Status: An All Time Low chaptered fic and re-post from ATLF

The Broken Rhythm

Chapter Thirteen

"We're stopping at the store! Whoever needs to come, let's go!" Matt yells.

"Okay." I yell. I plop down next to Jack and he drapes his arm around my shoulders. I curl into his side as I wait forRhythm. We pull into the parking lot and Rhythm comes out. She forms a heart with her hands in front of Jack and me. I laugh and Jack kisses my nose making me blush. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." She says. Jack stands up and I follow taking his hand and intertwining our fingers. He smiles down at me since he's taller. "Stop being so cute." She fake complains. We laugh and I drape my arm around her shoulder as we walk into the store.

"Sorry, can't do that." Jack jokes. We end up following Jack down an aisle which is a mistake because of what he finds. "Alex. Lookie here!" I playfully punch his shoulder as he holds up protection.

"No! Put it back!"

"Why?" He whines.

"We have a child here and she doesn't seem to have a dick." I say. He laughs and kisses my cheek. "You're still not getting them."

"Damn it." He says. I laugh and roll my eyes. He walks ahead as we meet up with Rian and Zack. Jack follows Rian to the bagels. I laugh as they stick magazines, with us on the cover, with bagels on the shelves.

"Just what we do all the time." I tell Rhythm.

"These aren't bagels." Jack says. I roll my eyes as we collect stuff we need. We check out and head back to the bus . We set all our stuff down and plop myself onto the couch.

Rhythm walks into the bathroom and Jack pulls something out of the bag I told him not to get.

"Jack!" I say. He laughs. "Why did you get these?"

"Oh ya know." He says. I roll my eyes and he throws them in the bag. "Fans got the Jalex part right! We haven't fucked." He laughs.

"Oh my god." I laugh. "No."

"Why not?" He whines.

"I can think of a ton of reasons."

"Give me two."

"Rhythm is here. We're on a bus." I say. Jack looks at me blankly obviously defeated. "Come here." I laugh. He sits next to me and I cuddle into his side as he holds me closer.

"Daddy, I'm hungry." Rhythm says. I point to the bag.

"There's food everywhere. Take what you want." I say. Matt and Vinny walk on.

"We have a show tonight." Vinny announces. We all cheer and Jack takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. I smile at him and Rhythm sits next to me.

"Lexxy." Jack says. I look up at me. "I love you." I smile and feel butterflies.

"I love you Jacky." I say. I kiss him and he smiles. I look at Rhythm. "I love you too Rhythm. Just as much as Jack only a little bit more."

"I love you too, daddy." She says with a laugh.

--show time--

I stand behind the curtain with my guitar strumming random chords and Rhythm watches me from backstage. Jack walks over to me and kisses me.

"As much as I love you, Jack. I beg you not to touch me." I laugh. He makes a pouty face and I get rid of it by kissing him. People start chanting our name and I smile as Jack starts jumping around. I look to Rhythm who's as happy as ever.

After three songs Jack is behind me doing something, but I don't want to look.

"Jack, what're you doing back there?" I ask. He laughs. "What the- were you grinding on me?"

"No." He says into his mic.

"Jack, why don't you tell them what you bought today." I say. He laughs and I giggle just hearing him laugh.

"Protection." The crowd roars and I burst out laughing.

"They're not fucking." Zack says.

"He's covering for us." Jack whispers into the mic. I laugh.

"While the fans may have the Jalex thing right, we are NOT fucking." I laugh.

"Damn." Jack pouts. I look over to Jack and he's pouting. I walk over to him and kiss him.


"Heh, yea. I'm better." He says. He's adorable. We finish the concert and I run off stage.

"You're such a flirt." I laugh and Jack wraps his arms around my waist. I smile and kiss him. He lets go of me and Rhythm hugs me. "Hello little miss." I laugh.

"Hi!" She greets. "You guys did great! As usual."

"Thanks sweetheart." I say. Jack kisses her cheek and I smile. "You know. I was thinking. If you showed me you could sing and could learn a few songs, maybe you could preform with me next show."

"YES!" She shouts. I smile as she hugs me. We head back to the bus and I put her in my bunk. I see Jack is lying in his bunk alone so I crawl in next to him.

"Hey, baby." I say. He stares out the window as rest my head on his shoulder. "You okay?"

"Yeah." He says sounding dazed.

"You don't look it. You sure?"

"Well... you'll probably be mad about bringing it up, but remember what Sandy said?" He asks. I nod as anger bubbles inside me, but I contain it and let him talk. "The part where she said being gay is bad?"

"Don't listen to her Jacky." I tell him, kissing his neck. "It's not something that can be helped. We're gay and we're happy." I say with a smile. He just nods, no smile. "It's really messing with you, huh?"

"Lil' bit." He says. He turns over and faces me.

"Jacky. Know what?"

"What's that?"

"That I love you. You're adorable." I tell him. He smiles at me.

"Do you wanna know something?"

"I do."

"I love you, Lexxy." He says. I smile. "Goodnight."
