Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 3

"Keys anyone?" I asked sweetly holding out my hand.

Matt groaned and handed me the keys. I skipped out and ran to the BMW.

Amber glared and then rolled down her window "what?"

"Cd please!"

She rolled her eyes but handed me, my cd I walked back to the house and noticed the guys just staring into spare. I walked over to them and snapped my fingers infront of their faces. "Hello!"

They all blinked and looked like they had woken up from a trance. I shrugged and walked out motioning for them to follow. I got into the front seat and put my cd in, while the guys got in the back and Matt sat in the passenger seat.

"How fast does your car go?" I asked him.

"Fast" He answered shrugging.

I looked down the driveway to Amber, who was waiting. I smirked and backed out, stopping next to her. She looked towards me and smirked as well.

I pushed play on the cd and turned the volume up. That was the go signal and soon we were both speeding down the street.

Atreyu was blaring out the speakers while I raced Amber to the hotel.

**"So fuckin' blow those words out the back of your head,
I've heard it all and I'm done with that shit,
You tell me lies, and you get what you get,
so blow those fuckin' words out the back of your head."

On one street Amber took a left while I took a right. I looked at the street sign above me and cursed

"Fuck!" I said hitting the steering wheel.

"What? Whats wrong?" Matt asked concerned

"I fucking lost! I should have taken a left like Amber!"

"Are you guys racing or something?" Jimmy asked

"We race all the time, I drive faster than she does so usally I win."

"What hotel are you at?"

"The hilton, I think."

"Make a quick right here" Matt said pointing.

I smirked and increase my speed to make the light. There weren't many cars around and I was glad for that.

"And a left here." Johnny pointed out a side street.

"Go straight till Grand, then make another left." Matt said.

"Why?" I asked

"Shortcut" MAtt spoke up.

"Why were you assigned to this job?" Jimmy asked.

"Amber and I used to live here, my boss figured it was plus that we sorta knew the area."

"You did?"

"Ya, I grew up around here. We left about 2 years ago."

"Oh! When that huge massacre happened the warehouse?"

That made me laugh "That was a territory war, the mob was wipped out. Amber and I happen to belong to it, so we ran the next day."

"May 15" Brian and Zacky said and then sighed.

"Ingore them, their long time girl friends dissappeared that day." Matt explained.

"Dissappeared? More like left their sorry asses." Jimmy said causing Johnny to laugh and Brian and Zacky to glare at them.

"Left?" I asked, curious about what they thought about our departure.

"Ya, Zacky and I went to pick them up for our date. . .' Brian started

"But all their personals stuff like clothes, cds and stuff. . . " Zacky continued

"Were gone." Brian finished.

I sent the guys a sympathtic look, maybe it hit them harder than I had suspected.

"They didn't even say good bye" Zacky said looking down.

"We hoped they would come back, but they never have." Brian said mimicking Zackys actions.

I looked the rearview mirror and noticed all the guys looking sad, except for Matt who was eyeing me suspicially.

For the rest of the car ride was silent, guess they didn't notice that we were going 120.

We go to the hotel and Amber was no where in sight. So I took a picture of me infront of the hotel with my phone and sent it to Amber.

All the guys looked around, probaley making sure no one was trailing us.

I rolled my eyes "We race to make sure no one can follow us, most people cann't handle our high speeds."

"How fast were you going?" Johnny asked.

I smiled innocently "120"

The guys laughed and followed me up to our suite.

We were finished ordering food service when Amber bust through the door.

"Bitch! How did you win?" She yelled tackling me to the ground.

She had me pinned "Because i took a shortcut!"

She losened her grip for a moment, and I took it and rolled her over, pinning her to the ground.

"Now remeber, you're my bitch not the other way around."

Amber rolled her eyes and started to struggle against me.

"Damn! Girl on Girl action!" Jimmy yelled causing the whole room to laugh except us.

I got off of Amber and helped her up. She grabbed me and replied "ya got a problem with it?"

I turned and she licked my cheek. Jimmy gulped and said "n-n-no"

I glared at him, while Amber smirked at him and went over to him. She pushed him down on to the chair and stratlled him. "Aww to bad now we can't have fun" she whispered in his ear.

He gulped even louder and looked frightened. Causing all the guys to laugh and Amber slid off of him, "Till next time" She winked and walked to the bathroom.

I looked at Jimmy, and laughed even harder. "Whats so funny?" one of the girls asked.

"Did you see Jimmys face?" The guys said and laughed harder.

One of the girls looked at me and I pointed at Jimmy, "Someones happy, and Amber is in the only bathroom, hence the 'till next time' crack."

The guys and the girls looked at Jimmy, who was red by now, and laughed.

Jimmy turned to one girl and glared at her. "Sorry but no Jimmy." She replied.

I recongized her, she was Jimmys girlfriend Leana. The only other girl I recongized was Val, Matt girlfriend, who was giving me the same look as Matt.


But what did they suspect?

And should I be suspicious?
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Thanks for the two comments I got!

**=Song one on Playlist