Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 26

- - Zacky's pov - -

After Brian had gotten off the phone with the hospital, all of us rushed to the hospital. Brian and I ran to Kristina's and Amber's room.

Matt, Jimmy, and Johnny had went somewhere to do god knows what. Probably doing something stupid.

I walked in just as the doctor was checking Amber's vitals.

"H-how is she?" I asked, knowing the tears were forming in my eyes.

She just looked so helpless laying in the hospital bed like that. She had cuts and scraps all over her, she had a cast around her arm and legs. Most people looked peaceful with all the morphine they give, but not Amber.

Amber looked like she was in pain.

And it killed me knowing there was nothing I can do about it.

"I'm not going to lie, she's not doing to well." The doctor said.

"How b-ba-bad is it?"

"Well, she has a broken arm, leg. There was a bullet in her liver, another one in her stomach. Internal bleeding like no other, internal bruising as well. She's in a comma."

"Will she be okay?"

"Amber's a fighter, she'll make it through. She's been in bad situations before but never this bad, so she might not make it. Medically, speaking. As a friend I'm saying she'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Pain killers make you say things you wouldn't normally say. And well I know for a fact, Amber is deeply in love with a man named Zack. Has been for a while, she won't just leave him when she just got him back."

I couldn't help but smiling, "how do you know?"

"I've been Amber and Kristina's doctor for awhile. And again painkillers make you talk, I know all about you and Brian. Amber would never leave you, again, she'll fight through for you."

"Thanks Dr. . . "

"Dr. Jones."

"Thanks, Dr. Jones." I said sticking out my hand.

"No problem," Dr. Jones said walking out the room.

"Wait!" I called.

"Yes?" He asked when he walked back in.

"Hows Kristina?"

"She's doing better than Amber, she only had a bullet in her stomach and some bruising internally and externally but thats mostly all. Her condition is alot more stable than Amber's."

"So she'll be fine?"

He nodded, "she should be waking up soon actually."

"And Amber?"

"Will be fine, promise." The doctor said walking out of the room.

I moved so I was sitting next to Amber, and grabbed her hand.

"Come on, baby. I need you, please fight for me baby?" I pleaded.

Haven't I done this before?

Benn in this situation before?

Fucking deja vu

"Hey man, how are you?" Matt asked as he, Johnny, and Jimmy walked in.

"Like fucking deja vu just hit me." I answered.

The guys chuckled, while I stared at Amber in the bed.

"But are you okay?" Matt asked.

"I love her."

"We know!" Jimmy groaned.

"No, I love Amber with all my heart, and tonight proved it. When Brian got the phone call my world came crashing down, I wanted to go emo and shit and go cry in a corner. I didn't see the point of living anymore, she's my life source now."

Matt nodded, "I feel the same with Val."

Jimmy nodded as well, "and I with Leanna."

"I want to marry her." I said while smiling.

"Good dude, you really love her I can tell." Matt said.

"Wow, Zackys going to be the first to marry in our group." Johnny said out loud.

"Jimmy won't be far behind." Matt said.

"Neither will you be, if you grow a pair and ask Val already." Jimmy retorted.

"And Brian with Kristina." I said.

"Aww, Johnny doesn't have a girl yet." Jimmy pointed out.

"What about that one girl?" I asked.

"What girl?" Both Matt and Jimmy asked at the same time.

Johnny shrugged, while i chuckled and looked down at Amber.

I hope she makes it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I updated!

Happy? Bad?


please and thank-you