
I’m Tony Stark, I do what I want

Christie sat on a bar stool, swinging her legs back and forth as she waited for Tony to finish his meeting with his assistant Jasmine. Her dark blue eyes were staring aimlessly at the sea out the gigantic window, wishing she was out there playing the superhero version of a water fight with Tony again. The hot sun, the cooling water, the laughter, Tony’s chest… Jasmine’s heels clicking against the hard floor snapped Christie out of her pleasant daydream. She looked up and saw Jasmine giving her a polite smile as she headed for the door, and a frustrated Tony followed.

“What’s wrong?” Christie asked with a frown. Jasmine exited the room, letting them have some privacy.

“Apparently there’s a function tonight that I have to go to,” Tony sighed as he joined her at the bar. Instead of sitting, he went around the other side to pour himself some whiskey. “I only just found out about it because I’ve been putting off talking to Jasmine so I could spend more time with you. And I wanted to take you out tonight, but to somewhere more exciting-”

“You were? Where?” Christie butted in.

“Doesn’t matter. I have to go. I do every year and convince people to invest in Stark Industries,” Tony explained as he rubbed his palm into his forehead. A headache was on its way simply from thinking about the event. “Argh, I’m gonna be bored out of my mind!” He took a sip of the alcohol in his hand, deciding it needed some ice.

“So take me. We’ll make it fun together,” Christie suggested with a shrug.

“Really? You’d attend an exclusive event for upper-class businessmen?”

“I’ve never been to such a formal event, so why not?” she replied cheerily.

“Are you serious?” Tony blinked with wide eyes. Even Pepper had never wanted to go to the events and only attended because she was his assistant.

“What else am I going to do? Sit here and talk to Jarvis all night?” Christie giggled.

“I’ll have you know, Miss Christie, I am very good company,” Jarvis spoke, instantly making Christie’s face fall and Tony’s perk up into a smile.

“That’s still really creepy to me,” Christie whispered, making Tony chuckle.

“I promise you’ll get used to it,” he told her before directing his attention to Jarvis. “Jarvis, I’m going to need a stylist for Christie to be here at 2, and order some pizza for lunch.”

“Right away, sir,” Jarvis replied as Tony finished off his whiskey. They then headed downstairs and enjoyed eating the large pizzas once they arrived, watching the news channel at the same time. Near the end of their lunch, a particularly interesting piece caught Christie’s eye.

“I’m standing outside the Duncan building in Los Angeles, and you can see behind me the preparations being made for the annual meeting of the country’s finest businessmen,” the female reporter said. Christie spotted a red carpet and velvet ropes lining the stairs to the entrance of the gigantic tower.

“I’m really going there?” she asked in awe.

“Oh, is it too intimating? You can stay, that’s completely fine,” Tony replied smugly.

“Absolutely not. I want to go,” Christie grinned. Her stomach was already doing flips of excitement.

“I’ve been told that Tony Stark is scheduled to attend, and this is his first public appearance since the extra-terrestrial attack in New York City. Reports have said he was severely injured, so we’ll see how well he’s recovering tonight. Back to you, George,” the reporter finished and the image cut to one of a man in a studio.

“Severely injured?” Christie questioned suspiciously with a glance across at her friend.

“Eh… I might have told Jasmine to stretch the truth a bit…” Tony said dismissively. “But it is kind of true. I almost died, you know.” They both stared into each other’s eyes as they briefly thought back to the moment when Christie saved his life. Christie pictured herself feeding her energy into Iron Man’s chest, while Tony remembered passing out into what he thought was death, but waking up and seeing Christie’s desperate, pleading face. And that was why she was here. Being repaid for her amazing deed.

“Wait, don’t you only take dates to this sort of thing?” Christie suddenly asked. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of Tony taking her on a date. He wouldn’t. They were just friends! “Wouldn’t it be bad for your image if you didn’t have a proper date?” Christie relaxed a little, glad she had twisted her flurry into concern.

“Ha, please,” Tony snorted. “I’m Tony Stark, I do what I want.” The confidence in his voice made Christie laugh.

Shortly afterwards they dismissed themselves to their rooms and they began to get ready for the formal evening. Christie’s hired stylist gave her loose curls, expensive rented jewellery that glittered in the smallest of light, black strappy shoes with three-inch heels, and a flowing dark green gown that flattered her waist and chest. After a quick and light dusting of make-up, Christie went downstairs and patiently awaited Tony. The stylist left, Jasmine arrived in a cream formal dress that complimented her golden skin, but Tony was still absent. Eventually he came around the corner in a stunning black suit and white shirt, holding a green tie in each hand.

“What do you think? Is this one too dark?” he questioned the two women as he held up the emerald tie in position.

“No, it looks nice,” Christie answered.

“I think it matches better with Christie’s dress than the brighter one,” Jasmine smiled and Tony looked back down at it.

“You’re right,” he remarked. He tossed aside the lime green tie, quickly put on the darker one in front of a mirror, then approached the two ladies, his mouth open and ready to speak.

“Don’t worry, I have my own ride. I’ll see you there,” Jasmine commented as she stood then rushed out the front door. Tony looked back down at Christie, feeling slightly awkward and hoping she wasn’t feeling the same. Without another word, they shuffled outside. After a thrilling ride in a two-seater silver sports car to LA, they pulled up outside the Duncan building. The paparazzi flashed at the couple, temporarily blinding Christie as Tony got out of the car. She now knew why he was wearing sunglasses at night. The shouts from interviewers and photographers drowned out the rumble of the car’s engine, and as Tony opened Christie’s door she suddenly felt overwhelmed. She couldn’t do this. There were too many people.

“Tony…” she whispered with fear, not moving from the passenger seat.

“I promise it’ll be okay,” he said quietly back to her as he lent in, offering his hand. Christie took it and Tony gracefully swept her out of the car and to his side. The shock from his smooth move and the extended view of the paparazzi made Christie instinctively put up her energy shield. Tony’s hand had gone to her back to lead her across the red carpet and inside as quickly as possible, but now he was blocked by a sharp shock. “Ow!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I can’t help it!” Christie breathed as she willed away her shield. She wasn’t in danger… She didn’t need protection.

“Put it down and I’ll get you inside fast. I’ll look stupid if I’m not even touching you,” Tony told her through the gritted teeth that was his forced smile. A few seconds later and he tried again, then successfully led her past the calls of the interviewers. Many of the females shouted flirtatious comments directed at Tony. Others called out for the ‘White Widow’, and Christie felt an urge to shut them all up with a spark of her energy. She wasn’t a superhero. She wasn’t the White Widow. Once inside, Christie’s whole body relaxed, and the long elevator ride to the top was soothing. She regretted attending, but it was important to her that Tony had a nice night. After all the things he was giving her, this was the least she could do to show her thanks.

They exited the elevator and Tony immediately grabbed a glass of champagne as two women bombarded him, both wearing extremely low cut dresses. Once Tony had had enough of their frisky behaviour, he moved on to mingle with an entrepreneur. Christie remained standing next to him, awkwardly looking around the decorated room. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a couple powerfully walking in her direction, and once again her heart sped up and her shield was initiated. Tony whipped away his hand with a small scowl at her, but she didn’t notice because of her focus on the impending danger. Christie turned fully to the blonde woman and man with chestnut hair. She hesitated at their familiarity.
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Thank you so much Syn Gates and Lulie Belle for the comments on the last chapter! I'm sorry about the delay - I got overwhelmed with assessments, but next week I should be back on track with my updates! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!