Sequel: Tony's Thoughts
Status: will not come everyday

Wizarding Worlds Intro to Force Sensitives

Healing Wounds

For 2 months I’ve been in private lessons with Luke about meditation and trying to get me out of a mental funk that happened as soon as we left earth. All that I know reality hit me and there is someone after me that might kill and people I love. Even if I’m itching to get back to the training dad was giving me he wants to focus on mental issues with me instead of having this blocked from my mind which I do during the day but comes in nightmares at night or any time I’m sleeping. I want to get out there and protect the people I love but he is coming from I cannot protect them when I’m emotionally fragile. Really, I think it is so Neveah can catch up since Brian and Mike are also having a slow time or repeating lessons and get bored quickly. So yes I’m calling bull shit on this. The morning comes as always for me with sounds from outside and Mike yelling at his 2 Higahers that he found at 8 weeks old and their mothers left within weeks of each other. They don’t have his loyalty as Luke puts it and will take a while for it to form unlike if the mother gave the pup to him or nurtured back to health. They are having accidents and he thinks he can handle them. Hell grandpa always said that a wild beast cannot obey a man and we need to respect them which are probably why I can be friends with animals. The pure white Higaher comes in my room trying to escape Mike’s grasp and he comes in shortly.

“Sue, go back to sleep,” he states. “Even with learning to meditate and doing things for your mental health you are still having audible nightmares and night walks unless you are cuddling into Lola. Besides it’s not as if we actually go to the actual lessons yet and have private lessons during the day. My pets just woke me up and you don’t have any to care for.”

“I’m rested and frankly I don’t want to go back to bed. The nightmares are enough at night not during the day,” I reply.

“Raynar had to get you back last night to your room since you were actively looking for Tony while sleep walking and talking. Most of the time you go back to Lola but it is getting…”

“Mike, what apart of I’m up and can’t go back asleep don’t you understand? And you need to find a way to make Misty and Orion trust you other than running to Jacen or me who then has to calm them down before they will go back to you. Luke said that they are wild animals and actually pledge life debts if you protect them or their mother gave them to you. Instead you grab two 8 week old pups whose mothers are still alive possibly and they won’t pledge allegiance to you unless I heard wrong since I wasn’t there at that time.”

“No one found their mother and they won’t take them back now but I am assuming they are dead since they were alone and most likely abandoned. But you did hear right for the most part.”

“God, I’m heading down to breakfast as soon as I get into my jumpsuit. You and your higahers can join if you want.”

Thankfully that is all what he needed to leave so I can get out of my pajamas to get changed into a simple brown jumper since Dot said she will do my laundry today due to the fact I was almost out of clothes. I get down to breakfast before my brother since I don’t think his higahers will let him have peace and I just simply braid my hair so it isn’t all over my face. I do sit with Jaina, Jacen, and their friends as we eat but they will have to go to their lessons and I will have to find something to do before Luke finds me and continue on what he has been teaching me. We talk during it about random things before Mike finally joins and gets his breakfast. When they leave for the lessons, Mike has to get his pets out for their daily walk and I find Mara to see if I can talk to Tony who I have been neglecting since I came here. She is in the main office Luke uses and I know they are married so it doesn’t surprise me but her red hair is blocking her vision.

“Do you want something, Susanna?” she greets me as she can sense me through the force. “Luke said he will get to you after talking to your brother about his Higahers.”

“I was wondering if sometime soon I could contact at least Tony. I’m missing people back on Earth especially him,” I reply.

“Luke was figuring it would take you awhile to come to this and is a sign you are healing you just need space during that time other than training which we have gave you. We should be able to contact him now and he will be happy that you want to talk to him.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

She shows me to the computer they have set up to talk to people on earth. She shows me the number for the computer that we are going to contact and uses this time to show me how to use and says that I don’t need to ask if I want to talk to them but make sure it is on my free time. Tony picks up after the 1st ring and he smiles once he sees me.

“Suzie,” he greets. “How are you doing?”

“I’m good, Tony, how are things for you and the apprenticeship?” I reply.

“Good, Alvarez is talking about retiring over the summer and I’m to take it but I won’t know for sure until he gives the final word. How are you mentally? I know him doing a lot of mental work with you right now and with Mike that your dad couldn’t go over to help but I still worry about you.”

“It’s going slow I guess, he either has me meditate or we talk about things but I wish it wasn’t this way so I can continue with my other training.”

“You need help with this especially how he went after you mentally you need the help and even if you aren’t seeing progress don’t knock what he is doing. Something has to be working if you are finally wanting to talk to me and possibly other family members that are on Earth. This isn’t something you can sweep under the rug and not deal with it. It needs to be dealt with so you can get passed it. And I refuse to talk about the wedding plans for now until I know you are back in good health. You don’t need the added stress.”

“Then when are we to talk about them?”

“Are you still having nightmares every night? Because if you are then until they decrease then I refuse to since for you having nightmares every single night means you are still in either high stress or recovering from emotional scars. And frankly both the move and what happened would cause the stress and emotional scars.”

“Yes, and apparently I sleep walk and talk searching for you. It doesn’t mean we can’t talk about other things but I don’t want to plan our wedding like this even if I have a feeling it will be simple and intimate for the time being. Anyways, are you making friends?”

“Yes, besides Jaina and Jacen that cam I’m friends with 2 wookie who looks similar to a brown Yeti named Chewbacca and Lowbacca or otherwise known as Chewie and Lowie along with a female named Tenel Ka and a boy named Raynar Thul. Though it seems Jaina and Jacen don’t like him all that much and Neveah says he interrupts the lessons a lot with questions aside from claiming to be the strongest in the force. He seems nice otherwise and reminds me a lot of my godfather’s son, Draco.”

“He probably is nice and if needs to asks questions to grasp what he being taught then he needs to ask even if it during lessons. Though too much can interrupt lessons and he could go and see the teacher afterword’s to ask if he has that many questions. So how is your room? Are you at least making it yours as Luke said you could?”

“I really don’t feel like making it mine as for liking it, it is much different than what I’m used to in style but the bed is comfy and I think it is better than the bed I have at home much firmer and it seems like I’m actually sleeping better other than my nightmares.”

“I know I need a firm bed so when we start looking at houses we’ll get a good firm mattress for the both of us. Hasn’t your dad got you a soft bed?”

“Yes, on the words of grandma saying it would be better once I transitioned from the crib to a bed for something or another. Has dad said anything to you about our wands? I really want to try them out when I get back since I never got the chance last time due to being knocked out from the powerful spell ricocheting and hitting me. I haven’t contacted dad yet so I can’t ask him yet.”

“The last I heard, he is nearly done with them and he is sending them to you guys to try. I talked to your dad about this when you guys left to get more info on it as well. He actually is trying a different core with you guys that he thinks might work. When you were unconscious he took 4 strands to makes wands out of with different woods but he won’t know the results until they are tried.”

“So I have to talk to dad about that?”

“Yes, but I would think you will be able to try them soon. I got mine at Isamu’s and he is at least renowned in New Mexico the most famous wand makers in America are in the bigger cities and most of Walpi students seek him out for some time now even if his shop hasn’t been around long. It mainly started as a souvenir shop for traveling wizards to the area and grew from there. But he did fill a need in New Mexico when the other states have wand makers for the most.”

“Doesn’t he supplies the staffs and magical items for the ceremonies for the visions for the Taloni Tribe?”

“Yes, which the wedding one will come soon and after that will be the coming of age. It probably won’t be while before we have children since I’m sure you’ll agree with me that the children should be after school and definitely after this threat is over. Hell we wouldn’t even be marrying each until then if my grandmother thought she’d intervene and petition us to marry. Sorry but I would have rather honored the contract in place and let you have a say.”

“Its fine, I feel the same way. Are you stressed about anything though?”

“Professor Alvarez is retiring soon and he is giving me another year to be his apprentice which is my main stress not that this won’t be good money for us but it’s just a lot of work. He has been the only teacher for some time, they have been making plans for me to be the head teacher, Head of Awanyu since no other teacher is from Awanyu, and he has offered my name into that selection. On top of that to ease the potions classes we are hiring a new potions professor to work alongside with probably for my time here. They are returning the head of potions to mostly upperclassmen and research not that I wouldn’t be teaching 6th graders but the high school students are mine and I have to preform research either making up my own potions or what not. It’s just taxing.”

“So this isn’t about the wedding?”

“No, it isn’t stressful in itself but by the end of this week they say they will have things in place for this new teacher and so forth. We have a few hopefuls but I think one is better than the others along with Alvarez, her name is Natalia Mastrorilli and has moved here to America from Italy because of her husband’s job was moved to here. That is basically all what I know.”

“Are you happy to get a helper?”

“Yes, it eases up work load and most head of the houses have a helper in their subject anyways and a few others have them but not much. Not to mention half of my stress is with the graduating class as well. The 4 students in Awanyu are preparing for graduation and applying to jobs. We need to make sure they are stable enough that they aren’t on the streets. These are children that are in foster care and don’t want to go back to them be it by death of family members or the CPS removed them from their home and do not like their placement and want to get out of it soon as possible. This won’t be you were you will be put in it if I am to be the new head. That is if I’m the head. If I’m not the head then you'll have a better chance in getting in a house you are better suited for even if you aren't sleeping there but with me in the teacher’s pueblo.”

“Why did your grandmother screw us up? I don’t want to get married before I go to Walpi let alone be a very young bride that is unheard of in America and be a child not a wife and people expecting me to act older than I am.”

“I don’t know, but you can still have a childhood, I will let you have one and frankly you’ll have the most power in the relationship where you lead everything other than when the wedding will happen. Being comfortable in a relationship is the best thing in the whole wide world and I have my doubts they will expect you to act older than you are.”

“By the way, the ring you gave me, are you sure you want me to have it?”

“Yeah, unless you don’t want it and I can easily find another one if you want another one.”

“It’s not that, but this looks like the ring of your paternal grandparents that I know passed away some time ago so I didn’t know if this was only temporary or a fall back.”

“Neither, the ring is a family heirloom and my mom didn’t want to ruin it so that is why you haven’t seen her have it but see Maimeó* in pictures wear it. It is goblin made in Ireland many centuries ago has been adapted throughout the years by the wearers themselves but it hasn’t been changed much just normally a good cleaning and diamond change. I would have proposed to you with that if the relationship was allowed to progress at its own pace anyways. If you don’t want it, we can let Vanessa have it for when she gets married or save it for our children.”

“Its fine, I was just hoping you didn’t run out and get a cheap one.”

“Ok, so you like it?”

“Yes, and I love the family connection but is there a wedding band to go with this?”

“Yes there is but I wasn’t going to bring it with me when I proposed. I am glad you love it, though; it makes my day 10x’s better. By the way, are you liking it there? I feel we have been talking about me this whole time?”

“Yeah, just bored since basically my training is more mental but I think we went through this already?”

“Yes to that part and friends, but anything else you would like to share with me?”

“Not really, I covered what I wanted to cover in the first part. Other than what I told because of low classes with me I don’t have much to say otherwise other than I’m missing everyone.”

“Its fine but I was hoping more was going on. What about your brother? I haven’t talked to him at all and I’ve known he has talked to your dad as much as he can as well as Elisabeth but understandably he hasn’t contacted me.”

“He has 2 higahers named Misty and Orion but they are 8 weeks old and he just found them with no clue where their mother is. So let’s just say he has become hectic since he can hardly control them. Misty has woken me up almost completely and Jacen is jealous he has them because of his zoo he keeps in his room. Mike isn’t doing anything though to help them be it looking for the mother or actually training them as well as respecting them.”

“You take your grandfather’s lessons to heart I know that but at least you aren’t looking for them but then again you will make friends with them.”

“Oh that reminds me, Luke thinks a pregnant higher is stalking me because she is sick but I haven’t seen her to see if I can help at all so I don’t know if it is true. I like exploring out here but I keep my distance with the higahers and leave them alone especially if they have pups.”

“See there was more stuff, what do you do outside besides explore?”

“Some with friends we go to a lake and swim in it and I’m still practicing to be an animagi and I think I’m close for it to be done but I don’t feel right not doing it out of water for some reason. I think I have an aquatic animal for my animal in animagi.”

“Like a fish?”

“Yes, are you an…”

“No, and I don’t want to be.”

“Oh and the yeti creatures aren’t actually yeti’s but a sentient species from a planet named Kyshyyyk where they come from and the species names is Wookiees. The one there was Chewbacca and he has a life debt to Han Solo which is why he was there and we have a Force Sensitive Wookiee here named Lowbacca they are really nice and cool.”

“What’s a life debt?”

“Han Solo saved Chewie from enslavement and Chewie pledged his life to Han at that point and it is very solemn for Wookiees. It’s not like our house elves though I think Dot is getting ideas from Chewie which I hope won’t happen but I don’t think I can stop it with her.”

“Well you have saved her life many times even if it was telling her to run to safety and you pretty much threw her in clothes when you were smaller for tea parties.”

“Aunt Cissy gives me way too many clothes and hats that I had to do something with them. She sees me as the daughter as she never had and when I see her she will take me shopping, spa days, and stuff that at points it seems like she is stepping on Dad’s and Anabel’s toes to some degree. Especially, for talking about when I hit puberty and getting expensive dresses for formal parties that are supposed to be family events. I know she doesn’t have a daughter and I think she pities me for my mom hurting me.”

“I take it you haven’t asked her why she does it?”

“No, I didn’t mind it then but looking back on it, it just seems boundary stopping but I know her family doesn’t allow ‘muggle’ technology into their home so I can ask her that way. It has to wait until I see her in person or write her a letter. But then again I don't know if my parents mind since I would think they would have stopped it by now if she was over stepping her boundaries.”

“You would think so and maybe they are encouraging her to as well. Anything else?”

“No, or at least nothing important and I don’t want to keep you away from your work.”

“You aren’t since I just got done with what I needed to do before you contacted me. If you need to go then we can end here and talk again later.”

“If you don’t mind because I do still have my lessons to do with Luke when he gets done talking to Mike.”

“Of course, I love you.”

“I love you too,” I reply. “I’ll talk to you later.”


I find the button that says hang up and hang up before finding something to do to occupy my time until Luke wants me for my lessons, not that I probably need it because as I was leaving one of the communication rooms Luke is coming up to it as well.

“Mara said you wanted to call Tony,” he states. “If you want to talk to your dad before your lessons I have no qualms since this does mean you are healing even if you can’t see it. We are thinking during that time you have been going through the withdrawal of survival mode that you seem to have and it means you need good mental habits in place and you don’t want to talk to people for a while. You don’t want it triggered easily for things that can be fixed with. That is why I’m having you meditate and not going further with your training until I’m certain that you are in good mental health because of the withdrawal.”

“So me talking to dad and Tony on Earth mean I might get trained sooner?”

“Yes, it means the funk afterwards is lessening and you are more able to continue on with your physical training. I do not want to stop the meditation or the mental training because I do think it will be beneficial to you in the long run as well. Now, I don’t actually have a lesson to you but rather I need your help with the higher that has been following you around. I believe she is either given birth or will soon and from what I observe she isn’t in too good of a health.”

“What do I need to do?”

“I don’t know for sure yet but I think she will respond better to you than me. What I do know for now you’ll need to follow me to see what needs to be done and we’ll have to go off of her cues.”

“I got it. Are we to have anything with us?”

“I have a few items that I will carry with me but I don’t think we need a lot. In fact I don’t think we’ll need a lot with us anyways but I want to be prepared in case we need to.”

I follow him out to see what needs done let alone where this female higher went. Not, that it doesn’t take long to find the animal considering Luke was going to I guess the last known place she was and it is right outside of my window laying down. I just kneel down at a respectful distance not fully knowing what to do for her and I do see a pup but not the others.

“She must have barred the others?” Luke states looking over at a large hump of dirt by her as well.

“Is it normal?” I ask. “I don’t think many animals on earth do that other than humans because I haven’t heard otherwise on earth other than maybe trying to hide it or putting leaves or something over it but not digging into the ground.”

“Because on Earth only humans are truly sentient the more intelligent animals on Earth would be considered here to be semi-sentient. Higahers are sentient here and will bury their dead even if it will be their last actions especially with a sick mother. They can communicate with their growls, barks, and so forth as if a wookie but the languages are different but very similar. They may be quadruped but they can use tools in their mouth and perform tasks that you wouldn't think they could. Also as I told Mike they have a base height once adults but if threatened can grow bigger for defense.”

“Got it but they look like bigger grey wolves to me.”

The female higher gets up at that and gets the live pup by the scruff of his neck that is probably only hours old before slowly walking over to me. It looks painful as she moves over to us so I don't know what we can do to help her let alone why she is moving other than making the 1st move. Taking her cues I get closer to her so we end up meeting half way between us and she drops her pup into my arms as I start to see what is wrong with her. The female wolf goes flat herself and I don’t think she is breathing but you can see where she has been attacked.

“Stay here, I’m going to see where the animal is that attacked her before we head inside,” states Luke. “That is what did her in and by the looks of the scar it was another Higaher possibly fighting her and possibly her pack. I know I saw what I think is her pack and I know they check on her as well but I can’t determine anything.”

Luke leaves and at that I hear what all I can describe is mournful howls that must be from her pack but I stay put until I am told I can leave. With the threat of a possible of a rouge animal on the loose scares me even if it isn’t one it might be after something. An older black Higaher lays down beside me after sometime alone and the rest of the pack so I think that his mother was a part of the pack. Luke returns and he just shakes his head before sitting down.

“Was she apart of your pack, alpha?” asks Luke.

He gives off a series of grunts and barks.

“I see, so she was your beta and your mate? Do you know who would want to hurt your mate? An enemy of yours knew she was weak and was low in health and attacked when he felt that it was the best time. Do you know if it was a pack?”

I clear no I can hear from the dog.

“A lone higher then…You kept him at bay and he wanted your mate as his own and figured her death means no one will be able to have her then. Are you aware of your mate’s decision with Susanna? I don’t know if it was a mutual agreement or not…Ok, so you first suggested it if it became too gross and eventually would have found a way to get Susanna in your pack despite being human.”

“What how do I become a part of a pack? No human has ever become a part of an animal on earth ever,” I reply shocked. “Is this because they are sentient?”

“Yes, it is as for becoming a part of the pack it is rare and they probably sensed something in you and probably sent the beta to confirm it.”

The alpha nods his head and continues making small barks and grunts.

“She volunteered for it despite being sick and will take up until the higher pup is 8 weeks. In that time you are involved but they will take residence in your room and to help you with the pup and you can name him. He says that a pup is never involved but staying with the person they want in their pack and it is just orientation. This is a special because of you being chosen to care for him and you have clear rights to name him and they wish to know your name.”

“I’m Susanna Violet Rizzo-McCadden; are there stipulations on what I can name him?”

Luke translates once again, “No, there is no stipulations on what you can and cannot name him. As long as you like the name it will be fine and if you want to you can bounce names with him and the pack before deciding. Also there is another lactating female in the pack who is willing to let him get nutrients from her so we don’t need to find a suitable supplement.”

“Got it, but can we get to safety if this wolf is still out there?”

“Yes, since I believe the lone Higaher is gone. And I’m sure they will take care of the beta’s body first before coming in.”

The alpha nods his head but motions for I guess the lactating female to go in with me. We get inside and head for my room so I can set it up for the pack and to see if I have anything for the pup that he can lay on that would be warm and soft. At that I see a flame red hair smaller than Mara come into my room and she has food in her hand.

“Sapphira, what do you want?” I ask knowing she hardly comes in my room unless she needs something from me.

“Mom, said you have to see her,” she replies. “She was waiting until Dad came back with you from helping him and I sensed you come in. Also, I’m sorry, I just don’t know how to act around you and I only feel right now unless I need something from you that is all I should do. I’m not trying to be rude considering my cousins and friends are your friends as well.”

“It’s alright, Sapphira, if it is because the way I’m acting then I don’t blame you.”

“It’s not that, you don’t act that bad even if you were depressed nor you in actual person but um…”

“You don’t have to tell me.”

“I want to; it is I just have a strange feeling we are related somehow even though I we don’t share any common ancestors with you being on Earth and I from space. So I was scared whoever is after you and your brother may come after me as well. The thing is as well, Mara adopted me before she married Luke and I never knew my biological parents and they never came forward to get me. What we figure out that they may be dead or truly didn’t want me.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be, I’m probably better here anyways.”

“Of course, you would be better with people who love you. But I guess I shouldn’t keep Mara waiting for me.”

“She said it’s not important but she would just like to see you and that you don’t need to rush to see her. From what she said, your dad contacted you to see who you were doing and just wanted to see if you wanted to talk to him as well.”

“Dad, tried to contact me?”

“Yes, well he has been contacting mom and dad to see how you were doing and Mike has been talking to him but there was no way they were going to force you to talk to anyone when you didn’t want to.”

At that I go and find Mara who is in the office talking to Luke since I couldn't get the pup set down he is in my arms. Mara smiles as she sees me coming in the room.

“Mara, Sapphira said dad called, do I have to call him back if I want to talk to him?” I start.

“No,” replies Mara. “He is talking to Mike right now since while he gets weekly updates on you from us, he made a special call to see if he can help get Mike on track with him taking in the higahers where we have little idea what happened to their parents. As for what Luke told me about the one in your arms, is completely different especially if the mother gave him to you and from what it sounded like she was trying to get him used to you in case things happened. Not to mention being inducted into the pack is a big deal for the higahers, this means by part your fiancé Anthony will be a part of the pack by marriage. They must have sensed something or you did something that made them want you in their pack but until the orientation is over we won’t know until they divulge it. You can talk to him once Mike gets done. I was just seeing if you wanted to consider you talked to Tony earlier.”

“Thank you”

With that I just wait until Mike is done talking to dad as well as the alpha laying on my feet when he finally came in with the rest of the pack. I am glad I didn't miss him and have to call back. Not that I wouldn't have but it saves a step and possibly playing phone hockey, when Mike gets done I am allowed back and dad is surprised that I want to talk to him even if Mara doesn’t leave right away.

“Is there something with Susanna that I need to know?” asks dad.

“Yes, but it is good,” replies Mara. “I just thought it would be better from a teacher instead of Sue. Earlier today a female higher had the pup, in Sue’s arms, and dies shortly thereafter making her the designated person to raise him. Also the pack she was in is inducting Susanna into their pack. Both of these are very ideal since even if the pup doesn’t stay with her past 1 year old at the latest he will be more receptive of her. From experience around 8-12 weeks they will make the choice and most will do a life debt pledge as long as the person isn’t abusive.”

“Well that would make sense with Susanna, she makes a lot of friends with animals so much that she takes after my father who was a magizoologist before he retired from it and took the position as the teacher for magizoology and care for magical creatures at Walpi. And she took to heart to be respectful to the animals and I would have bet 10 starlings that she would have found something to take care of. I don’t know what it is but the animals also reciprocate it as well.”

“That might be our answer that we are looking for, an innate animal friendship or something similar where she can communicate with them through the force and knows immediately what is respectful to them without being taught. She let the higher make the first move before meeting her in the middle which is highly prized in the community. When I say something similar is that animal friendship is calming the animal down and either using it as an advantage or letting the animal leave in peace. Higahers are sentient beings and aren’t animals so it isn’t the best choice for it.”

“That’s Susanna; she does calm them down if they are hurt and gets it to our intention. Say, did you help a higher when you got there that was hurt?”

“He was limping, the 2nd day I was here and I just calmed him down to see a fresh cut,” I answer. “I had some medical supplies that Luke said I should only use on me but I used it on him. Now thinking back on it, he looked like the alpha of the pack and he looked thankful when I finished.”

“And you were outside why? You were on strict orders for the 1st week to stay inside!”

“I was bored, Luke was doing a lesson and you were on a mission if I recall correctly because of some conflict but I was back before Luke checked on me. And Dot said that fresh air might be good for me since she was concerned on my appearance then not that she isn’t concerned now about other things.”

“That is still no reason to just go outside when you were told to stay inside in fact probably the worst reason. You were healing still physically at that point and could easily hurt yourself. I’m not going to punish you since it is too far away from the time you did that and rather a warning if you do something again against medically sound decisions at this point you will be grounded.”


“It’s alright, it’s not like you are your brother though and you never were. But you seriously couldn’t find anything to do inside whatsoever that 1st week even if was just that one day? I know you need to be constantly doing something due to your high energy at this point but there were no other options?”
“Well yes, but Dot’s idea seemed like a good idea to get some air since I haven’t been able to go outside at all even if someone is watching me after the fire. I guess you could say I was getting cabin fever from being inside. But that was the only day that I went out with the restriction in place when it was released the 2nd week I came here I was able to go out as much as I liked.”

“Cabin fever, I understand but it still would have been nice if you would have waited that week even if you were itching to get out matter how bad the itch was that you needed to scratch. Like I said what is done is done and it is too far from the time frame that you broke this medical advice so you would heal. Just remember you still have some medical restrictions in place so if you decide to break them it could hinder your progress. We all want you to get better but you have to understand that it takes time and it may not be the time frame you want. Physically you will get better faster than emotionally but still from the progress reports I’ve been getting it will still be a while on both ends.”

“Mara, can you leave?” I ask.


Mara leaves and I finally sigh.

“Dad, I’m sorry,” I state

“It’s alright,” he replies. “The good thing is you are getting better and willing to talk. I did talk to Tony earlier and said you contacted him which is good. Was the higher with you when you talked to him?”

“No, Luke was talking to Mike and I thought I could talk to Tony then before Luke could do his lessons with me which have been for a while just meditating and getting me to talk about what happened. When it ended he wanted help on a small mission outside to find the mother to him who was apparently following me for a while. I also get to name him but I don’t know what to name him.”

“Got it, but he looks young, I know Mara said he will make a decision in 8-12 weeks if he is to stay with you but he doesn’t look like he is that old yet and I don’t think either of you told me how old he was. It is a he right?”

“Yes, he is a male and his mother just gave birth only hours before dying and giving him to me. So he is a newborn pup.”

“So young, so you are taking care of him then until he decides then from what I inferred?”

“Yes, but the pack will help and there is a lactating female in the pack so I don’t need to find a suitable supplement for him. Anyways, anything new with you dad?”

“Uncle Giovanni thinks he has found something of interest in the family history besides Alluria Yorcot that he is pursuing time in and hopes to release a book on it soon. He thinks he found 2 sirens before Christ’s birth in the family tree by the name of Alecto and Melaina. One was in 2nd to 1st century BC and the other in 3rd century BC. Exactly how true it is, I don’t know but he is in the process getting sample DNA from random family members to test out this theory. But it is so tiny that it won’t change our blood status just that we are somehow connected to marine beings. That is if his theory is true. He helped me a lot with discovering the force sensitive and we got it confirmed but it was rather easy with the book.”

“Was he the one that helped to translate the book?”

“Yes, also we found out that Anabel is pregnant not too long ago and it was a surprise so we think that my little surgery didn’t take. We are happy and we have given Mike and Elisabeth time to think if they want to void the contract or not. We are planning to tell Tony after one of us told you but with government involvement there is no way you can void the marriage without some sort of consequences.”

“When did you find out?”

“Yesterday and I talked to Mike yesterday when he called and we just sent a letter to Elisabeth to inform her but have yet to hear from her.”

“Congratulations and don’t worry about the marriage with the upcoming child. I just thought I missed something major this past month or so with me talking to no one.”

“No you didn’t, we are thinking the child will be born in September but we still need to confirm it with the healers. The others are excited for the most part, especially Demetrio since he won’t be the youngest anymore but Bart and Gabby aren’t excited saying if we wanted children it should have been much sooner after our marriage. But you are happy about this news?”

“Right now, more or less shocked that you are having another child, but for the news to have another sibling is exciting. How is Anabel holding up then?”

“For now, everything is fine morning sickness but she said it isn’t bad. I know you probably won’t be around much due to the marriage and I’m sure you and Tony need to talk on your own living situation and what will happen there. I do extend my wish that when you come home from Yavin until you are of 18 years old you can stay with me. But I do expect once you have graduated that you two will be looking for a place yourself by that time you will be an adult and can appear immediately on the housing deed.”

“I’ll bring it up to him but we didn’t talk about that today just getting reacquainted with each other when we talked earlier. For all I know he could possibly want to move out within months of me on Earth. And I don’t know exactly when I would like to leave you but I am getting married so shouldn’t we have our own private space that isn’t just a room? Dad, I’m confused with this.”

“Of course, and this is probably something you need to bring up with Tony to get settled but you also shouldn’t be growing up faster than you should be and this government issued wedding is making you mature faster. All of my children can stay with me until they can support themselves legally at the age of 18 while yours does pose the marriage but you are still under 18 and my daughter. The magical courts should have never stepped in because I know they will fudge with your age to make it acceptable for you to marry legally. You are too young to make this decision and the wizarding world is doing you a major disservice. This is the main reason grandma wants the arranged marriages to stop unless asked because this could pop up now and then and win when one if not both are still a child.”

“Also dad, I know this maybe short lived when I get home but is there any way I can get a firmer mattress when I come back? I’m sleeping better here on Yavin and the bed is much firmer than what I was bought when you switched me to a big kid’s bed, aside from the nightmares.”

“I’ll look into it since I want to get you and Mike a bigger bed when you get bat anyways since you are both very tall. Plus with the rate of Betty and Mike have sleep overs I need to get them until puberty starts and the marriage between you and Tony. But your wellbeing is more important than that and if it is better that you has a firmer bed then you need to have a firmer bed. When you got the twin bed everyone was in an agreement that a soft bed would be beneficial considering at that time you were having more than normal visions and we thought a softer bed would help, and I know it didn’t fully stop until you end up growing out of toddlerhood. You still have a high precedent to having visions more than I ever had and even more than your brother or Shima. Suzie, have you had any visions since you went to Yavin 4?”

“A few here and there but nothing of major importance just peaceful times and everything seem normal. That has been recurring the most since I’ve been here and it does feel like a vision but I do not know what will happen for it to be peaceful and normal. I have a feeling something bad will happen before then on 2 different fronts. I haven’t had visions to see it or at least none that I remember but I feel something bad will happen. The nightmares are on what has happened and they certainly don’t feel like visions to me.”

“I would believe that the nightmares are taking over for the visions for the time being considering everything you went through and you are still recovering from. But it is true sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better but is surprising that you think there will be 2 fronts. What is leading you to believe there is two fronts?”

“Besides the attack on the town by the Sith making a front in America and pretty much any Jedi born on Earth since then and one it feels like a return of an old threat in England. It has something to do with whatever is on Mike’s and my left arm. Where we born with this mark or was it placed there?”

“Your mother magically tattooed you two for some reason when you two were still babies but I never searched into what it could be even if they are identical. It is not a mark you are born with and I have yet to figure out how to remove it from you two. Why do suspect that mark?”

“Dreams of the past as if I was looking into someone’s eyes before I was born before this thing started, these dreams haven’t started back up yet but for some reason now have me fearing there is two fronts both powerful and both deadly. The mark is on witches and wizards who do horrible things and wanting to get rid of muggle borns. Due to the accents I’m thinking it is in Great Britain considering we talk to the Dursleys and they have similar accents. I just feel this threat is not fully extinguish there but rather is waiting for the right time to resurface.”

“So you are thinking there is a band of dark witches and wizards that will come back?”

“Yes, either under a new leader or a return of a leader.”

“I don’t think the leader will return he who must not be named has been dead for 9 years just days after your 1st birthday. So it may be a new leader to replace him but it has to be a part of his army and I know the loyal ones are in Azkaban and even some very loyal American Death Eaters are in Wendigo or have been executed. Both places there have been no breaks out but it has to be a Death Eater that escaped prison but I don’t know if they have a mark or not.”

“Got it and sorry if I got into more serious talks.”

“It’s alright; either you or Mike would have brought it up at one time or the other. My hunches you would have brought it up first due to your situation and putting pieces together. It is a talk that needed to get out anyways and I will only inform Mike when he gets curious. Anyways, I better get going so I can get some rest. It was good to finally talk to you.”

“Same here, have a good night’s sleep.”

“You have a good day yourself and I love you.”

“Love you too, dad.”

We hang up and as I’m about to get up an incoming call comes in so I figure out how to answer it and it is Tony’s two half cat half kneazle Admiral Chocolate and Duchess Cannoli looking at the screen. Admiral Chocolate, the dark brown tabby, is just hanging back while Duchess Cannoli, the chocolate pointed cat, is up close to the screen inspecting.

“Admiral, Duchess, did you notify Tony you are trying to contact me?” I ask the cats with them continuing to stare while I see Tony coming into the screen.

“There you two are,” states Tony. “Suzie, did you call again?”

“No, your cats called me,” I reply.

“Ah, by the way what’s that in your arms?”

“A higher they are at least native to Yavin 4 and look like a wolf but are sentient. His dying mother gave him to me and now his pack is initiating me into the pack. I don’t know what I am going to name him but according to the pack rules is that if a dying mother gives the pup to someone else they are to raise them and at 8-12 weeks the pup is to decide to return to the pack or pledge a life debt to the person who raised him. And before you ask he is only hours old even when his mom died.”
“Well, you’ll be a good mother to him. I’m sorry to hear about his actual mother but she made the best decision out there. As evident as my cats missing you and using you as their pillow not to mention how you take care of them. I just don’t want you to get hurt with the Hippogriff heard Walpi has and the many dangerous animals even if you have somehow became a part of their structure. I know it is in part because of your grandfather and him being the animal expert but I still don’t want you hurt.”

“I know what to do around Hippogriffs, but on another note and something to think about dad said he wouldn’t mind that we stay with him until I graduate but that he will hold you to a higher standard than me.”

“It is the same with my parents but I would rather we have our own place to live in and to have our own privacy. I would probably take your dad’s offer as we look for a house and I’m hoping to buy and move before you start Walpi but the maximum of by the time your 1st year is done. A year or so will be good enough to live there while we look. I will be saving up money for the house and I would like the house to be in Wintermere so your father’s house would be ideal. I will contact him about it so you don’t have to. But does the house sound good to you?”

“It’s fine, either way I didn’t know if it would be better for privacy reasons than just a bed room.”

“It will be and I don’t care if you can’t show up on the deed right away. And yes it will be better than just a room for privacy especially if we happen to have children before you graduate. I will take precautions for since if you took the potion for girls for birth control it could lead you to be infertile and I don’t want that unless we decide we don’t want children ever. And I don’t feel right using muggle inventions for birth control for you considering it seems the side effects are as bad as the potion.”

“And the male counterpart potion doesn’t have side effects?”

“Not to the point of permanent injury to the person or major sickness. The side effects are few and very minimal.”

“Got it, well I better let you go so you can head to bed or do other things.”

“I’m fine, everything is done and so I can talk a bit more unless you don’t want to but as I said no wedding planning until the nightmares are gone. And we’ll talk more in depth about the housing situation at a later time too.”

“I think what has been said has been said earlier and I wasn’t planning another call with you today.”

“Ok, have fun, and I love you.”

“Love you too, and bye.”

I hang up and finally leave the room before the cats decide to recall me. Once back in my room, I put the pup on the blanket and try to figure out a name for the black pup. The pack is in my room resting and the alpha just puts his head by me as I lay him down on the blanket near the female not knowing if he needs food.

“A name huh,” I mutter to myself. “He looks like a helper, Azriel?”

The alpha shakes his head as if he doesn’t like it and I don’t like it much.

“Well if not Azriel how about Ezra or is that still not it?”

Again another shake of the head as Dong-Son, Jaina, and Jacen comes in the room arguing why I would have a pack of Higaher coming into my room.

“Brian, you wouldn’t happen to know a name that would mean helper?” I ask.

“My dad said they were leaning to Daisuke with me before they finally decided on Dong-Son since my mom was Japanese and my dad is Korean,” replies Dong-Son. “Daisuke means great or large help. But why do you have a pack in your room?”

“I’m being initiated in the pack along with caring for a new born pup since his mother gave him to me before she died. Though I do love Daisuke for him and he looks like one.”

The alpha seems to be relaxed so it seems his name will be Daisuke. Dong-Son, Jaina, and Jacen stay for a bit playing with the pack and talking to me. While I still have a way to go to adapt back into things it seems I am starting to get back to where I was.

►Darth Karawan’s POV◄

“You disappointed me, Enric!” yells my master Zeno Vaal or Darth Incendia as this is the 1st time seeing her in a month due to me in hiding as she uses force lightning on me. “You not only lost them but you were too scared to come back to me right away. You are treading on thin ice.”

“Darth Incendia, I am planning away to get the twins back but the girl has already been branded so we can get to them. I just need to get them alone,” I reply once she stops.

“Of course, we don’t want them to get too strong before they could defeat us. If only Darth Sideous was still around while I was one of his apprentice and this wouldn’t have happened with him and me. We made one mistake already but this mistake is too much since it was the right person. We need them back now! Do I need to wound your pride more than you losing to two children?”

“No, ma’am”

“Then get back out there and don’t fail me again otherwise it might be the last thing you do.”

“Yes, ma’am, I will come back when I finally have them in our grasp.”

“How long do you think I will give you?”

“As long as I need”

“No, you will contact me once a month on your progress considering what happened on Earth and I will be assigning Tiberius Zane to you to monitor everything. I do not trust you to complete the task even when you started you were the best but now it seems you have lost your touch. Tell me, did you do anything else to the child other than burning her?”

“Yes, I raped her making not only her hurt but her family particularly her fiancé who she is arranged to be married.”

Dark Incendia just smirks as Tiberius comes in.

“I didn’t think you had it in you to rape a child,” mocks Tiberius. “Also, I will not be forgiving every time your plans fail. It is shameful that lower beings won out than you taking the children here where things will be put in place. Now I will see you in two hours before we are to leave and make our own plan.”

They both leave and it is already bad enough that I have a wounded pride knowing that the plan didn’t go as plan and that was the reason I hid knowing how Zeno would act upon it. I’m lucky enough not to have gotten killed. I take some bacta and get things I need along with composing myself before I have to leave again and form another plan this time with my rival here, Tiberius.

♥Susanna’s POV♥

Night comes and I’m sleeping on the bed feeling rather safe for the first time since the fire where it is the 1st night that I don’t have any nightmares and in fact normal peaceful dreams. Hopefully soon I will be healed enough too actually start back up training so I can defend myself. Though I believe the pack will be a part of the defense if things threaten my life. Maybe time to myself was needed and all the meditation Luke made me do but I probably won’t know for a while.