets bigger.

Remember the last time that happened?

So go comment!

Oh! and read my other stories, I gots 2 other ones.
Another Brian story!
And a Zacky story! (this is also will be a Rev story, but not a slash)
Oh! and comments those stories too!

Please and thank-you!