
We were having a moment

Tony and Christie entered his house, Jarvis turning the lights on as he sensed their presence. The oily smell of the hot burgers and fries filled the room. Both of them felt starved after having the small quantities of food offered at the function. A greasy burger would definitely do the trick. Tony ripped open his packaging first, taking a large bite before standing back up again.

“Where’re you going?” Christie asked before tossing a few chips in her mouth. Tony went into the adjacent room, retuning a few moments later with a wine bottle and two glasses.

“This shiraz goes perfectly with burgers, trust me,” he grinned as he set it down on the table. Christie didn’t comment. She wasn’t a big alcohol drinker since it lowered her guard, but ever since Tony became her friend she had adapted to his lifestyle of frequently drinking luxury beverages. She picked up her glass containing a generous amount and held it high, Tony copying.

“Thanks for the fun night out,” she toasted.

“The fun’s only just beginning,” Tony grinned, clinking his glass against hers. Christie’s smile widened as she saw how happy Tony was now. It made quite a difference to his aura. They dug into their food, both regularly taking large sips of wine until the bottle was empty. Afterwards, Tony cleared away the rubbish and fetched a bottle of merlot. He loosened his tie and undid the top button of his shirt while Christie kicked off her heels. Once they were both more comfortable, Tony sat on the couch much closer to Christie, and she didn’t flinch away. She felt at ease and wanted to be closer. The thought of touching Tony more intimately make her stomach flip, and she scared the image out of her mind. That was just the alcohol talking… Tony turned on the TV to a celebrity news channel before opening the bottle.

“Oh my gosh, that’s me,” Christie blurted as she gawked at the screen showing footage from the red carpet outside the event they had just attended. And there she was, the green of her dress brilliantly standing out against Tony’s dark suit. Her cheeks flushed red as she noticed how lovely the looked together. Even Christie noted she looked like an actress, not a woman who had been living on the streets not too long ago. She did appear shy and nervous, but looked so stunning at the same time. It was incredible…

“Do you like being on TV?” Tony asked her as he leaned back. Casually he placed his arm behind her on the back of the couch. Christie barely noticed, her eyes fixated on the video of them walking down the red carpet.

“I- I mean… I look good!” Christie admitted before cracking up. Tony smiled as he gazed down at her, liking her curls that contrasted the green dress.

“Yeah, you do,” he said softly. Christie grabbed the remote and turned up the volume, curious as to what was being said.

“… have confirmed that Tony Stark’s date was indeed a fellow member of the Avengers. One can only speculate exactly-” the reporter said before Christie abruptly changed the channel. She was annoyed with herself. Of course that would be what they’d talk about. What else was she but a stupid superhero that she didn’t even want to be?

“Wanna see what else is on?” Tony asked gently, trying to dismiss it because he understood. He’d already seen her frustration and had been trying to avoid bringing up the superhero concept ever since. Christie nodded slightly and Tony slipped the control out of her hands, switching channels until he found a comedy show that lightened the mood within minutes.

They spent the next hour laughing and drinking together, Christie leaning in towards Tony frequently when she laughed hard. She knew her inhibitions were gone because of the wine and that that was why Tony looked so handsome, but at the same time she knew she had been gradually feeling more positive towards him since he showed up on her doorstep. Now that he had drunk a lot too, she wanted to gently prod him to see how he reacted. And Tony responded by shuffling closer, craving her company as well. He lowered his arm onto her shoulders and occasionally tilted his head down to rest on hers. Butterflies tossed around in their stomachs from nervousness and excitement, uncertain of what exactly they wanted to do. The comedy show came to an end, the wineglasses were truly empty, and their eyes drooped. Christie picked her head up from Tony’s chest, her face a couple of inches from his.

“What now?” she wondered in a hushed voice.

“Well… I know what I’d love to do,” Tony breathed. He took a risk and leaned forward. The lights dimmed, catching Christie’s attention. She burst with laughter and Tony quickly withdrew.

“Did Jarvis just turn the lights down?” Christie giggled.

“You were having a moment. I felt it was fitting,” Jarvis said and Tony winced. Jarvis was only ever helpful, but for the first time ever he had screwed up. Christie’s laughter finally ceased as she saw Tony’s miffed expression. She suddenly felt ashamed. How inappropriate! He was making a move and she had literally laughed in his face. That wasn’t at all what she had wanted or imagined she’d do.

“I should go to bed,” she whispered as she pushed herself up off the comfy couch.

“What? Why?” Tony grumbled disappointedly as he stood. Christie headed for her room, shuffling along without looking back, though she knew Tony wasn’t far behind.

“I’m tired,” she replied quickly as she swayed through the next room. Tony didn’t stop until she disappeared into her bedroom’s en suite. She emerged minutes later, dressed in comfy pyjamas and completely prepared to go to bed, and she halted when she noticed Tony was in her room. “Why are you here?”

“You didn’t give me my kiss goodnight,” he shrugged. It was partly meant as a light joke, but it also happened to be true.

“Tony…” Christie breathed, starting a sentence but not knowing how to say what she felt. Tony knew that tone. He’d heard it many times before and it was never good.

“It’s not too fast, it does feel right, we were having a moment and believe me Jarvis will pay for ruining it,” Tony said before she could continue. He took a few steps, stopping in front of her and looked slightly down into her eyes. Christie thought his chocolate eyes were begging her to kiss him, so she moved forward slightly. Tony stayed still and received a peck on the cheek.

“I’d like a clear mind,” she whispered. Tony gave a small nod before pulling her into an embrace.

“I understand,” he said as he let go, though his face conveyed that well enough. “Goodnight.” Tony turned and stumbled towards the door, but Christie reached out and grabbed his arm.

“You could crash in here,” she suggested anxiously. “Y’know, so you don’t hurt yourself going up the stairs.” Tony grinned and agreed. Christie got into bed and Tony headed to the couch, attempting to place his expensive suit nicely on the arms so it didn’t crease. He took off his pants, tumbled sideways onto the couch because of his dizzy head, then fell into a deep sleep. Christie smiled, glad that he’d ended up there because she was already regretting asking him to stay. What was she thinking…
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks Lulie Belle and KillJoySinner for the comments, and to everyone who has rec'ed this so far :D Sorry about the delay of the update - I just had exams to deal with. This story is definitely being continued, so don't fear!

Hope you all enjoyed reading this one - let me know your thoughts!