Status: Finished One-Shot

Save Me

Save Me

Braylee’s POV

I have no clue where I am, what my name is, or who my parents are. My captors took me at a young age, bringing me into a life where I feel lost, alone, bruised, and broken. I want to be saved from this miserable reality; endlessly pleading and crying out of my daddy, though I haven’t the slightest clue what his name is. I’m stuck in a room with only a window, a desk, and door that has been locked for too long. I’m terrified. All I have is a faint memory of him and only a faint it’s like a blur of a clue on my name and his, but the memory is so fuzzy in my mind.

Flashback: Eleven years ago….
“Look at how cute she is Jack, I've never been so proud to see my daughter,” says one man.
“I know. I can tell you, Bray is going to be just like you when she’s older. I mean, singing this early will help her out at a later time,” another man replies.
“I think you’re right. I want her to follow her dreams, and if anything does happen to her maybe her singing may just get her out of the bad situation she’s in,” the first man says.
“Lex, you’re right on that.”
End flashback….

Maybe my dad’s name is Lex, but I’m sure how could I be sure? It could have been anyone that was talking. I wonder if he’s nice. I hope he is because, well, that’s just something all thirteen year old girls want, right? To look up to their dad and think he’s the greatest man; to think he hung the moon. I’m not really sure though. I've never left the room Stefan and Sheila gave me, not that I’ve ever been allowed to.
I started writing letters to my dad, but they were never sent out. They couldn't be sent out. I live in the middle of nowhere from what I could see out of my small room. Even though I can’t mail my letters or receive any, I enjoy writing. I think I’ll get my notebook and pen now. They always cheer me up. I wonder if my dad liked writing. Maybe it was something I inherited from him.

Dear Dad,
I wonder if you forgot about me. I hope not. I wonder what my name is. Everyone has a name, like songs that people write. I write songs. I have one that’s called Open Eyes. I like singing, do you? Would you want to hear me sing if we met? I would like to. I wonder what you look like. Do you have blonde hair? What about brown hair, or is your hair different colors. I heard that people can do that. I don’t really want to write anymore, I want to sing. I wonder if you can hear me. I want you to.
Love, Whatshername <3

After I feel finished writing I started to sing, Open Eyes to be exact.

Look around, it's deadly night
You've been losing every fight
You're hope is, feeling broken
You're feet are rough, they're scraped and bruised
But still have strength to take you through,
The dark

Just close your eyes
And push right through
I know it's tough right now
This was meant for you
When the clouds are gone
Not a shadow in sight
You'll be drenched in the sun
With open eyes


At the beach, the waves will crash
Tuck and grab and pull you back
The sun may, be covered in gray
The sand will itch, itself may burn
Hurricane will take it's turn
The dawn

Just close your eyes
And push right through
I know it's tough right now
This was meant for you
When the clouds are gone
Not a storm insight
You'll be drenched in the sun
With open eyes

So close your eyes, shut them tight
Let it be, and it will fade away

Push on though the strength in you
Let it be, and wish it all away

So close your eyes, shut them tight
Let it be, and it will fade away
Push on though the strength in you
Let it be, and wish it all away

With open eyes,
Open wide,
It's all good now, watch it fade away,
Day by day

Just close your eyes
And push right through
I know it's tough right now
This was meant for you
When the clouds are gone
Not a storm insight
You'll be drenched in the sun
With open eyes.

After I finish singing I hear something. I’m not sure what it is, but it scares me easily. Stupid panic attacks, I wonder if dad gets them. I run to a corner and hide. A man with caramel brown hair comes. He’s so unfamiliar to the only two faces I’ve ever seen besides my own. I wonder who he is.

“Braylee! I've found you, after eleven years. I can’t believe it. I love you so much. I've never stopped looking. I knew your singing would help you later on in life, I just never knew it would take this long.” The man says while hugging me.

“W-W-Who are you?” I say pulling away from the hug, scared out of my mind at the stranger hugging me.

“I’m your dad, Braylee.” He says smiling with joy in his eyes, speaking merely above a whisper.

“What did you mean by ‘my singing would help me’? Why am I here? Please tell me everything!” I say joyfully.

“How ‘bout we get out of this place first?” He says, pulling me into his arms and holding me with my legs wrapped around his waist.

“Can I have my notebook?” I ask carefully.

“Yeah, sure. Where is it?” He asks after kissing my forehead, making me giggle.

I point to the desk where I sat at while writing, my silver notebook just waiting to be written in again. He picks it up and says “Ready to go princess?” I nod yes and we head beyond my personal hell for eleven years, police lined up around the house taking Stefan and Shelia in grey handcuffs.

“Thanks officers. I have my daughter now.” My dad says, grinning happily. They nod and we walk to his huge black Range Rover. He goes to the passenger side and gently places me inside of his car.

“Dad?” I say quietly while he gets to the other side of the car and gets it in gear ready to leave.

“Yes princess?” He says while driving down unfamiliar roads.

“How did you find me?” I ask hoping for the truth.

“Years ago, when you were only two years old, your uncle Jack said that your singing would save your life. One day, you got taken away from me and I looked for you for years. I never stopped looking. Uncle Jack was right when he said that your singing would save your life when we were talking, and I agreed with him. Looks like he was right. I was taking a drive around town with your uncle Jack and you’re two other uncles Zack and Rian. We are going to have our hometown show tonight because little did you know I’m in a band called All Time Low. So, as I was taking the drive I heard the most beautiful singing, and I knew it had to be yours, but just to be sure I may have spied through the basement window. I saw you, called the cops, and they arrested your captors. Now you’re safe and get to live with me and your uncles. We go on tour a lot, but don’t worry; you get to come on all of them.” He says keeping his eyes on the road.

“That’s a lot to take in.” I say, hoping my manners are polite.

“Don’t worry about it, the point is now your home with me, your daddy. You like music right?” He says proudly.

“That’s a no duh question d-daddy.” I say not very sure if I can call him that.

“Yup, you sure are my daughter. Music runs in the bloodline, and don’t be scared you can call me daddy, dad, Lex, or Alex. Really anything but Lexykins, your crazy Uncle

Jack likes to call me that.” He says as we turn to a big white house with rose bushes lining the way up the driveway.

“And here is home, when we aren't living on a bus for about four or five months at a time.” He says as we get out of the car.

“Whoa, it’s so big.” I say in amazement.

“It’s because Jack made me buy this house for some reason. I said small, not huge. Never bring him home shopping, okay?”

“He sounds cra-.” I don’t even get to finish up my sentence before a raven haired man runs and picks me up, spinning around in circles.

“Daddy who is this man who is fucking insane?” I say sweetly hoping he won’t get mad if I cuss.

“You’re lucky I could care less about saying foul language. That’s your Uncle Jack, and here comes your other uncles, Zack and Rian.”

“Hey Alex, see you found Braylee, and I know you want to catch up but Flyzik will get all of our asses if we aren't at the venue in about half an hour.” The basically bald man says, guessing its Rian

“Yeah well Flyzik can suck it, he never had a kid, and he’s too busy with Mickey Mouse anyway.” Jack says.

“Guys we don’t want Bray-Bray to think Matt has problems.” The man I’m guessing is Zack says.

“But he does and we all know it, but Zack’s right. Jack, don’t even think about driving.” My dad says, making me wondering why Jack shouldn't drive.

We all get in the car, and being the curious person I am I ask “Daddy why shouldn't Uncle Jack drive?”

“Blame Uncle Jack for saying and I quote “I want to fuck this burrito” Guys tell me again how that part found its way into the DVD?” He says but turning his head when he says the last part.

“What do burritos have to do with driving?”

“They have to do with anything when it’s Jack.” Rian says.

“You guys are assholes.” Jack says.

“Your ass has a hole in it too Jack.” Zack and Alex say.

“Fuck off.” Jack said getting annoyed.

“If you say so Jack, we can prove that Jalex really does exist.” Alex says.

“What’s Jalex?” I ask.

“The fans think they’re gay for each other.” I guess the man they call Flyzik says once we hop out of the car and into the venue.

“Oh okay.” I say.

“You guys better get on stage now.” Flyzik says.

The band gets on stage, and I watch side stage, listening to the songs they play and my dad and Jack say stupid but funny things to the crowd.

“This song I’m going to play for you goes out to my daughter who got taken away from me, but I never stopped looking for and I found her. I’d like to welcome out my lovely thirteen year old daughter, Braylee Gaskarth!”

I feel myself being pushed onto the stage by Matt. Jack walks to me and brings me to my dad.

“Daddy what do you think you’re doing?” I ask wide eyed towards the crowd.

“And this is what I like to call my job.” He says confusing the fuck out of me.

“Yeah and this is what I like to call get on with the show before Flyzik gets pissed off again.” Zack says.

“Then we can fire him. Flyzik get out here.” Flyzik goes onto the stage and face palms himself. “Okay on the count of three say Flyzik you’re fired, one two three.” Jack says and the crowd screams ‘Flyzik you’re fired’.

“Okay now how ‘bout I start that song for Bray-Bray?” My dad asks the crowd. “Feel free to sing along.”

Say goodbye to the halls and the classes
Say hello to a job and the taxes
The weekends with old friends spilling into 9 to 5 routine
Tell me how you feel over and done with
Like your life is a map with no compass to guide,
At the bar drinking’ way too much
We sing along to "Forever Young".

So here we go again
Wishing’ we could start again

Wendy run away with me
I know I sound crazy
don’t you see what you do to me?
I wanna be your lost boy
Your last chance, a better reality

Wendy we can get away
I promise if you’re with me, say the word and we’ll find a way
I can be your lost boy, your last chance
Your "everything better" plan
Oh, somewhere in Neverland
(Somewhere in Neverland)

We’ll start a life of the plain and the simple
Of great times with far better people
And weekends with our friends
Laughing about the wine that stains their teeth
We’ll talk about how your parents separated and
How you don’t wanna make the same mistakes as them
I’ll say it’s all about sticking’ it out
And trying to feel forever young

So here we go again
Wishing we could start again

Wendy run away with me
I know I sound crazy
Don’t you see what you do to me?
I want to be your lost boy
Your last chance, a better reality

Wendy we can get away
I promise if you’re with me, say the word and we’ll find a way
I can be your lost boy, your last chance
Your "everything better" plan
Oh, somewhere in Neverland

So here we go again
Wishing’ we could start again

Wendy run away with me
I know I sound crazy
Don’t you see what you do to me?
I want to be your lost boy
Your last chance, a better reality

Wendy we can get away
I promise if you’re with me, say the word and we’ll find a way
I can be your lost boy, your last chance
Your "everything better" plan
Oh, somewhere in Neverland
Oh, somewhere in Neverland
(Somewhere in Neverland)

The lyrics were sung perfectly, and they meant so much knowing that the lyrics were about me. He found me and that was all that mattered in that moment. I was lost but found. I love my dad. Everything is perfect now; My happy ever after.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a one shot I wrote a while ago. Hope you all like it :)