Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 24

I laid on the bed with the doctors and nurses rushing around me, with Amber in the hospital bed next to mine. The doctors around us were yelling things while i drifted between unconscious, the only thing on my mind being the war that had ended minutes before.

Amber and I ran in with our back up following us. The minute we opened the door we all starting shooting, Amber and I ran to the middle dodging bullets left and right and started shooting the people at the upstairs. I ran up the stairs, at this point losing track of Amber, I shoot every which where and finally came face to face with someone.

"Miss can you stay with us for another few minutes, please." A nurse asked while shaking and smiling at me.

I smiled back to the best of my abilities, "I'll try."

"She's type B positive, I need 3 blood transfusions." I heard the doctor yell.

I was blood type B positive, Amber was AB negative, so they were talking about me, how much blood was I losing exactly?

I lifted my head the best to my abilities and noticed the front side of my gown was red with my blood.

I laid my head back on the pillow and the dizziness kicked in.

The minute I saw the eyes of the person I shot, killing them on impact. I looked down and shot the guy Amber was fighting, Amber threw a smile at me and moved on. I caught someone attention because next thing someone was shooting at me. I shot back but my gun ran out. The guy smirked at me, and reloaded his gun.

With those few seconds I planned my next move.

"Miss, please just a few more minutes. Can you please stay with us?" The same nurse asked once again shaking me.

I nodded, "I can try."

The nurse nodded, "it may be hard but can you try really hard for me? Please?"

I nodded and the minute she turned back around I turned to Amber. I grabbed her hand grabbing her attention.

"You okay girlie?" I asked.

Amber nodded, "thanks to you."

I went to shake my head but that simple motion kicked in the dizziness to the extreme.

The minute the guy looked up I threw my gun straight at his head. He caught it but it caught him off guard as I kicked him in the stomach and punching in the face. Once he was on the ground I grabbed his gun and shot him in the head. But right after that my, or his, gun was shot out of my hand. I looked up and cam to face with yet another guy.

"Seriously miss you need to stay with me." The same nurse said once again shaking me and talking to me.

"Sorry but its hard with the dizziness."

She nodded, "I understand but how many fingers am I holding."

She shook her hand too fast and once again the dizziness took over.

I quickly spun and kicked the gun out of his hand. She, yes I was fighting another girl, smirked before kicking me and I landed straight on my back. I kicked up and she also handed on the ground. I tackled her and we were wrestling on the ground.

"Miss! Miss! Miss!" The nurse yelled once again shaking me awake. The minute she saw that my eyes were open she started yelling for the doctors. "Doctors! We're losing this one! Hurry!!"

The pointing caused the dizziness this time, and soon I was out again.

The girl flipped me with ease and soon I was on my back trying to swing back while she took swings at me. I went to flip her but instead I heard the floor crack. I got up and elbowed her in the kidney and she instantly fell to the floor. I got on top of her and started hitting her and grabbing the gun. Once I had the gun

"Miss! Lets talk, lets try that approach." The nurse said shaking me awake for what felt like the millionth time that night.

"Talking, okay." I replied trying to control my breathing.
"Whats your name?"

"Kristina Lange."

"How old are y--"

She never got to finish her question before I once again fell asleep.

The minute I had my fingers around the gun I heard the ground crack. I went to move but the next thing I knew both her and I were flying to the level below us. The girl broke my all but she looked still ready to fight so I shot her in the head. I looked around and saw almost everyone down except Tony.

"Miss! Please!" The nurse was now shaking me frantically.

"Hows Amber?" I wheezed out, it was starting to get hard to breathe.

"The women you came in with?"

"Yes, how is she?"

"She's fine. Both of you are going to be fine."

I wanted to reply but I couldn't since once again I fell asleep.

"TONY!' I yelled.

He turned around and starting shooting at whole smirking. I picked up the girl and hid behind her so Tony shot her and not me. Once Tony had run out of bullets I shot him in both legs. I smirked at him And punched him before shooting him in the head.

"Miss! Please just a few more minutes I swear."

"Amber's going to be fine right?"

The nurse nodded, "both of you will be fine."

"Have you called Brian or Zacky?"

"No we didn't know who to contact."

"Get my phone, tell Brian and to bring them all."

"Brian who?"

"Brian Haner, my boyfriend." I said smiling before I once again lot consciousness.

Once Tony was dead I noticed Amber on the floor and a guy was about to shoot her in the head. I jumped in front of her and got the bullet in the stomach. I groaned but shot the guy in the head and noticed everyone was either dead or gone. I called 911 and slowly lost consciousness as the blood pooled around the phone.

"Miss! I swear this is the last time but can you wake up?" The nurse said shaking me.

I nodded, "I'm up, I'm up."

"Good, we're in the operating room."

I nodded and a mask was pulled over my nose.

"Can you count for 10 backwards for me?"

I shook my head, "did you call Brian?"

The nurse nodded, "they're on their way, can you count please."

"10. . 9. . 8.. . " I never got to 7 before I was plunged into unconsciousness thanks to whatever they gave me.

But instead of memories a song kept playing in my head.

It begins with a dark glowing ember
something black burning its way out of me
searing the flesh
pain is the only thing i feel
scars all i see
oh no the fires burning my insides again
what can i do to silence my desire tonight
flames consuming reason
Leaving only ashes left
you will catch me regretting my decision

I can't keep telling myself what i want to hear
I can't just close my eyes

i know that
its killing me
and its poisoning the best in me
what i see i don't want to believe
so let me tell you more
about the lies i lead

that is how i chose to douse the flames in gasoline
broken teeth replace the blackout memories in my head
wreckage from the past haunts me, shakes me to the bone
i know it's over but i can't go home tonight
but after this i feel as empty as the night before
feel the pain and yet I'm still begging for more
masochistic nihilistic urging backward thought
my life's a mess and i can't find a way to fix it

I can't keep telling myself what i want to hear
I can't just close my eyes

its killing me
and its poisoning the best in me
what i see i don't want to believe
so let me tell you more
about the lie i lead

Calling calling out
the darkest reaches of my soul are riddled with self doubt
crawling crawling out
my will to fight will more than suffice
when others would lay down
it's only as dark as you make it

its killing me
and its poisoning the best in me
what i see i don't want to believe
so let me tell you more
about the lie i lead
♠ ♠ ♠
** song 5 on the playlist

By the way in case you didn't get it the italicized parts were flashbacks.

okay so i have 24 chapters, 97 comments, 45 subscribers, and almost 200 readers (I'm 9 off).
