Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 33

"That I was thinking you should go on tour with us." Brian told me.

"Maybe, when do you leave?"

"Next week."

"You leave in week?"

"Ya that a problem?"


"So will you go?"

"Maybe, I'll see if my boss needs me or he can hold down the fort."

"You're already going back to work? You just got out of the hospital."

"I'm fine, and I have to go back to work."

"No you don't, you can stay here and be happy. And you won't get hurt."

"What will I do here? Get another job?"

Brian thought about it for a minute, "ya but after we go on tour."

I rolled my eyes, "oh ya that will be so easy. What will I put on my resume? That I've never had a job? Ya people will be so willing to give me a job."

"Then you can be one of our merch girls, that will be work experience."

"Work experience? How? I collect money and give them a shirt or a jacket, how is that experience."

"You work with money, thats something."

"Ya for a 16 year old, I'm 24! And how am I supposed to pay my bills with that kind of pay check."

"You can't have that much in bills," Brian replied.

My jaw dropped, "excuse me? I probably pay more in bills than you do."

"You don't even pay taxes."

"Thats most mobsters are caught, by fucking tax invasion. You think I'm that stupid?"

"You're stupid enough to be in the mob."

"How is being in the mob, being stupid?" I growled.

"Because you kill people for money, sometimes innocent people how is that not stupid."

"I don't only kill innocent people."

"How the fuck would you know if their innocent?"

"Because I read their fucking file before I pull the fucking trigger."

"And who the fuck says the file isn't a fake one."

"Because I hack into the police database and get some of the fucking files there, so unless you think your police forge files I'd say their real."

"And hacking into the police database isn't stupid?" Brian growled back at me.

"Not when you have an inside man on the inside of the police, fbi, cia, name it I have one."

"So you think they're going to save you if something goes wrong?"

"They know if they didn't I would blow their heads and their families heads off."

"But you would be in jail, how would you?"

"They can't put me in fucking jail, they've tried there's never enough evidence and no judge in the state of California will convict me."

"And why the fuck not?"

I smirked evilly, "only two judges have ever tried both committed suicide, both shot a bullet through their head."

"So now they won't try you?"

"Exactly, no judge has come out alive and my attorney rips apart the other lawyer in her opening statement. No jury would believe them after that. So why try?"

"Because you kill innocent people! And you don't feel bad about it!" Brian yelled.

"No one can prove it! And not everyone is fucking innocent."

"Name one person who wasn't innocent."

"Berry Malt, convicted felon the police could never catch him he had a fetish of having sex with underage girls, he raped and killed over 9 girl before he kidnapped my boss' daughter. Two days later he was found with a bullet in his head, he committed suicide and the daughter and the other girl he had were released safe and sound."

"Wow one out of what a million?"

"Derak Lilt, he didn't have a fetish he just loved to watch people die slowly and painfully. He would put his victims in a glass case while slowly pumping poisonous gas through a tiny ole. The victim would beg to die after 2 or 3 hours, but he would slow down how fast the gas went it and make them suffer another 5 or 6 hours. He made a mistake and took our allie mob's daughters best friend's mother. He was found 2 days later in his own case dead, and the mother was fine after."

"Serial killers and innocents is that all you go after? You still make a fortune on them."

"Zackary Derry, remember him?"

"The guy that embezzled from us."

"Right, how much did he take?"

"2 hundred, big deal."

"Wrong he took over 40 grand, all from your cd sells, he drain all of your accounts."

"But only 2 hundred was missing."

I rolled my eyes, "Amber and I put in our own fucking money till we found yours. Once we did it was all squared away, but I didn't make any money off that kill."

"He could have been tried in a court of law and then gone to jail."

"Are you a fucking idiot? He was in fucking Chile, that where Amber and I went for a month. He went to Chile and Chile's government refused to give him up. He would have never been tried, and it would be a too bad so sad case."

"Fine but what about the rest of the innocents you kill?"

"If I'm on your doorstep, chances are you did something to put me there. Something you did not someone else, so you can't be totally innocent. Especially since half of them expect me."

"So for one mistake a person deserves to die?"

"Maybe, maybe not! It's not my fucking choice its yours."

"So its their fault to die!?"

"If you fuck over the wrong person, then yes."

"So if you fuck over person, you deserve to die? Than everyone deserves to die!"

"It's my fucking job I don't choose if you die or not, I just pull the fucking trigger and then collect the fucking money. It's not my choice."

"It's your choice to pull the fucking trigger! You could say no!"

"You could say no and stop playing all your fucking concerts! You always said you wanted to fucking settle down and raise a fucking family! But you fucking don't, why?"

"Because I can-"

"Right because of your fucking touring schedule, so don't fucking tell preach saying no to myself when you can't do it yourself."

"Don't turn this on me! My job doesn't fucking hurt innocent people."

"No of course not," I replied sarcastically.

"Who the fuck is my job hurting?"

"People get hurt in every fucking mosh pits! What about those girls who get forced to fucking crowd surf and then fall? Those people aren't innocent?"


"What about the people who go to fucking high school and are fucking beat up every fucking day for being 'emo' since they like your band?"

"We can't control that."

"I can't control it either, if I didn't pull the fucking trigger someone else would. But you can say no, and no one would get hurt because of your band!" I said starting to raise my voice."

"They would get hurt at other concerts." Brian replied raising his voice as well.

"Exactly! It's not something anyone can control, it just something that fucking happens. So get over it."

"Fine, but I still don't see how you pay that much in bills."

"I have to make a fucking house payment, did you see my house? My monthly payment alone is 4000, don't forget the 2 or 3 thousand I have to pay in electricity."

"How the fuck do you use that much energy?"

"Jeeves takes a lot of power, and don't forget the 5 car payments I have."

"Well you don't need so many fucking cars."

"But I do need to buy bullets every fucking month, and new guns."

"Not if you had another job!"

"Well I have the job I have now get the fuck over it and move the fuck on."

"Are you ever going to get a fucking new job?"

"Why the fuck would I? I need it, it pays the fucking bills and I happen to like it."

"What if it puts me or Zacky or anyone in the band in danger again? You and Amber going to run off again?"

"Yes! Why the fuck wouldn't I?"

"So you're going to let the job tear you away from the person you love?"

"And you wouldn't? What if your girlfriend was fucking pregnant would you stop going on fucking tour."

"Would you stop going on fucking jobs if you got fucking pregnant."

"I would go on them until it was too fucking dangerous for the baby. But would you stop going on tour just because your fucking girl was fucking pregnant."

"I would go on tour till it got close to the fucking due date or she was having complications."

"Would you quit the fucking band if she could possibly get hurt."

"I don-"

"Exactly, don't fucking judge me if I left for your fucking safety. You don't fucking know what you would do if you were in that position. So shut the fuck up and get off your mighty horse." I hissed with venom leaking from my words.

Brian rolled his eyes, "but you could have done something else but you didn't!"

"You know what call me when you fucking grow up and get your fucking head out of the fucking clouds and you fucking realize fucking reality." I yelled as I threw open the door.

"You wouldn't fucking change for me, why the fuck should I fucking change for you?" Brian yelled after me.

I glared at him before giving hi, the middle thing and getting in my car.

I looked back once I was down the road figuring Brian would have realized something and look at least somewhat sad, but instead he looked smug.

He looked like he had fucking won something.

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I really did plan for 40 chapters I swear, but it looks like it may be shorter.

So sorry if it ends sooner than planned, but don't worry the ending is muy bueno!


Please and Thank-you!