We Don't Belong

12th Anniversary 1/2

Ashley's POV

I was awaken by a song playing. At first I didn't understand but my mind finally found the memory. Andy's phone buzzed and played on his night stand. Mother by Danzig rang through the phones speakers. I knew that it has his mother calling just from the song.

Carful not to wake him up, I reached across his fragile figure and answered the call.

Ash: Hello?

Amy: Hi Ash. Andy there?

Ash: He's sleeping.

I heard her laugh then she started to speak again.

Amy: Im sorry. I didn't realize that it was 6 a.m. I was just wondering if you guys still needed someone to watch Sophia. We had a change of plans and we're just going to stay here.

Ash: CC and Jinxx are going to watch her for the day. Cc's excited and you know how he is.

Amy: Yeah I do. I miss you boys running around my house. Especially Christian. That boy was something else.

Ash: He was wasn't he?

Amy: Yeah. I was just wondering. You two have fun today. Call if you need anything. I love you and tell everyone else I love them too.

Ash: love you too momma B.

I hung up and phone and sat it back in its place. Might as well get Sophia ready for her day then start making reservations.

I walked to her room to find her sleeping peacefully. Might as well get her things together before I wake her.

After finally finding her backpack, I filled it with her coloring books and other toys. I knew CC would have stuff already, but I wanted to be sure. I put crackers and a can Vienna sausages in there front. Again I know that CC will have food but just in case.

I looked through her closet and picked out a stripped hello kitty shirt with her puffy pink skirt. She could wear those pink light up sandals and I'd handle her hair.

"Sophia wake up baby girl." I whispered so I wouldn't startle her.

I had to shake her a couple of times, but I finally got her to get up.

"Morning beautiful. Sleep well?"

"Hey Papa. Where's daddy?" She asked in her sleepy voice.

"He's being a sleepy head like you. You excited about uncle Cc's today?"

She nodded and whipped her eyes.

"I'm hungry."

"Let's go get you something to eat then."

I picked her up and carried her into the kitchen. I sat her down in the middle barstool like always.

"Okay we got Fruit Loops, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Frosted Flakes."

"Fruit loops."

"Orange slices or apple slices?"


"One bowl of Fruit Loops and oranges sold to the cute blonde!"

She smiled at my comment, still too sleepy to laugh. I waltzed around the kitchen singing Paradise City and sat Sophia's food in front of her.

I leaned against the counter scrolling through my twitter page while biting into an apple.

"There's daddy." Sophia said with a mouth full of cereal.

I noticed him walking down the hallway. His baggy pajama pants hung off of him as well as his cut up shirt.

"Mornin." He said making his presents know.

"Hey babe." I kissed his lips as he walked by.

He went over and sat in the seat beside Sophia. He said his good mornings to her and took some of her oranges. I went to the coffee pot and made him a cup to his liking.

"Happy anniversary gazelle legs."

Soph giggled a little at the name.

"What's an anniversary?" She asked.

"It's when two people have been together for a certain amount of time. Some people celebrate their five months anniversary and most celebrate their anniversary by the year."

"How many anniversaries have you and Papa had?"

"12 darling."

"12! That's a lot! I'm not even that many."

"It is a lot isn't it BatKitty?" I said taking the last stool.

"So that's why I'm going to uncle CC's?"

"It is. We need to get you ready."

"I'll take her in my car. I need her car seat and everything in there." Andy told me.

"Okay. I'll handle that. Can you give her a bath?"

"Sure thing. I'll get to it when she finishes."


I smiled and walked out of the kitchen. The lyrics to Fiend Club ran through my head. My fingers tapped a beat on my thigh. Upon reaching his car I found that it was unlocked I know we have a garage but he should really start locking it.

I opened his door then opened mine to retrieve the car seat. After getting it settled I hopped into the drivers seat and rolled the windows down. There was a beeping sound then a loud noise for the garage door opening. I parked the car feet away from the door. While checking to make sure I had all of Sophia's things I couldn't help but notice a pink bag in the floor under the passenger seat. I checked behind me before peeking in it.

when I opened the bag I found a pair of rose stockings, women's perfume, and a box with a diamond like necklace.

I know I shouldn't think what I was thinking. No. We've been together for way too long. We have Sophia. He wouldn't.

Then again I did it to him and almost had a child. He could be getting back at me. Again no. He couldn't.

I looked in the bag again and noticed a pair of women's underwear. They looked used and I don't know what compelled me to smell them but I did. They smelt clean. To keep my head for wondering any farther to put the bag back the way I found it.

I went into the house and got passed Andy and Sophia without them noticing. She was in the bathtub and he was on the side singing and washing her.

I locked myself in our bathroom. It's our anniversary. Why am I crying? It wouldn't be something else. But what? Women's perfume and panties?

I noticed the door knob turn. To bad it was locked.

"Ash babe? You in there?"

"Yeah." I said trying to sound normal.

"Open the door. I need the stuff for Sophia's hair."

I didn't want him to see me like this because I'd feel stupid if it really is nothing.

"I'll do her hair babe."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Andrew."

"No you're not let me in."

"Andy I'm fine."

"Ashley no you're–"

"Andy just leave me alone! I'll be out in a second!"

It was silent for a few seconds then I heard him sigh.

"Okay. I love you alright?"

I didn't say anything. My heart was hurting and the bad thing was that I know what he felt when I did it to him years ago...
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun dun duuunnn. So I think it's time to announce that I'm working on a new story. It's different, or at least I think it is. I'm really excited but it won't be published until I finish this. Don't worry because I'm working hard I've much written. So thanks I guess. I love you all!
See ya soon.