Myriad Nothings


Kris ran across the field- already graying from the lack of care after all the people whose jobs were to beautify the lawn died like the rest of the school- and quickly made it to the only safe zone he has encountered since the beginning of this mess. The local Jolt Mart. It was small and dingy, yes, with corners full of cobwebs and dust bunnies hiding under the counters. It was no wonder that it was the only place that Kris had found to be dead-free. Or in this case, undead-free.

It had been approximately two weeks since he had even seen another living walking human being and the ruins of the city pointed his prospects south. Sometimes he would imagine that a he might find another roaming survivor such as himself, but he always made sure that those imaginations would never grow, so that he may never grow hope for something that will never arrive. Life turned into a game of how far he could roam for more resources and what he had to chop down to get to his safe zone. Life became a battlefield.

His family was mostly dead; he discovered his parents’ bodies half hanging out of their bed. The reason why they are mostly dead is because he also considered his pet fish as his family. His name is Harry. He has been around since the beginning of high school, when Kris realized that he was the friendless kid, the one that students looked at when he spoke in class because they would not expect him to have anything to say at all, the kid who never was interested in clothes or cliques, but only those who noticed him. And apparently to Kris, no one did.

“Harry, don’t you worry,” Kris reassured the fish, petting the glass. “Those things definitely don’t want your flesh.” Harry was kept on the counter where a cash register would normally be lodged, but since no customers appeared, that was not necessary. His tank was supposed to be large and spacey, but that was too hard for Kris to transfer from his house to the Jolt Mart, so he had to take a much smaller tank. Thankfully, fish food was available in Jolt Mart, so Kris did not have to lose his only companion.

Jolt Mart was the beacon of light that saved Kris’s hopes of survival. It was a terrible place of business and the market was always deserted, but that is what made it perfect for Kris in the present. Jolt Mart was always stocked up, but never had customers for their sky-high prices, so now it became Kris’s main resource for everything he needed to survive. All their items remained in almost full stock when Kris found the empty store and even better, he found no alive-dead people.

From day to day, he scours the city for any alive person, but not for companionship. That ship has sailed. He searched for hope even though he also pushed it back, knowing his need for life on a seemingly dead earth. Kris’s tall, robust stature proved to help him in this battle. After all, he has survived this much. Even now, he is the last one chosen, as in gym classes when school existed. The difference is that now he is wanted- at least his flesh is.

He left the safe zone once again, after grabbing a baseball bat and a couple of water bottles. Kris was off again to find life.
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My first chapter of this story. Constructive criticism is encouraged! Comment if you liked it, hated it, I just want to know your opinions.