Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 6

"Because they still love you." Those words still echoed in my head.

Thanks Val I thought sarcasticlly You really know how to make a situation akward don't you?

After telling me that Val got up and went to the airport with Amber, I left about 10 minutes later. We asked the guys once again about their agenda and then said something about recording, so Amber and I raced to to recording studio.

So here we are, sitting watching the guys agrue over whos going next.

I pulled out my ipod and listened to Atreyu hoping to get those words out of my head.

**"It's cryin', bleedin', lying on the floor
So you lay down on it and you do it some more
You've got to share it, so you dare it
Then you bare it and you tear it"

Val nuged me as the song was coming to an end, I looked towards what she was pointing at. Amber was staring at Zacky with that same look she had 2 years ago.

It was confirmed, Amber was still in love with Zacky.

And from what Val told me this morning, he was still in love with her.

I smiled, I wanted Amber to be happy she's been my best friend since forever. We were always protecting one and another, never letting our gaurds down long enough to be in a real relationship.

If one did let their guard the other would be there to make sure they didn't get hurt. But in one relationship we both let our gaurds, and we both were truly happy.

We both were in love, cliche high school love? That rarely last? Was it that? I would hope they saw it as more, because we both did.

"Stop staring" I hissed to Amber, I didn't want her to risk our covers just yet.

She nodded understanding what I ment.

After Zacky's part they were finally done with the one song, they wanted to show it to us. Soon melodies were flowing out the speakers and then we were greeted by Matt's voice:

"A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me."

The song was beatiful, it held so much feeling. I found myself swaying to the music until the chours came and I almost lost it:

"Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away."

That verse sent a new memory in to my head, and I could feel the tears burning behind my ears. They were taunting me, threatening to fall but they never do. I stared into the space infront of me trying to push them back, I couldn't cry not now, not ever.


"Its so. . ." I tried to explain

"So what?" Brian asked.

"I want to say beautiful but its a complete understate ment for how truly beautiful it is." I said staring at the sun that was setting over the waves. Sending blue, pink, and purple streaks across the sky. Brian and I had driven for a little over an hour to this cove next to the beach.

We currently were sitting on a blanket watching the sunset.

"I know the feeling." Brian said.

"Really how?"

"Because the sunset isn't even half yo-"

"If you say I'm more beautiful than the sunset, I will smack you."

"What? Why?"

"Because its so sweet, but so over used and cliche."

Brian thought about this for a moment "Good point, but its the truth."

I grinned "Of course it is!"

I snuggled closer to Brian, and we sat content for a while till Brian's mood went from happy to sad.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

Brian grinned "You know me wayy to well."

"Duh! Now tell me."

"We'll the bands going to headline tour, and its for 6 months."

"Thats great! Your first headlining tour!" I exclaimed.

"But we're be apart for 6 months! Unless you want to come with us?"

"I can't I have a job, a life here sorry." I said looking down.

Brian grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him "Its okay, just don't forget me kay?" He asked pushing a stray peice of hair behind my ear.

I laughed "Forget you? Never. Promise not to forget me?"

Brian laughed too "I'll never forget you, promise.

Brian's mood peeked a bit while we sat and watched the stars come out, as the sun said its final good-bye for the day.

"Kristina?" Brian suddenly called.


"Who will you turn to once I'm gone?"

"Amber, and I call you if I need you."

We layed down watching the stars somemore when he once again broke the silence, this time with singing.

***"Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,"

I laughed "What you don't want Amber holding me?"


"And why not?"

"Because she can't hold you, or snuggle you, or kiss you like I can."

I laughed "Guess you're right."

"What to know else she can't do?"

"Whats that?"

"She can't turn you on like I can."

I laughed even harder.

"Atleast I hope se can't." Brian said after I didn't reply.

"She can't" I replied kissing him softly.

He kissed me back and then we went back to watching the stars. Once again he broke our silence.

"Hey Kristina."


"I love you."

I froze for a moment before smiling, it was the first time he had said those words to me. We had been dating for over 2 years, but we took it slow didn't want to rush anything. Even if he was leaving soon, I was touched by his words.

"I love you too Brian."

End Flashback

I never got to hear the rest of the song, because my flashback had lasted till the last note. Val, Leana, and Amber were clapping and smiling by the end, and I joined in with them. Hoping none of them noticed me zoning out.

The guys all gave us smiles except Brian and Zacky. "Whats wrong?" Amber asked.

Johnny, Jimmy, and Matt groaned, apparently they didn't like that question.

"It was written for our exs." Zacky said looking down

Amber flashed me an evil smile, my eyebrows rose in confusion.

"Oh the ones that left you?" Amber asked.

Shit! I thought. Now I understood her grin, she was going to prob and see how far she could get.

"Ya those." Brian replied slumbing on the couch next to me.

"I hear a story, care to share?"

"If you want to tell us, she means." I added shooting Amber an evil glare, she returned it with an innocent look of her own.

Both Zacky and Brian opened their mouth to say something, but Matt cut them off "Maybe it will be good to share with other people."

Everyone else in the room nodded, and hesitantly Zacky and Brian nodded their agreement.

"Well both Kristina and Amber, lived in the neighborhood." Brian started.

"They were the best of friends, protecting each other life sisters" Zacky continued.

"We meet them in school, they became close with Val." Brian continued.

"Sophamore year when Matt started dating Val, naturally all of us got closer." Zacky said.

"Kristina was in most of my classes, I bothered her to no end. Senior year I asked her to Prom, there I asked her to be my girlfriend. It was the fairytale relationship, we were perfect for each other. I had never envisioned myself as a guy who planned the future, but with her I did plan it. I was going to propose, I knew it just didn't know when. I had the ring picked out and everything, but I never brought it." Brian said sadly.

"With Amber it was different then with other girls, she was crazy and fun but serious as well. We would do random things like eat tacos because it was Tuesday, or spin in circles because it was Thursdays. She was randon in her own ways and kept life intersting, I fell in love with her for that. That and the courage never to back down, she was always so strong. But when her parents died I thought she would loose it, nope she never did. I, like Brian, wanted to spend the rest of my life with Amber, but I never had the chance to tell her." Zacky said equally as sad.

I turned to Amber and saw she was holding back the same tears I was.

But we vowed never to cry that fateful day we left Huntington, we've never broken te promise so why should ww now?

I blinked a few times, trying to hold those few tears threating to fall down at bay.

Finally the silence was broken by Johnny:

"Hey isn't it funny their names were Kristina and Amberm and your names are Kristina and Amber as well?"
♠ ♠ ♠
wow! you people rock!

Last chapter I happen to point out that I had: 5 chapters, 1 star, 11 subscribers, 29 readers, and 6 comments.

Well now I have 6 chapters, 3 stars, 23 subscribers, 51 readers and 11 comments!

yay! okay so anyway I'm in a hyper mood so you may actually luck out and get another chapter up by early morning tomorrow!

So anyway thanks for the comments! I always love the feedback!

**=Song Three on Playlist
***=Song Four