Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 4

Room service came and left, and soon we were settling down to sleep. The guys were taking the living room, since Amber and I need our sleep.

I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth, planning on going straight to sleep, once I hit the bed. But my plans never work out since sitting on my head was none other than

Val and Matt

"Can I help you guys?" I asked as sweetly as I could muster in my tired state.

"Val have you noticed, she acts as if she knows us." Matt stated

I was confused until Val finished the thought.

"Though we were never introduced."

ohh I got it, I thought and then soon enough another thought came to mind Shit! I'm falling back it the old habits I had! Got to fix that.

"Well I know from the folder you're Val, and Matt and my name is Kri-"

"Kristina Lange" Matt finished for me.

I was shocked but covered it up fast and played the innocent card "Nice trick, how'd you know my name?"

"Maybe because we've known you our whole lives."

"Sorry but I only met you only earlier today Val" I stated calmly.

"Cut the bullshit." Matt said

"No you cut the bullshit! Tell me what the fuck is going on, or what you think is going on before I get pissed." I said trying to calm myself down.

"Just admit it Kristina" Val said looking straight at me

"Admit what?" I said glaring at the both of them

"You know what" Matt said mimicking Val and looking straight at me.

I sighed and looked down, I walked over and sat between them.

"Fine, I am the Kristina Lange, the one who you've known for practically my whole life, the who used to be best friends with both of you, and the one that ran away two years ago." I said looking down the whole time.

I felt someone put them arm around me and give me a one armed hug ,Matt, then the other person wapped both arms around me and gave me a real hug, Val.

I suddenly jumped up as I realized something. "Do they know?"

Val shook her head "Jimmy and Leana recongized Amber though I think, she still acts the same."

"you on the other hand, let your anger out more." Matt said shaking his head.

I smiled and shrugged "I used to take in out on our jobs, but lately I haven't been able to."

"Until today." Val pointed out.

"And did a damn good job about it too." Matt said shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes "shut up, and don't tell the others."

Both looked shooked but Matt spoke up "And why the hell not?"

"Because I don't want the akwardness and niether does Amber, and once we leave we promise never to step back into your lifes."

"You're leaving? Again?" Val asked

"We're just here fo the job, nothing else." I said going back to looking at the ground

"So, you don't miss us?"

"No! Never think that, I miss you guys everyday since I left."

"What about Brian?" Matt asked the question on his and Vals mind.

"Of course I miss him too! He was my best friend." I said hoping they didn't go further into the topic.

"Do you still love him?" shit! It was like Val to always ask the unwanted questions.

"Do you ever stop loving your first love?"

Val and Matt shrugged "I never left mine" Val said snuggling up to Matt.

I laughed "Don't be getting any ideas, I'm tired."

Neither of them moved but laid down on my bed. I laughed again "So get out"

Val shook her head and snuggled up to Matt even more.

"I hate you people" I said walking out to the living room.

Amber was sitting in a chair by the door. I walked up to her "Go sleep in your bed, Matt and Val took mine. I'll watch the door."

Amber sleepily nodded and walked to her bedroom. I noticed the layout of the room: Brian on one of the couches, Jimmy and Leana on the other, Zacky on the armchair, with Johnny and the two girls on the floor.

i decided to go bother Brian for the couch since it was closest to the door, and easier to find behind if something did go down.

"Hey Brian!" I poked him he didn't respond, he was too busy ingrossed in the godfather. "Brian!" I poked him again.

"Brian!" I whined and that finally got his notice.

"What?" He asked turning to me.

"Matt and Val took my bed, so I have to sleep out here because Amber is hell to wake-up. And this couch is closet to the door." I explained


"I need to be close to the door!!"

"Stop whining! Why?"

"To make sure nothing happens and if something does I can be ready" I explained

"You think something might happen?" Brian asked worridly

"No, buts a precautionary."

"Oh okay"

Brian moved over so you could lay down infront of him.

I glared at him, I was wayy to tired to play this game with him.

"What?" Brian asked innocently

"You didn't move!!" I whined, and stomped my foot.

"Yes I did! See theres all this room for you!" He said pointing to the space infront of him.


"You're not taking the whole couch, then where would I sleep?"

"On the floor!"

"What? But I'm your guest." Brian stated pouting.

"True, but I saved your life!"

"You also pointed a gun at my head."

"I'm paying for this room."

"So is Amber and she said, and I quote, make yourself comfortable and I did,"

"Well go get comfortable on the floor."

"No, we can lay comfortable on this couch together."

He smiled innocently and glared back, he noticed and his smile got bigger. I shook my head and ran back to my room.

I jumped on the bed inbetween Matt and Val. Both turned and looked at me.

"Can we help you?" Matt asked.

"Can I sleep here please?"


"Please?" I asked putting on my best puppy dog eyes

"Thos don't work on me, so no."

I turned towards Val "Please Val, please don't make me go back out there!"

'No" Her reply was the same as Matts.

"Please!" I begged putting my puppy dog eyes on.


I pretended to sobb into the pillow. She looked a Matt, and put on another sympathic look, Matt glared at me and picked me up.

"What are you doing? Why are you picking me up?" I asked looking over my shoulder and Val just waved and smiled.

"Because you're not sleeping with me and Val." He said walking towards the living room.

"PLEASE!!" I whispered loudly in his ear and pounded on his back.

He flinched "Damn! You're stronger, and heavier than I would thave thought."

I smirked "Duh! I don't do what I do, for nothing."

Matt laughed and dropped me on the couch infront of Brian, who hadn't moved since I left.

"Don't let her leave." Matt said walking back to my room.

"Hey! Don't be doing the nasty in MY bed! I still have to sleep there, ya know?" I cried jumping up and trying to run after him but Brian wrapped his arm around me.

Everyone who was awake laughed, and Matt shook his head and gave me the finger.

I struggled against Brians hold but he just tightened it. "Dang girl! You're strong."

I rolled my eyes "Did you forget what I do for a living?"


Brian pulled me down till we were both laying comfortably on the couch, his arm still around me and my head on his other one.

"Comfortable?" He asked.

"If I say no, will you sleep on the floor?"

He chuckled "No"

I grumbled "Then I'm fine, thanks."

"You know I've only known you for a couple hours but I feel as if I've known you for my whole life. Ya know?"

I knew excatly what he ment but I couldn't flat out tell him. Yes, Brian I do know how you feel. And by the way you probably feel that way because you have known me my whole life. Remeber I lived down the street, we dated for 2 years and then I suddenly leave. Ya, that would go down greatly!

"You know what I realized?" He asked.


"You called my Brian, most people call me by my stage name."

Stage names?

Oh! Right! They're in a band!


"The assignment folder has birthnames, do you want me to call you something else?"

There, that sounded like a convincing lie.


"Nope" He said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

Thank Fucking Bob! He brought it!

What? Oh that! Well I don't want to cuss and take God's name in vain, so I say thank fucking bob. Gosh

"Hey -" Brian started but stopped and started laughing. I could feel it through his chest and reverbrate in me, I loved that feeling and snuggled closer.


I nodded my head, no reason for him to know the truth.

"What was so funny?" I asked once he had draped the blanket over the both of us.

"I realized that I don't even know your name, and yet here we are snuggling." He said making us both laugh.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable, "I can leave if you want."

"No!" He said suddenly and pulled me closer.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm good if you are."

I still felt really uncomfortable. "No, no, I'm just going to go."

I started to get up and turned and saw Brian's face fall. He looked back at the T.V., pretending he didn't notice the tense situation.

"Kristina, thats my name so don't wear it out." I said before running back to my room.

I jumped back to my bed, between Val and Matt. Who both turned and stared at me, I shook my head and muttered

"Too soon."

Val nodded understandly, and Matt just rolled his eyes. I heard Matt and Val get up but I was too close to sleep to actually notice anything.

A few minutes later and closer to lalalaland, called dreams, I heard the bed shift again signaling someone was laying on my bed.

Whoever it was muttered "sorry", and not a minute later I hit lalalaland.

But my dreams hat night were plagued with one thing:

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay heres the next chapter!

hahaha any good?

Thanks for the feedback, its always welcomed!