

"I am really sorry, but you can't know my name until you agree to go on a date with me. Like I said, you have to trust me. Yes, I am testing you to see if you can actually let your heart not suck you in to something so quickly like sex. That's why this is a 'date'." He stood up and put out his arms so I could grab them and he could pull me up from sitting on the ground. Once I stood up I realized I still hadn't changed me clothes. I still looked like a slob and that my new stuff was in the bag in my hand. "Okay, I will go on a date with you, mystery man, but may I go change and get ready?" He took me to their tour bus, and just so I wouldn't get freaked out, he stood outside the bus the entire time. Inside the bus, I took a shower and got cleaned up. I put on my Of Mice & Men shirt, grey skinny jeans, and black canvas shoes. I then used their blow dryer that was hooked into the wall. After my hair was dry I tied it up in a cute pony tail and put on some mascara I had in my old pants. I then realized I didn't check the band name outside the bus.. so now I didn't even know who's bus I was in. I then went to step outside and the mystery man complimented me. "Wow, you look beautiful. It's like I just... I am so blown away." Before I got a chance to turn and look at the band name on the side on the bus he covered my eyes and took me to his car. "I have to surprise you.. you can't just figure everything out in life right away and get it over with. Good things take time" I smiled and stepped in his car.

We drove off and he took me to this cute burger shack on the beach. While we were eating, he kept asking me questions about myself which I enjoyed, and then once we were both finished, he payed and took me on a walk to the beach. "What are we doing?" I asked nervously. "I am taking you on a nice walk down the beach and back and then we can drive back to Warped." I was so scared and timid, not knowing what was going to happen, but I knew I had to let this take time and trust him. "So, tell me about your family.. anything you feel like sharing, no pressure. I won't make you say anything if you don't want to share it." What should I tell him? Think.. think... "Well, my mom is a single mom, she was never married. Just got knocked up and abandoned. My little brother was a miscarriage, but I still consider him a little brother since I haven't had anyone else. And then there is just me. My mom is a schizophrenic so she has been in and out of mental hospitals her whole life." I started to tear up, and then.. he hugged me and held me tight. "You are so beautiful, why do you beat yourself up? You have had a rough past, but you have to stop it yourself. You can shine so bright, just don't lower yourself." I stopped the tears and thanked him. He took me back to his car and then we drove back to Warped. We listened to The Smiths in the car, and it was quite nice. Once we got there and parked, I got out, not knowing what to do or where to go. I just needed to know one thing. "I want to thank you for a great night and date, but I want to know something still. What is your name?"

"My name is Justin Hills."
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Feel- Sleeping with Sirens