Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 32

"Home sweet home," Brian said throwing open the door to his house open.

I chuckled, "thanks for letting me stay here."

Brian wrapped his arm around me and rested his forehead against mine. "Its no problem, I love having you here."

"You are a sap! You're a sap, and you're corny."

"But you love it, just admit it."

"I do."

Brian smiled and tightened his hold around me, closing any space between us. Brian kissed me.

I rested my head on Brian's shoulder, we stood in silence till Brian broke it.

"Okay, I have another corny line."


Brian looked me in the eyes and said, "baby you're like the other piece piece of me, we're like two pieces of a puzzle, we complete each other."

I burst out laughing, "thats the cheesiest line ever."

"Well you ruined the moment."

"Because of you and your cheesiness."

"Whatever you say my dear," Brian said pulling me back to into his arms.

"Listen I was thinking" Brian started but was cut off my phone.

Seems that doomsday has come early this year
The last angel has gone
I can't reme-

"ahh shit thats my phone let me go get it."

Brian nodded and let me go.

"Hello?" I answered


"Oh hey what up?" It was my boss, I waited a few seconds for the code phase.

"Shot through the heart and you're to blame, Darlin' you give love, a bad name."

"Well then fuck you."

"Good, you're safe are you and Amber okay?"

"Ya we'll fine, she was in a coma for a while but we were released today."

"Well I have a job for you too if you want it?"

"Easy or hard?"

"Relatively easy, one-two shots at the most."

"We'll take it, when does it need to be done by?"

"Friday, oh and there's a staff meeting on Thursday."

I chucked into the phone, "whens the last time we actually went to one of those?"

"I believe two years ago."

"And what happened?"

"You shot the new guy because he was being an asshole."

"He was! He deserved to be shot, he even took a shot at me!"

"But he missed didn't he?"

"Exactly my point you don't need a guy on your staff who can't shot me at point blank."

I heard my boss chuckle, "glad you're looking out for me."


"Okay well don't forget the job, and can you try to show up?"

"Why? You planning a war?"

"No I thought you two might want to meet the new hit men, you know make sure they can hit you point blank."

"Ya no thanks, but I'll pass on the message to Amber and we'll think about it."

"Thats all I'm asking. That and you not to shot anyone."

"See! I knew there was a loophole!"

"There always is, bye Kristina."

"Adios." I said as I closed my phone only to call Amber.

"Ello amiga!" I heard Amber cheerfully answer the phone.

"British and Spanish?"

"Yup! I'm trilingual now."

"Ya whatever."

"Did you call me to insult me?"

"No, I called to tell you that Mike got us a new job."

"So early?"

I shrugged before realizing she couldn't see, "I guess so, we do it this Friday."

"Ya Friday will be fine."

"Oh! There's a staff meeting on Thursday."

I hear Amber start laughing, "so? Does he not remember what happen last time?"

"He said I should still pass on the message."

"Weird, well I have to go."

"Getting rid of my so soon?"

"That and my leg hurts like a bitch so Zacky's making me take my pills."

"Aww how sweet."

"Shut up, I will beat you ass with my leg."

"Gotcha," I said knowing Amber didn't do well with pain and probably could / would beat me up.



I closed my phone and walked back over to Brian.

"What were you saying?" I asked putting my arms back around Brian.

"That I was thinking you should go on tour with us."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay that was chapter 32

only 8 more chapters
and the drama is just around the corner *smiles evilly* so be ready


please and thank-you!!

Oh! and read this story - if you think my story is harsh or people are mean in it read hers its worsteven though is totally lied about about the woods in chapter 4