
I won't leave your side

“Well, that’s that done. Pepper is officially cured,” Tony announced proudly with a quick brushing of his hands as he sauntered out of the hospital room. Christie smiled, knowing that he hadn’t contributed anything to the cure, aside from the payment. She set aside the newspaper as Tony took a seat next to her with a purposeful sigh.

“What?” Christie wondered. Her lips turned into a frown when she noticed how serious his expression was.

“I want to do something.”

“And what is that?” she questioned gently. Tony took her hand in his and forced himself to look into her eyes.

“I want to risk my life,” he stated.

“Not again…” Christie grumbled. “Why? Which terrorist do you want to go after now? Oh, or are you going after another god again?” Tony grinned briefly at her remarks, noting that she had picked up some of his sarcasm skills.

“I want to have an operation. I’ve got to get the shrapnel out of my chest,” he informed her. “I want this reactor gone. I want it all out of me. I talked to a surgeon and they said there’s a possibility that I’ll die on the table, but I have to take that risk.” Christie gripped Tony’s hand.

“It means a lot to you to get it out, doesn’t it?” she whispered. She could hear the passion in his voice and knew that she wouldn’t be able to change his mind.

“It could kill me. I’m jeopardising more by keeping it in,” Tony said with a small shrug. He ran his thumb across her smooth skin and Christie gave his hand a short squeeze.

“I’m not going to stop you, Tony,” she whispered.

“Thank you,” he said, truly appreciating her support. “I want you to be there though, just in case I need your energy again.” Christie chuckled and pulled him into a hug.

“I won’t leave your side,” she promised. Christie bit back tears as she imagined Tony not making it through the surgery. The thought made her feel sick to her stomach. Christie loved Tony. She could see his love for her when he had apologised profusely for putting her in so much danger. She had heard it in his voice when she finally listened to the message in the Iron Man helmet. She felt it through his fingertips when he gripped onto her in bed at night. Christie didn’t want to lose him.

“Do you remember when we first met?” Tony wondered and Christie immediately grinned.

“Of course.”

“You didn’t know who I was, and arrogant me was so shocked,” he laughed. Tony’s face fell back into his cold serious expression. “I am so glad that you’ve gotten to know me. It means so much to me, Christie.”

“I’m glad that we’ve spent this time together too,” she whispered, starting to choke up because of the tears that were welling up fast. To hide her distress, Christie lunged forward to embrace Tony, reminiscing to the time that they first met.


With a bag of groceries in one hand and a steaming herbal tea in the other, Christie walked quickly down a dark street of San Francisco. She didn’t pay attention to any of the other pedestrians as most of them were minding their own business. However, Christie noticed the man across the street, dressed in black and nervously looking at an approaching lone woman. The man soon made his move, nicking her bag before running away from her as fast as he could. Christie summoned some of her energy into her fingers and then released it. The almost unnoticeable white sparkle of energy flew across the road, past a parked car, and slammed into the thief. With a grunt the man fell over, crashing into the pavement and sliding to a stop. The robbed woman hurried up to the stationary man and took back her handbag before jogging away to safety. Christie smiled as she continued on her way home, glad that she had helped someone out.

“That was awfully nice of you,” a man spoke from behind her after she’d only taken a few steps. Christie hesitated. Barely anyone had caught her before, and even then they assumed that they were seeing things. Christie turned, expecting to see a normal passer-by with whom she could make a joke about the incident and then excuse herself from the conversation. Instead, she saw a man in a red and gold metal suit. It took her by surprise, causing the smart remark she had prepared to fade from her mind.

“What the hell?” Christie breathed. As if her and her powers weren’t wacky enough, now men were wearing full-body armour suits?

“Christie, right? You need to come with me,” the man said simply.

“Says who?” she asked.

“Says the government,” the armoured man replied. Christie felt her body tense. The last time the government wanted her, they ended up giving her the wretched powers that prevented her from having a normal life. “I’ve been told I can use force if you don’t come willingly.”

“Look, I don’t even know who you are, so-”

“You don’t know who I am?” the man interrupted, stunned that there was someone in America who didn’t recognise him. Whether it was his face or the suit, everyone knew who he was!

“Um, no…” Christie said, knowing that she was missing something. It was probably due to her not owning a TV or reading any newspapers. She stayed in hiding and didn’t care what was happening outside of the few blocks she walked around in.

“Tony Stark… Iron Man… Doesn’t ring a bell?”

“No, sorry,” she shrugged with a weak smile. Stark let the issue go as he exhaled a short sigh.

“Well I can tell you all about me once we get back to the helicarrier. Now, are you coming willingly or not?” he asked, giving the woman one last chance. Fury had sent him to retrieve the last person with superpowers that he wanted on the team, and he had said it would be an easy mission.

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” Christie spat. The gold mask slid down across the man’s face and its eyes lit up with a pale blue glow.

“Okay, have it your way,” Tony said before firing a blast from his palm at Christie.
♠ ♠ ♠
The flashback was originally the first chapter of this story, but I like it much better this way and skipping the Avengers part.

Thanks to powerofkisses for the comment - I'd love to hear what the rest of you thought of this chapter too!