Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 27

- - Zacky's pov - -

Later that night both Jimm and Johnny left, leaving me alone with Amber. I held Amber's hand all night, hoping she would respond or something.

I can't standing wondering if she'll make it or not.

I watched the clock tick away andstill no sign of life from Amber. I didn't dare move or even look away. The only sound in the room was the heart monitor and the breathing machine. I felt a tear prick at my eyes as I watched Amber lay there help-lessly.

As I feel asleep that night I couldn't help but think about all the happy times I had with Amber.

- - Monday (3rd person pov) - -

No progress, Amber was still in a coma state with no signs of waking up. Zacky left the room 4 times that day. He only ate what the guys brought him and only left when he had to use the restroom.

That night Zacky dreamt about his and Amber's first kiss.

Good news was Kristina woke-up earlier that day.

- - Tuesday - -

Still no progress, Amber was in the same state with no signs of waking up. Zacky left to take a shower and grab more clothes. On his way back to the hosptial he stopped and look at engagment rings. Again he only ate what the guys brought him.

That night Zacky dreamt of him proposing to Amber.

- - Wedensday - -

Once again no progress with Amber. Zacky left the room 5 times that day to go to the bathroom, only eating the food Johnny brought him.

While Kristina's stomach wound is healing nicely, she should be walking within the next week.

Zacky that night dreamt the first time him and Amber exchanged 'i love you's'.

- - Thursday - -

Amber looked as lifeless as she did the the first day, her wounds were having complications. They were heeling too slowly and there was a chance of infection. Zacky left the hospital for the first time since Tuesday to go back home. He grabbed more clothes and once again looked at the perfect ring he found for Amber.

That night he had the same dreamt of proposing to Amber but this time he actually got to see her say yes.

- - Friday - -

The doctor once again worried over Amber's wounds, that day Zacky didn't eat he was too busy writing a song about Amber. He sat next to her bed the whole day pouring his soul out on to the sheet of paper. The guys were starting to get worried about Zacky, but understood because of his feelings about Amber.

That night Zacky dreamt of Amber's and his first date.

- - Saturday - -

The doctor looked at Amber's wounds, which still weren't healing, and decided that she needed to go back into surgrey. She would go in later the next day. That day Zacky refused to do anything other than stare at Amber and think about what the future was going to hold. All the guys once again thought he was crazy but said nothing at all.

None of them knew what he was going through.

Good news? Kristina walked today.

That night Zacky couldn't sleep he was too worried about Amber.

- - Sunday - - Zacky's pov - -

"Dude you look awful" Jimmy said walking to Amber's room.


"Did you sleep last night?"

I shook my head, "I was too worried."

"Go home, take a shower and a nap."

"I can't leave her."

"You can too, the doctor said the surgery's not till 2, so you can leave and come back by then."

"You sure?"

Jimmy nodded, "I'm super sure, I'll even stay with her."

"Thanks man."

"No problemo."

Three hours later Zacky was back on his way to the hospital, he had followed Jimmy's orders and took a shower and took a nap. He had also eaten a proper meal, the first in a week, and stopped my zales jewlers.

Remeber I told you about the perfect ring, I had found for Amber? Well I bought it

I walked to Amber's room, in a hour she would be in surgery. I couldn't help but pray to god that she would be okay.

"Hey Jimmy, and Matt" I said walking into the room.

"Hey Zacky" they replied walking out of the room.


I walked over and held Amber's hand and continued my silent praying.

I smiled in all the familar noises, knowing she was somewhat okay. I continued my praying and drowned out the world.

"Excuse me sir, but you need to leave." The doctor said as I was ebing escorted out.

"What? Why?" I asked frantically.

I watched doctors and nurses, running in and out of Amber's room, but no one would tell me what was wrong with her.

But one thing was running through my mind as I fingered the box in my pocket, would Amber be okay? Would she make it? Would I get to pop the question? Would I live the rest of my mind with what ifs?

Please God, don't let Amber take the girl.

Take the very breath you gave me
Take the heart from my chest
Ill gladly take her place if youll let me
Make this my last request
Take me out of this world
God, please dont take the girl
♠ ♠ ♠
hahaha guess what!

okay so i decided to become one of those responible writers, and actually write my chapters ahead of time!

Cuz now you're in luck! I might, or probaley, will update more often and on a more regular basis!

yay? I know right?

okay so comments?

oh! And I'm thinking of doing another story but I don't know if it should be all time low or a zacky v one. What do you think?


Please and thank-you