Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 22

- - Still Brian's' pov - -

Kristina cried for about and hour, I tried to calm her down. Nothing helped. Eventually she help asleep.

I was listening to Kristina's phone, who knew it play music and she had headphones in her pocket, when my phone started ringing.

I pulled it out trying not to wake Kristina. I answered without looking at caller id.

"Yo, it's Brian speak."

"Dude where are you guys?" Zacky asked.

"Hey, is everyone all right?"

"Ya, everyones here but you two."

Thanks god everyone was right, but who was hurt?

"Well. we're at a hospital." I answered.

"Shit, are you guys all right?"

"Ya we're fine, Kris got a phone call last night, drove all night and here we are."

"Who's at the hospital?"

"No idea, I walked in to the nurse telling Kristina whoever had past away."

"She all right?" Zacky asked concerned.

"She cried for like a hour dude, and then fell asleep."

"Do you know where you are?"

I looked around, "no idea."

"Well ask, we're all taking a flight to their house tonight."

I looked for a nurse and was about to ask what hospital we were at when Kristina started moving, "hey Kris just woke up, I'm going to go."

"Kay, call me when you find out."

"Will do, bye."


I hung up just as Kristina curled more into my chest and looked like she was about to cry some more.

"They're gone Brian, they left me." She finally spoke with a raspy voice.


"They left me, how could they leave me?" Kristina asked me with tears running down her cheeks.

"Who left you baby?"

Kristina opened her mouth to reply when she got a text.

- - Kristina's pov- -

I held up a finger and read my text,

Regret killing Anthony, now that your precious parents are gone?

- - Your worst nightmare.

I gritted my teeth and narrowed my eyes before replying back.

No I'm your worst fucking nightmare,
You thought before was bad, I'm going to make city bleed of your blood.
Cuz you just got me pissed, and you just called on a war.


With that I grabbed Brian's hand and stormed out of the hospital. Once in the car I once again put the pedal to the metal and peeled out of there.

"He's so dead." I said through gritted teeth.

"Who?" Brian asked.

"Tony, he runs the mob that Anthony belongs to. He killed my parents in revenge for the death of Anthony, so basically he called for a war."

I quickly called Amber on my blue tooth. She picked after the first ring.

"Kristina you okay?" Her voice called out.

"I'm fine, but start making calls, we're about to have a war."

"A war? Why?"

"Tony decided to kill my parents in revenge for the death of Anthony."

"Anthony for your parents, ya thats asking for war."

"So you going to call people? I'm going to Mike."

"Ya, Chloe and I'll make some calls."

"Thanks." I replied.

"No problem, but hey Brian?"

"Ya," Brian asked unsure of what Amber was going to say.

"Watch out Kristina's about to get really dangerous and really fast."

"Okay," Brian replied unsure to believe Amber or blow her off.

'I'm serious, she's probably going about 220, and has 2 or 3 guns on her."

"Okay, will do." Brian replied.

He probably believes Amber, good for him. Since Amber was right.

I arrived at Mikes house, whipped out my gun, and told Brian to stay in the car.

I ran Mikes office, thank god he was alone.

"Can I help you Kristina?" He asked calmly.

"I need your help bring Tony down. He killed my parents."
♠ ♠ ♠
Well chapter 22! yay!

Good? Bad?

Hate me for my cliffhanger?

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