
Screaming my name in terror

Christie watched the sky tensely, barely able to see Iron Man speeding upwards to the hole in the atmosphere. Everything depended on this. Her life, the rest of the Avengers’ lives, the whole human race… This determined whether or not Loki ultimately won. Christie stared even though she couldn’t see anything. The hole closed. Nothing. Something. Something reflecting the sunlight. Red and gold plummeting towards the earth. Everyone around her, including herself, relaxed with relief until Thor realised he wasn’t slowing down and prepared to catch him. Instead, a large green mass intercepted Iron Man and placed him next to them. His mask was removed and Christie’s heart sank into her stomach. Tony wasn’t breathing. He was eerily still. Stark was so selfish, and that was why she didn’t like him. After all, how could you be a superhero if you only thought of yourself? But he had just proven that he did care for others, and this was the price he had to pay. That wasn’t fair. As the others lost hope, Christie became determined.

“You cannot die like this, Stark,” she muttered, more to herself than anyone else, as she stepped forward. All eyes on her, Christie dropped to her knees next to Tony and placed her hands on what should have been the glowing blue energy source. It had died, and Christie had unlimited energy to give. Summoning a strong ball of energy, she pulsed it from her hand and into the device, feeling it travel through the suit and into Stark’s implant. The light blue orb sparked and disappeared, and Tony didn’t respond. Christie tried again, but nothing happened. “Come on!” She shouted with frustration, furious that it wasn’t having an effect.

“I think he’s gone,” Captain America spoke gently from behind her, but Christie shook her head.

“He’s not. He can’t be! You don’t save the world and then die! Come
on!” Christie continued, firing another large energy sphere into Tony’s chest. Everything went into that one. Her pleading heart and soul poured into him through her energy pulse. But Tony didn’t gasp for air and wake up in shock. Nothing happened. Christie’s mouth fell open and she started to panic. She felt as though that should have worked, but it didn’t. What was going on? “T- Tony? No…” Christie summoned even more energy and sent it into his chest, begging for him to wake.

“Christie, I don’t think it’s working,” the Captain said before the Hulk roared with pure anger. Christie refused to give up. Time after time she sent more energy into him, tears streaming down her face. She’d hated the guy from the moment he captured her and took her to Fury, but now she felt passionate for him. He still wasn’t moving.

“Tony, don’t do this… Wake up… Wake up!” Christie doubled over as she sobbed, touching Tony’s face and feeling his rough skin. He was already turning cold. A large body kneeled next to her and a heavy hand fell on her shoulder.

“He is gone,” Thor said gently. But it couldn’t be true. Tony should be alive!

“No… Tony!” Christie wept as she stared at his pale face. Her eyes darted down to the device that no longer glowed. Why had it not worked? She could save him! She knew she could!

“Christie! Hey, you’re all right. Breathe,” Tony’s voice called as Christie’s eyes flew open. She was gasping for air and felt incredibly hot. Above her she saw Tony looking concerned in the dim light, and that was when she felt his hand against her cheek. He was safe. Tony was alive and well. With those thoughts, Christie managed to slow her breathing considerably. She shifted up and out of the blankets, allowing her body to cool off from the sweat, and she hastily rubbed at her eyes to get rid of the tears.

“Could I have some water?” she asked. Her head was pounding and her mouth felt as dry as a desert.

“Of course,” Tony answered, nipping out of the room and returning not long after with a refreshingly chilled glass of water for her. Christie gulped half of it down in one go. Tony took a seat on the edge of the bed, patiently waiting as he knew she’d speak when she was ready. Christie was too embarrassed to look at Tony so she kept her eyes low after she had recovered completely.

“I’m sorry for waking you,” she eventually said hoarsely.

“I tend to wake when someone’s screaming my name in terror,” he remarked. Christie looked at him, horrified that she had done so.

“Really?” she moaned with annoyance.

“Yeah. What was happening?” Tony questioned softly, hoping she’d answer. He just wanted to help, and was uneasy about the fact that something to do with him had upset her so much.

“It’s going to sound so stupid,” Christie breathed with a smile, knowing nightmares always appeared exaggerated and unrealistic once looked at retrospectively.

“I doubt it. Dreams are intense in the moment, I get that,” Tony shrugged. Christie glanced down at the glass in her hands as she took in a deep breath.

“It was back when Loki was here, and you… How you sent the missile through the portal and then fell back down…” she trailed off, pausing to glance up at him. Tony nodded, showing that he was following her. “And I tried to revive you. It happened exactly how it did in real life, but then you didn’t wake up. And no matter how hard I tried you… you stayed dead.”

“Oh…” Silence.

“It’s ridiculous isn’t it?”

“Not at all,” Tony quickly replied, but Christie sighed quietly as she didn’t believe him. He noticed and reached out to take her hand in his. “Can I tell you a secret?” Christie gave his hand a small squeeze.


“I’ve been having nightmares too, about the whole ordeal. Can barely get a night’s sleep without having one,” he admitted.

“I’ve had them too, but this was by far the worst,” Christie sympathised with a furrowed brow. She felt so relieved that someone else was experiencing it too. “I had no idea…”

“Me neither.” They paused and smiled at each other. “If you ever need anything…”

“You too,” Christie said and Tony nodded. After a pause she let out a trembling breath as she looked back down again. This was all so reassuring, but the feeling of losing Tony still stuck at the back of her mind.

“Hey, if you ever have a similar nightmare, try to remember how you did save me, okay? Because I am alive and well, thanks to you,” Tony smiled. Christie returned the grin. He was right. He was alive, so she didn’t have to worry.
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