Status: Hiatus (but not for long)

Put Me Into Right

Not a chapter - sorry :/

Okay, so I've been busy lately - school, violin, singing lessons, writing music and shit - and I figured I can handle writing only one fanfic at a time. I decided to continue my other one, Burning You Down, and put all the others on hiatus until it's finished. Don't worry, though, it's kind of coming to an end, so hopefully the hiatus will last only about two weeks or so. I promise, soon I'll continue writing.

Here's my other fic, if you're interested:

I'm so so so so sorry again! Hopefully I'll have more free time soon so I can keep updating. The hiatus definitely doesn't mean I'm not going to finish this story, at all, I have so many ideas for it, and I want to use them, so no, I'm not ending it at all. Don't worry. ;) I hope you understand and you're patient enough to wait for the next chapter.

Thanks for reading!

XOXO Peace.