
Please do call

Christie hummed as she went about preparing a hot cup of herbal tea in her safe house. Little over a week had passed since the Avengers split, and the world was still attempting to process what exactly had happened. Christie wanted nothing to do with the media. She wanted to remain a nobody just like she was before the planet was attacked. Life was easier that way for her. When Fury had suggested her staying at a safe house until things calmed down, she readily agreed. Once people forgot about the sight of a woman in a white suit who flew around shooting balls of energy from her hands, then Christie would show her face in public again.

She took a seat in the small lounge and watched the news, seeing how so many citizens were inspired by the group of superheroes. Two teenage girls were shown on the screen, one as the Black Widow, and the other as Christie. Some news channels called her the White Widow, but others left her unnamed. Either way she didn’t mind. The last thing Christie wanted was fame from her unusual abilities. She took another sip of her drink as she saw a line-up of middle-aged men, all wearing red and gold and sporting facial hair. Christie shook her head at the thought of the obnoxious Iron Man just as she heard a knock on the door. Her senses heightened, knowing that any visits by agents were preceded by a phone call. Was she in danger?

Cautiously she moved to the kitchen window and glared at the back of the lone man she could see. He was in a business suit and had dark hair, but didn’t appear to be threatening. Nothing she couldn’t handle with her powers, she decided. Christie moved and opened the door, the man turning around. Tony Stark’s face lit up with a cheesy grin, and Christie automatically pushed the door to attempt to close it. Unfortunately for her, it came into contact with an expensive black shoe before it could shut, so she slowly reopened the door.

“What? You’re not happy to see me?” Stark asked light-heartedly.

“Why would I be? We’re the two who butted heads the most,” Christie remarked. “What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?”

“I hacked your SHIELD file to find your location,” he replied with a shrug. “Can I come in? I just want to check up on you.”

“I really don’t need checking up on,” Christie started, prepared to launch into a huge explanation in an attempt to push him away. It was the same rehearsed speech she had given the psychiatrist to end their sessions. But Tony’s genuinely concerned expression made Christie step aside. He walked in and headed straight to the TV, seeing more images of people celebrating Iron Man and some of their other favourite heroes. “Can I make you a drink? I just boiled the jug.”

“A coffee, if you wouldn’t mind,” he answered. Christie got to work and soon handed him a warm mug. “Thanks.”

“So, have you heard from anyone else?” Christie wondered as she muted the TV and returned to her seat.

“A few, yeah. They’re all doing well.”

“That’s good,” she replied with a small nod. Tony busied himself with drinking his coffee, and Christie decided to break the silence again. “And your company? Going well since you saved the world?”

“Yeah, people seem to support me a bit more now,” Stark answered with a small laugh to himself. Christie knew he wasn’t even trying to have a conversation, so she diverted her gaze and focused on her own beverage. “I want to run an idea past you. I know you’ll probably say no simply because it’s me offering, but please promise you’ll hear me out?”

“Sure,” Christie said, intrigued by learning why he had shown up at the safe house.

“I want you to come and live with me.”

“Hell no!” Christie shouted. She was completely taken aback by Stark’s serious proposal. All they ever did was argue, and she was enjoying her break from him!

“Hear me out!” Tony insisted, causing Christie to shrink back into the couch. “You’re the only one of the Avengers who doesn’t have a place to go. I have money; I can give you anything you want.”

“I don’t need your money,” Christie said simply.

“Why not?”

“I’m fine without money. I lived for over ten years without earning anything,” she shrugged.

“How could you have possibly done that?” Stark wondered with disbelief.

“Just used my powers to steal a few bucks here and there,” Christie explained, trying to wave it off. She didn’t need a reminder of the awful way she was used to living.

“So no more stealing. Live a nice life with expensive pretty things,” Tony suggested with some enthusiasm.

“No. I don’t need it,” Christie quickly repeated. Why didn’t he just stop? She let out a small sigh as she stared at the billionaire, trying to figure him out. He was busy gazing at nothing with a furrowed brow, clearly concentrating on something in his mind. “Why are you so adamant that I take money from you?” Stark’s eyes met hers again, showing some vulnerability.

“Because you saved my life. I couldn’t give a damn about how we were beforehand, okay? I’d just gone through a terrible break up, had some stressful business issues to work out, and was trying to defeat a powerful god and his alien army. Needless to say I wasn’t quite acting myself,” he said before running a hand across his tired face. Christie remained quiet, knowing he wasn’t finished. “Can we please just forget about how much we argued then? Can’t we start fresh? At least come to my house, spend a day or two with me so I can treat you to something nice. Otherwise… I’m just going to continue to feel in debt to you for what you did.” Christie was completely shocked. From her first impression, Stark was a selfish, arrogant man. But then again, the things he’d recently gone through would change anyone.

“I’d have to clear it with the agents that watch me,” she murmured, hardly believing she was giving in. He had pulled at her heartstrings and she felt like she should give him a chance.

“Yeah, of course. I’ll give you my number. Just let me know what flight you’re on, okay?” Tony asked as he pulled out a business card from his suit’s breast pocket. He placed it on the coffee table and gave a small smile.

“This had better not be an attempt to get laid,” Christie warned cheerfully, hoping Stark would laugh along. He did, but shook his head at the reminder of his old habit.

“No, it’s not. I’m too old for all that crap now,” he muttered before hastily downing the rest of his drink. “Thanks for the coffee. Don’t hesitate to call.” Stark stood as he set his mug down on the table, and then headed towards the exit. Christie followed, almost bumping into him when he stopped and turned right before the door. Stark’s eyes fell to the ground, showing he was uncertain of what to say.

“It was good to see you,” Christie smiled. It was now that he was leaving that she realised how much she missed human contact. The Avengers were good people, but now she didn’t even talk to any of them. Tony’s lips broke into a grin and his eyes met hers.

“It was great to see you too. Please do call,” he repeated, clearly really hoping she would. Christie nodded to give her reassurance, and then Stark opened the door and left. He strolled confidently down to the limo and got in, giving a quick wave goodbye before he sped off. Christie locked the door and went back to the couch to finish off the last of her tea. She spotted the business card Stark had left behind and noticed it wasn’t what she expected. Instead of a professionally printed card, it was just a small piece of white cardboard. Christie picked it up and turned it over, seeing a short handwritten note.

Please. 917-588-2697. Tony

She smiled at how she had the billionaire begging for her time. Christie understood, though. She had saved his life and, as he already knew from their arguments, she was stubborn. Without any hesitation, Christie reached out and picked up the phone to call the agent in charge of her situation. She had to arrange a time to leave.
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So, new story. If anyone's interested in reading more, let me know!