Status: New!!

The Wind Through the Trees

Chapter 2

The Wind Through the Trees

The ride to Edoras was nice apart from Gimli constantly asking me questions. “Milady have you a husband?” He asked as Aragorn chuckled. “No, I’ve never felt love Gimli. It is very hard for me to get to be with someone long enough to truly enjoy their company, but I was in love a long, long, long time ago but he was human and he died before we could be together,” I looked over at him with a small smile. “What about an elf, you could be with an elf they live long enough?” He asked causing me to blush. “Yes I can, many of them have asked for my hand but I don’t trust very easy. I need someone that I’ve spent a lot of time with not someone who only accepts my beauty and power. I need someone who is a true friend and will live with me till it is my time to pass over,” I explained looking over to Gandalf who nodded his head towards Legolas with a smile. I blushed and turned away quickly.

“The Queen has ruled many years on her on she has done a great job of it, why would she need a man to be at her side when she hasn’t had one before?” Aragorn asked Gimli who thought for a moment before answering. “Maybe I never though of it that way but wouldn’t you get lonely without someone by your side to love you and protect you while you protect everything else?” Gimli looked over at my saddened face.

“It does get quiet lonely to be honest Gimli. I would love to have at least a friend with me but I move around so much, I always enjoy when I enter the areas of Rivendell, Lothlórien, and Mirkwood. Elves are great company and their kings and queens respect that it is my lands they are allowed to live it,” I smiled as Legolas looked back at me.

We had finally came upon Edoras standing atop the the Plains of Rohan, “Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Théoden, King of Rohan, whose mind is overthrown. Saruman’s hold over King Théoden is now very strong,” Gandalf spoke as we gazed upon the land, “Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here,” Gandalf warned as we rode off towards Edoras.

As we ride into Edoras it is silent and somber. Everyone is dressed in black and staring at us like we are the evil. I noticed a women by the hall in all white standing, she may be the only normal person left. “You’ll find more cheer in a graveyard,” Gimli commented looking at the solum people.

When we reached the hall Hama and some guards walked out to stop us, “I cannot allow you before Théoden-King so arm, Gandalf Greyhame and Queen Artemis. By order of Grima Wormtongue,” Hama ordered looking at us sadly. It as though every color was washed from Edoras but the sad blues and black. Gandalf nodded to him and signaled for everyone to give up their weapons, I handed over my swords but not my staff it was far to precious to be handed over to their slimy fingers.

“Your staffs,” Hama ordered gesturing to Gandalf and I. “Oh, but Hama would you take the staff away from the White Queen. Do you forget that it is I who holds the power to destroy your village to replenish the dying forests,” I looked him in the eyes and gently touched his face as he swallowed hard. “Umm, Yes your Majesty it was just a simple order directed to me I am sorry,” He stuttered out, “But you Gandalf,” He finished pointing to Gandalf’s staff. “Hmmm? You wouldn’t part an old man from his walking stick?” Gandalf asked looking and Hama innocently. Hama hesitated but let us go forth as Legolas helped Gandalf walk into the hall.

“My lord Gandalf The Grey is Coming. He’s a herald woe,” I heard Grima whisper over he the King.
“The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Théoden King,” Gandalf spoke as he and I approached the king and the others stayed back surveying the guards around us. “Why should I... welcome you, Gandalf... Stormcrow?” Théoden weakly said looking at Grima for affirmation. “A question, my liege. Late is the hour with these conjurers chooses to appear . Lathspell spell I name him.
Ill news is an ill guest,” Grima said as he walked over to Gandalf and I.

“Be Silent! Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to band crooked words with a witless worm!” Gandalf yelled raising his staffing to Grima causing me to grab mine as well. “Their Staffs! I told you to take the wizards’ staffs!” Grima called to the guards backing away from us.

The guards started to attack Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli as we approached Théoden. “Théoden, son of Thengel, too long have you sat in the shadows,” Gandalf says looking directly at the king. Out the corner of my eye I notice Grima crawling away but I grab him in a spell and hold him in the air, “I wouldn’t move if I were you Wormtongue,” I told him throwing him back down to the ground.

“Harken to me! I release you from the spell,” Gandalf yelled. Théoden started to laugh menacingly, “You have no power here Gandalf the grey!” He Yelled but then was thrown back into his chair as Gandalf threw off his grey cloak, exuding blinding white light. “I will draw you, Saruman, as poison is drawn from a wound,” Gandalf said pointing his staff at the king.

Out the corner of my eye I watched Eowyn rush in and try to help the king but was held back by Aragorn. “Wait,” Aragorn whispered to her.

“If I go . . . Théoden dies,” Saruman said through King Théoden. “You did not kill me, you will not kill him!” Gandalf cried in anger flinging the king back into his chair. “Rohan is mine!” Saruman yelled through Théoden. “Be Gone!!” Gandalf Yelled as her smites Théoden who lunged at him. Théoden let out a moan from his chair as Eowyn runs to his aid. His head rises again and he begins to change back into his younger self.

Théoden looks closely at Eowyn, “I know your face. Eowyn... Eowyn,” He whispers looking at he as she cries. “Gandalf? Artemis?” Théoden questioned looking at us. “Breath the air again, my friend,” Gandalf smiles. “And see you trees again my friend,” I smile.

The hall has become filled with light again and the people marveled at their king. “Dark have been my dreams of late,” Théoden told us trembling slightly. “Your fingers would remember their old strength . . . if they grasped your sword,” Gandalf smiled and Hama ran to the kings side with his sword in hand. Théoden grasped his sword looking at its every detail. In the corner Grima trembled and tried to escape but was pulled back by Gimli. The king’s eyes quickly turned the Grima who was the thrown down the hall steps.

Grima cried in pain as he hit the bottom, “I’ve only ever served you, my lord!” Théoden advanced towards him ready to strike, “Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast!” “Send me not from your side,” Grima groveled. Théoden raised his sword to kill Grima but was stopped by Aragorn.

“No, my lord! No, my lord. Let him go. Enough blood has been spilled on his account,” Aragorn told the king holding him back. Grima quickly scrambled to his feet and pushed through the crowd. “Get out of my way,” Grima yelled.

“Hail, Théoden King!” Hama yelled as everyone bowed to the King.
King Théoden turned back to the hall then looked around, “Where is Theodred? Where is my son?” He asked looking at all of our saddened faces.

We walked towards white flowers which lead to the tomb of the prince,
“Simbelmynë. Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebearers. Now it shall cover the grave of my son. Alas, that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That I should live to see the last days of my house,” Théoden spoke looking at his son’s tomb. “These flowers grow because of me my king, each one represents a great deed the has done and your son has done many my lord. Do not blame yourself for something you could not control it only leads to chaos and destruction,” I gently
touched the Kings armed then turned back the hall to find Legolas.

I glided through the entrance of the hall but was stopped by Eowyn calling to me. “Yes milady?” I asked coming to her side. “You are the White Queen of the forests correct?” She asked and I nodded. “May I ask how one becomes a Queen of a land that runs through all lands?” “Yes my child, but it is not how you see it. My land and I have always been her I was here to watch the elven civilization flourish from the ground and to watch the dwarves parish in the mines. I have been here since the dawn of time I am far more powerful than any creature on the lands but to many of one creature I am helpless. I am here to defend and protect to and extent not to attack and kill. My child I is truly man, elf, and dwarf who live on the lands I rule, but I have agreements with each ruler located in or near a forest for I protect them and they protect me,” I explained smiling as Legolas Appeared listening to me.

“Yes she keeps us as safe as she can when she is around Mirkwood. You can always tell when Milady Artemis enters the forest by Mirkwood for the trees become healthier, the birds sing happier and you can her her beautiful voice whisper lullabies across the winds and through the trees, it’s one of the most magical moments I’ve ever experienced,” Legolas smiled causing me to blush.

“Your lands sound lovely my Queen, I would love to visit them one day with you,” Eowyn said smiling at me. “When all this is over you will, I just know it,” I smiled as I took Legolas’s hand and walked away from all the other people.

“Their Land have become quit poor haven’t they Legolas?” I ask sadly looking at the village from the window of the room we were in. “Yes milady, it has become a time of need in areas where other flourish with resources,” he smiled sadly as he lifted the cloak from my face. “Why doesn’t anyone come to me for help I can grow then nourishments? Why do people have to die when I am forced to live?”
“Most people are afraid of you they believe that since they have altered your lands you wouldn’t help them and it’s how it is for some people milady. Arwen and Aragorn are struggling with their lives because she knows he will die while she lives on,” Legolas touched my face his piercing blue eye piercing my almost white ones.

“What if I were to pass on, who would take care of the forests? thats what I’m afraid of most it’s not death Legolas but the Trees being alone an uncared for,” I sighed slipping my cloak off. “Well before you pass on have a child or many children and leave them to care for your lands I know any children of yours would do that for you,” he smiled as we left the room and started walking around the Hall.
“Yes, but you are forgetting the point Legolas, I’m as old as Middle-Earth no one wants to be with a woman that old even if she still looks young,” I laughed out as we turned another corner. “Oh that isn’t true milady I don’t care how old you are you will always be the most beautiful creature in my eyes,” Legolas smiled as I blushed deeply.

“You. . . you really think so Legolas?” “Yes my Queen and I know many other elves and men who would agree not only are you beautiful but your voice is always music to a mans ears. It’s soft and wispy, they way it lulls even the angriest of trees into a deep slumber is quiet a beautiful sight,” Legolas brushed my cheek with his hand and just as I was about to reply Aragorn called to us.

“Legolas, Artemis come quickly,” Aragorn called as he lead us to Gandalf and the King. “Yes, what is the matter Gandalf?” I asked looking at him warily. “We are to ride to Helms Deep every man, woman and child will go,” Gandalf explained. “Théoden, this is suicide the lands are open far to long we can easily be ambush and then once we reach there who knows who many people will be left to fight!” I yelled looking sternly at him.

“When Last I looked, Théoden, not Artemis, was king of Rohan,” Théoden said sternly looking into my wide eyes. “Then what is the king’s decisions?” Gandalf asked Théoden.