Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 30

- - Amber's pov - -

"God Zacky, you're such a sap" I told him once he looked up at me.

"OMG! You're awake!" Zacky cried hugging me tightly against him.

I rolled my eyes. "yes I am and again I repeat god! You're such a sap!"

"What! How am I a sap?"

"A) I had to wipe your tears away you were crying so much, b) you almost crushed me with that hug, and c) only saps sing country songs to their girlfriends in the coma."

"Brian cried more than I did when he thought Kristina was dying."

"How would you know? Were you there?"

"You could see the liens of eyeliner from a mile away!"

I laughed at remembering him, "ya you could. It was funny."

"Exactly! But you can't see my eyeliner can you?"

"You're not wearing any!"

"Yes I am!"


"Duh! When do I not wear eyeliner?" Zacky pointed out.

"I don't know, but the next point, you could have crushed me with that hug!"

"Because I wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming!"

"You should have figured that out when I wiped away your tears!"

"Well sorry for wanting to make sure that they girl I love is actually awake and I'm not dreaming it!"

I opened my mouth to say something when Jimmy walked into the room.

"Hey Zacky, how ya holding up?" Jimmy asked.

"I'm fine bu-" Zacky started but I cut him off.

"I'm fine too, hanks for asking Jimmy."

"AMBER!" Jimmy yelled while running over and grabbing me into a hug,

"Nice to see you too Jimmy but you're choking me."

"Oh sorry," Jimmy said releasing his death choke and moving back.

"So is Jimmy a sap too?" Zacky asked.

"No! He's excited, you're the sap!" I yelled.

"What?" Jimmy yelled at the same time as me.

"But point b! He could have crushed you with that hug!" Zacky pointed out.

"What about point a or c?"

"Jimmy cried too! And umm fuck I don't think he sang."

"You cried?" I asked while turning to Jimmy.

He shrugged, "a little I didn't want to loss one of my closest friend."

"Thats so sweet," I said wiping a tear away.

"Now who's crying!" Zacky pointed.

"Shut up! You're still the sap Zacky!" I yelled back.

"Only you two would have a fight after coming out of a coma," Jimmy said while shaking his head.

"I'm a sap for crying because I thought I lost the love of my life, for singing a song that fit perfectly with the moment, for almost crushing her when I found out she was awake?" Zacky asked.

I nodded, "yes, but I love you anyways."

Zacky hugged me, not as tightly this time. "And you're mine and only my sap, got it?" I said.

Zacky nodded and kissed my forehead, "as long as I can call you mine."

I giggled and open my mouth to say something but Jimmy cut me off.

"Lets get this straight, Zacky is cheesy, Brian is the sap."

"Why would you say that?" I asked.

"He did cry when they thought Kristina died, confessed his love a moment later in a hospital, oh and he cried when she sang of all things plus 44." Jimmy explained.

Zacky laughed, while I asked "Kristina sang +44?"

Jimmy nodded, "when your heart stops beating by the one and only +44."

"Your next tour should be with Atreyu." I said randomly.

"Why?" Both Zacky and Jimmy asked.

I shrugged, "I fucking love them, and it would be cool to meet them."

"So your going on our next tour?"

"If its with Atreyu, yes. But if not, I'll think about it, okay?"

Both Jimmy and Zacky nodded while everyone walked into the room.

"Amber, you're awake!" Kristina shouted.

"Thanks for ruining the surprise, Kristina." I said sarcastically.

"Oh well sorry"

"Its okay, and guess what!"


"BRIAN'S A SAP!" I yelled.

Everyone burst out laughing except Brian, who looked pissed.

"Why?" He asked.

"You cried when Kristina sang +44!" I pointed out.

"Seriously Brian out of anyone group you cried to plus 44?" Zacky asked.

"Shut the fuck up dude."

"Hey Matt who are you going on tour with next?" I asked.

"Atreyu, why?"

"YAY!" The three of us, Zacky, Jimmy, and I, screamed while clapping.

"You guys are all fucking crazy, now shut the hell up some people are sleeping!" Johnny snapped.

"Aww we're sorry Johnny, did we disturb the young one?" I cooed at him.

Everyone laughed at that but Johnny who grumbled something and then went to sit in the corner and be all sad.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay! Amber survived!

hahaha, i liked this chapter

so I think this story is coming to an end but i'm not sure

and then I'm thinking i want a new story!

But i cant decide, between

an adoption story (you know when a person in a band adopts a kid)


a lost kid one (you know when a person in a band finds out they have a kid)

I'm thinking the latter
and the band would either be My chemical romance or Avenged Sevenfold

again thinking the latter

opinions on my next story?

please and thanks