
I promise you won't regret this

“Wow. This is just… unbelievable…” Christie breathed as she entered one of Stark’s many living areas. It was so spacious and well-decorated it seemed almost impossible to Christie. She’d never been standing on such expensive carpet in her life. “I can’t believe you call all of this normal…”

“It could be normal for you too…” Tony suggested with a smirk. His tone showed he knew she wasn’t convinced money was a good repayment yet, but he was still hopeful she would eventually give in. Christie gazed out of the large window that gave her a panoramic view of aqua sparkling water, an incredibly serene horizon.

“I couldn’t possibly go from having nothing to having everything,” she breathed. Tony grinned, just watching her move along and look wide-eyed at everything that decorated the room. She paused in front of a large golden statue and extended a finger, tracing a contour.

“Don’t touch that,” he stated, making Christie pull away from the expensive item with an apologetic expression.

“Oh! I’m so sorry!”

“Don’t be; I’m just fooling around,” Stark laughed.

“Jerk…” she muttered playfully with a chuckle.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t want to sleep in a room like this every night?” he asked as he strolled out of that room and into one of the guest bedrooms. Christie followed, mouth gaping as she took it all in. Beautiful decorations, modern design, and sunlight streaming in from the wall that was made of glass to give a stunning view of the sea; it made her feel faint.

“I’m dreaming, right?” Christie whispered. She walked in further and noted the gigantic bed, and she began to wonder how comfortable it was. All Christie had slept on since she’d escaped from the science facility was a thin foam mattress, and that had hurt every bone in her body. She tended to use her energy to prop herself up more comfortably. Walls without chipped paint and floors with clean, warm carpet were such a luxury to Christie.

“This is your room for when you stay,” Stark said, causing Christie to whip around and stare at him.

“No way!” Tony merely smiled his confirmation.

“I hope you’ll stay for a while.” Christie was suddenly reminded that she wasn’t just simply touring a friend’s house, but that Tony was intending for her to visit for a much longer time. Her excitement left and she turned to avoid eye contact.

“I probably shouldn’t.”

“Why not? Clearly you like what money can get,” he remarked, but Christie shook her head. She was still considering his proposition. The only bad thing about living here for a while would be Stark and his cocky attitude. “Come on, I promise I’ll show you a good time. I’ll be on my best behaviour. What do you say?” Christie hesitated. Was saying yes the right answer? Could she really put up with Stark the whole time?

“I guess I could stay for a while,” Christie mumbled shyly. Her gut was telling her it would be fine.

“I promise you won’t regret this,” Tony beamed. He stepped forward to embrace her, but was soon stopped.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, sir, but Jasmine is trying to call you,” Jarvis announced. Christie raised her eyebrows, surprised that the room was talking to Stark and wondering who Jasmine was.

“Jasmine’s my newest assistant, and Jarvis is my supercomputer. You’ll get used to it,” Tony told her casually, immediately knowing why she was confused. “Put her on, Jarvis!”

“Mr Stark, you should turn the TV on to channel three. They’re airing a promotional piece about your latest invention and I want you to make sure the technical details are correct,” Jasmine announced.

“All right, thank you,” Tony dismissed her nonchalantly. Jarvis automatically ended the call and switched on the large TV in the room to the correct channel.

“You invented that by yourself?” Christie wondered, amazed by what the device could do.

“Yeah. It’s a minor project I created since the whole Avengers thing,” Tony said with a shrug, already knowing he was intelligent and that shocked everyone. Christie’s admiration didn’t last long, as the review piece was cut short.

“Sorry to interrupt, but we have live coverage of a hostage situation,” a news reporter stated.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh. Choppy and short, I know. I will post the next chapter within a week, and then go to updating one chapter per week. The rest of the chapters are far longer than this, I promise.

Thank you to rocherchick8691 for rec'ing this, and to Seize-the-moment for the rec and the comment :D