Sequel: Tony's Thoughts
Status: will not come everyday

Wizarding Worlds Intro to Force Sensitives

Gaining Our Wands and News

Eight weeks have past and slowly I’ve been let to review things that I’ve already been taught and Dot took it upon herself to monitor my progress. I’ve been talking to Dad and Tony once a week which everyone is glad that I am finally healing and I can do things that they were afraid would hurt me while I was healing. Though I swear Dot is taking this a little bit too far in monitoring everything because if she sees something as a danger she will have me stop. It aggravates the pack who after 8 weeks of just living with me and taking care of Daisuke have finished me being a part of the pack and they would rather have me doing things that is more challenging. Daisuke while he will go with the main pack if I’m going with he will not go with them for the hunts if I’m staying behind which Luke said will be the main indicator if he will pledge his life to me. Right now it is night and Daisuke is sleeping beside me or rather has decided he wants to lay on top of me as I feel him walking over to me and trying to find a spot. Well he did find a spot with his head on top of my stomach before falling back asleep. The next time I wake up is a half an hour before I have to get up for the lessons. My left arm is bothering me and I’m just hoping I slept on it wrong than the side effects of Physical Reversal potion better yet growing pains. Massaging it for a bit I get up and hope to get into clothes.

“Mistress Rizzo,” states Dot.

“Yes, Dot,” I reply. “Do you need something?”

“Master Skywalker requests you be in his office soon but he would like you dressed first.”

“Ok. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I quickly get changed into jeans that fit for now but I go through clothes fast because my growth rate doesn’t help much. I’m much taller than the average 10 year old at about 5’5” since I was last measured and I’m actually taller than Mike right now by only a few inches. As for what Luke and Mara wants to talk to me about I have no idea. I get to the office and I can hear hushed whispers that I can’t make out but I have a feeling it isn’t good. Knocking, they finally notice I’m there.

“Susanna, sit down,” states Luke. “We have a few things we need to talk to you about?”

“Have I done something wrong, Master Skywalker?” I ask since I have a feeling it maybe formal as Mara closes the door.

“You haven’t done anything wrong we are just worried for you that are all. Your dad called last night to talk about a few things with us and the conversation ended up at a bad situation with you being a baby. It is something we weren’t aware of and we don’t know if you need to talk to your dad about it.”

“What are you talking about? If this is about the abuse that mother did to me that Tony’s grandmother told the court then I already know the majority of it. I don’t need to know the full details. The only thing I want to know about is the mark and I doubt he has the answers for that right now. She might have embellished some but I did talk to dad during that time to get the right info. And if there is anything to add to it, I don’t want to know right now.”

“So you know about it?”

“Yes, that was Mrs. Richardson’s defense to get me to marry before I turn 18 and could have a say. And I do think there are things that weren’t said on either side and right now I don’t want to know them. The damage has been done. I’m sorry if this is news to you but I really didn’t want to talk to you two about it.”

“Then we are mistaken about that. The only other thing is Isamu Blanc will be here sometime today with the wands and we’ll get everyone in here to test them out so he knows what needs done. Two other people will be with him, Albus Dumbledore and Olivander due to something that they saw when Albus came to PA after the fire.”

“Anything else?”

“Not for you alone, we will talk to you four as a group later in the day as well.”

“So I can leave?”

“Yes you can”

I get up off the seat and head down for breakfast to get something in me as long as the cafeteria is running that otherwise I will find something to do. Thankfully it up and students trickling in before the 1st lesson but I wonder what the group meeting is about. Did dad do a good enough job for us to get lightsabers? Mike, Neveah, and Dong-Son come in and sit with me since we don’t feel like sitting with our friends here right now since there are times we miss earth and this happens to be one of those times. We talk about things we miss on Earth as we eat breakfast the main thing is our families even if we talk to them but still it isn’t the same than being with them. We also miss the food since the food that we are given here while similar but not the same. With my back to one of the doors, I see Mike’s and Neveah’s eyes widen

“Why is Dumbledore here?” asks Neveah bring Dong-Son’s and my attention to it.

“I don’t know,” I reply. “Maybe he has some news that concerns Earth. I had to talk with Master Skywalker earlier and he said he had a group meeting with us other than the wands.”

“Why did Master Skywalker needed to talk to you? You haven’t done anything wrong did you?” inquires Mike almost scolding.

“He was talking to dad and a he told Master Skywalker about a few things that has happened that I was made aware of during the process on Earth to force Tony and I to marry. He was worried and didn’t know that I knew since dad must have left it out. So no I wasn’t in trouble. It was after he let me know that the wands were done and we have a group meeting after the lesson. I do not know what it is about since he didn’t say but he wants to talk to us as a group.”

“Sheesh, at least that was sorted out I guess so that means Isamu Blanc is here as well.”

“Yes, somewhere knowing him setting up a little shop for us. If not that he is tinkering with the wands a bit.”

“Maybe Olivander is here because I hear he is one of the best wand makers and only lives in England and I would think he’d be curious about new wand cores I they could be as strong as the three strong cores of dragon heartstring, phoenix feather, and unicorn hair,” adds Dong Son. “I know I would be interested if there were other cores that could make equally strong wands as well.”

“I have my doubts that he is here and if he is here, he is probably here on other business probably along the same business as why Albas Dumbledore is here,” I point out.

“Then why would Albas Dumbledore be here?" inquires Neveah.

"I don't know but I assume it is important if he is showing up in person than sending a representative or items if he was doing that. Albas knows that we all know we are wizards to a degree so we wouldn’t be the ones who sent him here. And I don’t think it is just to have a friendly chat with Master Skywalker since I believe Hogwarts is supposed to be in session just like Walpi since it is still weeks away from Christmas,” adds Mike. “This has to be something he saw while he visited us while Susanna was healing and might have to do with the ruling that the courts made but that has yet to be seen.”

“So neither of you two saw this coming with your visions?” observes Dong-Son.

“Correct,” Mike and I say in unison.

“Humph, it would be nice if someone knew beforehand so they could tell us,” mumbles Neveah continuing to eat her breakfast.

I roll my eyes because of Luke wanted to tell us he would and it would have to pertain to us. He didn't and I have my doubts why Albas is here does pertain to us. Why Neveah thinks we should know even with our abilities to have visions when we have no control when we have them. After this our talks kind of go into a new territory on what will happen when we get back on Earth and go to one of the magical schools on Earth along how much we will fare with each other. Once we are done eating we head up to one of the main lesson areas to hear Luke Skywalker go on for the day.

♥Luke Skywalker’s POV♥

Before Mara and I talked to Susanna we ate our breakfasts since we are to be talking to a person we met on Earth named Albus Dumbledore. We don’t know what he wants fully but has said it is important and will be coming with legal documents and we can do what we want to confirm so we already had the DNA samples taken to be examined. We just got the results but figured to wait to talk to Professor Dumbledore before looking at it since we can sense the truth. He comes in and sits down.

“How was your trip here?” I ask. “Han didn’t get you into any trouble?”

“We had no trouble whatsoever and the trip was fine,” replies Dumbledore as his blue eyes twinkle.

“That’s good but we would like to get down to why you are here for you see Luke doesn’t have much time to waste due to he has to teach a class soon,” Mara adds as my blue eyes looks at the papers that Albus put out on the desk.

“Yes, I’m very aware the class time schedule,” observes Albus. “Anyways from what we talked about through this computer system you call it that I am questioning Sapphira’s actual connection to this place other than what you said someone abandoned her and no one claimed her so you, Mara, adopted her and when you two got married Luke adopted her as well per say. There are some final things and why no one stepped up to say who she was. In truth they couldn’t because she and her older brother’s parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort on October 31, 1989 as his intentions was to actually kill her older brother but he was destroyed instead. What happened next was not fully completed all that we know the house was in a mess the youngest daughter was missing and we had to talk her brother to his uncle and aunt’s house for safe keeping.”

“What was the family’s name?” I inquire.

“A dear friend of mine the Potter family consisting of James, Lily, Harry, and Alexandra Potter, we found James and Lily dead, Harry was safe but with a scar, and Alexandra was kidnapped by someone.”

“And you believe Sapphira is Alexandra?” Mara recognizes.

“Yes, while I have no actual proof other than what DNA sample I gave you for Harry Potter to compare the two so legally the adoption can finish. I have persuaded the Ministry of Magic officials that this is best for her since she knows of no other life if this so happens to be Alexandra. I will also tell you this under the truth serum, Veritaserum.”

“We have no need, I sense you are telling the truth in this regard but still things are hidden either for trust reasons or they aren’t our business. We do have the results if you want to look at them now and we can get our daughter and tell her the news after a while. The only thing if she is Alexandra and has to go to Earth for schooling whom will she live with? While we aren’t averse to going to Earth but we might have missions and like the four whose parents wanted them to come here we will have to send a Jedi Master to continue her training.”

“Unlike Harry she will have the option of coming back here on breaks, staying with the Rizzo family, staying with her maternal aunt and uncle the Dursleys in which her older brother is staying with or staying with another wizarding family named the Weasleys.”

“Why would she have been kidnapped and brought here then? Unless the person made a mistake and thought she was the Great Jedi when she wasn't.”

“I don’t know but what you are thinking there might be a possibility considering Susanna the person might have gotten mixed up.”

“Also it had to be a person aware of the prophecy and since there is no known Jedi beforehand on Earth has to come from here despite having variations of the prophecy on both sides. The last known Sith here at that time would be the last clone of Darth Sidious or better known as Palpatine. He obviously made a big mistake and did things to cover up his tracks more than they already were.”

“May I have a look at the results?”


I get out the results from the DNA test we did from Sapphira and an obtained DNA sample from this Harry Potter. We haven’t looked at it that between the two people tested they were much greater than 1.00* meaning they were siblings. I sigh knowing that this will bring major turn for Sapphira and we don’t know what this will hold for us.

“R2, can you send in Sapphira for me?” I ask before Mara could. “She needs to hear this and see the results.”

R2 beeps in compliance before leaving.

“Will our adoption work?” inquires Mara.

“Yes, and they accepted the legal papers but they want to have a revised name since on Earth she still goes by Alexandra and we don’t think her name was legally changed. What was her name when you found her?” adds Albus.

“The note said she was named Sapphira and I added only my last name on to it when I adopted her here and Luke’s when we got married. So I assumed that Sapphira was her true name not someone changed it. So who ever took her really covered their tracks by changing the original name to someone on Earth wouldn’t assume making her a complete stranger. From the sounds of it the wizard war on earth and this Sith was working together so both ends would be achieved. If it is possible we would like to legally change her name to what she is now because I don’t think she will be used to Alexandra whatsoever.”

“Yes, and I brought papers thinking you might be interested and will change her name on the sheet for Hogwarts students. In a year I will send hers and the rest of the group from Earth’s letters up but I know they will also be receiving them from America as well and Susanna and Michelangelo will reject due to their status of the youngest in their family so far and arranged to be married. Olivander does want to test out Sapphira though considering his friend Isamu Blanc told them that the others had a hard time finding the right one and had to make them special wands. He just wants to see if it is true.”

“Of course”

We talk for a bit so I can gather the difference between Jedi and Wizards which is basically how powers are used it seems like and in some ways overlap so in some ways this could create a very powerful person. While it seems our prophecy doesn’t say how powerful the person will be but their lives will be in danger and Albus did point in America there is a similar prophecy. I would also assume this would most likely cause a war on Earth that normal Wizards and Witches will not be able to fight if the people after Susanna do not relent. The door opens and I see Sapphira.

“Mom, dad, R2 said you wanted to see me,” she replies closing the door quietly through the force.

“Yes, have a seat, Sapphire,” replies Mara. “We have learned some news that does affect you. First off you must know I found you abandoned when you were still a baby and no one claimed you so I adopted you. We recently talk to this nice gentleman named Professor Albus Dumbledore has more history on your biological family and your past.”

“What news? Did you hide this from me for years? I thought…”

“Sapphira, it is only coincidence you and your mom look alike,” I add. “We just learned of this and we were going to tell you that you were adopted when we felt that you were ready for it but it came earlier than what we planned. What Mara said was before talking to Professor Dumbledore is all what we knew and had a lot of unanswered questions that you might have. The answers have come.”

“So what did my parents just abandoned me?”

“No, my deepest condolences, Sapphira, but your parents were murdered when you were only months old trying to kill your older brother,” informs Albus. “By the time we could get to you and your brother you were already kidnapped. We didn’t know where the person took you let alone he wasn’t from Earth so when you came with Luke and Mara to help in Pennsylvania it is when I put in action to find out.”

“Sapphire, we have the papers that you can see we aren’t lying,” I point out handing it to her.

She reads it over and sighs. Thankfully being trained as a Jedi she isn’t as pissed as she would be but I can still sense she is angry to a degree and wants answers now.

“Who are my parents and my brother? Why was I the only one to be kidnapped and not my brother as well? Is it the same person who tried to kill him?” she asks with almost venom in her words. “What is my actual name?”

“You were born Alexandra Jasmine Potter born to my good friends Lily and James Potter your brother is Harry. It wasn’t the person who killed your parents or tried to kill Harry because his curse rebounded and destroyed him. As for why you were the only one taken we think there was a mix up, whoever kidnapped thought you were the Great Jedi and when you didn’t turn out to be the person he abandon you here. While this hasn’t been proven to any means but it seems possible if the person was trailing after Lord Voldemort.”

“Who is Lord Voldemort? And who decided to kidnap me?”

“Lord Voldemort was a very dark wizard that once led an army of other dark witches and wizards named Death Eaters and caused a war from 1978 to October 31, 1989 due to blood purity. They believed only pure bloods were superior to muggle borns, muggles, squibs, and even blood traitors. Your parents defied him several times and on the last time they lost their lives.”

“Got it, so who kidnapped me then?”

“We believe it was Darth Sidious that kidnapped you since we think it had to be a Sith to kidnapped you and had to be aware of the prophecy and a way to come here,” I inform. “He was the last known Sith at that time or rather his last clone but he got it wrong but devised a way to cover his tracks. Fortunately he didn’t have time to go back to Earth to find the actual Great Jedi before his death to spare Susanna from what could have been her fate. While this is only speculations but we have no way knowing the truth on the very subject but it is a very strong lead.”

“So why does he want the Great Jedi?” Sapphira hisses.

“Her powers, the first on Earth to lead the Jedi on Earth to a certain way, and any number of reasons they could think of.”

“When will I see Harry? Can he come here? Can I keep Sapphira?”

“You’ll go to Hogwarts the September after you turn 11 and depending where you want to live you can either see him sooner or at Hogwarts. While he can come here over the summer along with you, he will need his legal guardian’s permission. As for keeping your name you certainly can or can go be Alexandra that is up to you.”

“I would like to be Sapphira Jade-Skywalker. What do you mean depending where I live? Do I get a choice?”

“Yes,” answers Dumbledore. “You can come back here for summer, go the Rizzo family which is your paternal side of the family, go to the Dursley Family which is your maternal side of the family, or go to a family of mine in the Wizarding World the Weasley family. We don’t need to now but before you head to Earth so things can be set up.”

“Well then I wasn’t expecting that. Anything else I need to know?”

“After the lesson you will meet with Olivander to see if his wands will work with you and if not Isamu Blanc will let you try out his wands made from Susanna’s hair for their core. Also along with that when that is done you will come with Susanna, Michelangelo, Neveah, and Dong-Son…” starts Mara.

“Brian,” Sapphira corrects. “Dong-Son goes by Brian.”

“Ok Brian, but with them you will go to a private lesson since they are ready for their lightsabers and we feel the same with you but were going to do it separately from them since we didn’t think you had this connection. Now with it there you have to be trained with them and they will have to help you to get used to what it is like on Earth while not in Britain but in the general sense.”

“Cool, anything else?"

“That is all,” I inform.

“Got it.”

Sapphira get up and leaves to get to the classroom as I get things needed for the lesson at what is needed afterwards. During all of this despite her calm manner for the most part I did pick that she is pissed about this and has to cool down before more questions comes out.

♥Susanna’s POV♥

All of us get up to the classroom where we meet Sapphira and she seems to be in a confused and pissed off state. Whatever made her in this situation I do not know and we do have a little time before class starts to see what is going on and besides I sit beside her.

“Sapphira, are you alright?” I ask.

“Yes,” she replies. “I just learned something that my mom or my dad were aware of until now or at least confirmed. Apparently I was mistaken for you on Earth which led me here.”

“So you were kidnapped?”

“Yes, and the person had the best plans to keep me from going back to earth without raising suspicions but it was seen through. A guy named Dumbledore recognized me and started to put things together and with a DNA test done they found the missing person.”

“Who took you?”

“They think Darth Sidious with all the pieces putting together and at that time frame they didn't know who else would. Apparently I was born Alexandra Potter to...”

“Aunt Lily and Uncle James, Mike and I heard a cousin was taken but we just turned 1 when it happened that we don’t know all the details. All what we know was Uncle James and Aunt Lily were found dead, Alex was kidnapped, and Harry was taken to his maternal Aunt and Uncle. Not that this time my dad wasn't fighting his own battle, he had to divorce my mom which would be your paternal Aunt due to her abusing me as an infant and other horrendous things that someone especially a baby shouldn't go through. I do know she is in jail and a high security one in America called Wendigo. Her and Uncle James had different belief systems and never got along so even if you do try to contact to my mother you probably won't get a good picture of anyone in your immediate family. I don’t know much on his legal guardians so I really can’t help you there.”

“It’s alright, but will I be in an arranged marriage like you?”

“No, it is very rare on Earth that an arranged marriage happens or at least in developed countries. Some do happen because of religion but it seems to be consented on both sides before it is even thought of in the developed countries according to my mom. I’m a part of a Native American tribe called the Taloni Tribe and it is one of the few in a developed country to do an arranged marriage that wasn’t consented with both parties. The youngest in the family is arranged to marry another youngest in another family before they can have much choice in order for them to grow up together. Most contracts written in the Taloni Tribe has a way out before marriage. The contract between my family and the McCadden family was messed with forcing me to have no say and there is an 8 year age difference between us.”

“That’s good to know but he has a say?”

“Yes, and had already made the decision he was just waiting for me to turn 18 and graduate before asking until his grandmother messed this whole thing up. Petitioning the wizarding world for us to marry before I even reach the age of 16 when I will need a parental consent and it has to be done before I go to Walpi so I will be 11. It is very rare and our case was the first in generations for this to come back into effect. Anything else besides my arranged marriage?”

“How judgmental are they?”

“It depends, exactly what are you do you want to know? Actions, skin color?”

“To other sentient species?”

“Well considering the only true sentient species on Earth is Humans there is no other species to compare to intellectual wise so that isn’t a real issue for at least the non-force sensitive. Now things like skin color, sex, sexual orientation in the non-force sensitive are there some more than others and it depends on the place, how they were brought up, and a few more factors. A lot of people from developed nations do not try to outwardly show they are judging you for that but in side they might be depending how they were raised and in America, where I was born, there are a few that would rather you be a Caucasian male from what I have heard. Now in the magical world skin color, sexual orientation, and sex they don’t discriminate against as far as I can tell but I have meet several that hate muggles that you know as non-force sensitive, wizards born to muggles known as muggle borns, and a lot of it dealing with blood purity. In America it seems few and far between but in places say England it is more prevalent. There are what are called “blood traitors” and they have no judgments over them but they may be ashamed to have a non-wizard in the wizarding family called a squib and not to be confused with the dog like squib here. There is also that judgment of different species but they are house elves like Dot, giants, trolls, mermaids, centaurs, half breeds, and many more that you will learn throughout your schooling on Earth those were just to name a few.”

“Is there a universal language like galactic basic that should be at least understood?”

“There are no universal languages but Earth has several main languages that depend on a percentage of humans speaking it and considered necessary to do business with the main one for now is English due to several countries have that as their main language. The others that I can recall are Spanish, Chinese, French, Arabic, and there is a few more mainly there are family groups like say romance languages which are Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese they can and will understand each other for the most part even if they don’t fully study it`. The originate from Latin which is a dead language other than classifications of science which is on Earth and people wanting to better knowledge of Latin. Galactic basic is almost identical to English in usage so with English you shouldn’t have much problems transitioning within the hearing and speaking sense. Reading and writing you might have some trouble in because the alphabet situation.”

“I have seen that when you were on Earth and were writing something down. You write in High Galactic Alphabet which I do understand to a degree but I do use the Standard Galactic Alphabet better known as Aurebesh. Anyways, I’ll come back with more questions since I think dad is starting soon.”

I nod my head since we don’t have much time to really talk about everything but at least it is a start. As always I pay attention and try to get some notes from the class even if it is not necessary considering our hands on experience. After the lesson we head down to Luke’s office to see before actually practicing. When we get there he seems to be inspecting a traditional flat bow but it seems to have a ribbon around it along with a quiver along with a wide assortment of wands and there is Olivander who is holding on a few of his own wands but so at least that confirms what Sapphira was telling me. Isamu Blanc looks up and he smiles.

“Little archer, you seem to be healing nicely,” he greets. “As part of Tony’s request since it wasn’t done for your birthday and I couldn’t come at Christmas I brought your birthday and Christmas present. He wanted a flat bow made for you and a quiver with arrows he just got in the order later than he wanted with work. And the elders requested to get the wood and core for the vision before the marriage. But first the 4 of yours wands and possibly a 5th if my assumption is correct that Olivander’s wands don’t work. Susanna, why don’t you go first, you were knocked unconscious the first time before trying wands out.”

I go up, he places, and Ebony wand in my hand before giving me a wink as if he knows that this might work. After a small flick there is a small light with pink and pastel blue coming out with a comforting feeling that I’m safe, no one is after me trying to make me join them when I don’t want to.

“I figured as such it is a 10 inch Ebony wand with a piece of your hair that the other ones have as well considering the curls make your hair much longer than it appears to be,” he states. “I don’t know why but when I was making that it just seemed to have fit you perfectly so I was hoping. Now the wand for the arrow and I need another strand of your hair. While I’m inclined to have ebony I think you might have more than 1 wand wood. It is not uncommon in the Taloni tribe to have 2 different woods one for the want and one for the vision if it is a staff or magical bow which I will learn more in time but they said they need it.”

He plucks another strand of my hair out, he gives me a large chunk of wood, and I look at him. I think he will stock pile up on my hair after this is done though.

“Either wave it or shoot it as you are using a bow.”

I nod my head but it takes 10 tries before find that hazel seems to also be responsive to me and the rest finally gets theirs done as I take my gift and wand with me to a corner. The bow is just stained leaving majority of the wood uncovered but down the center there is pink hearts and red roses that give it character and I certainly do love. It had to be Tony’s idea for this painting job since he normally does tribal work particularly the southwestern Indians like Taloni, Navajo, Apache, and Hopi. He will do paint request if the bow is custom made which is probably why this took so long Tony paid enough to have this custom made. I have a small child’s bow from him that dad got as he taught me but I couldn’t take it with me. I see the others try theirs out and it takes one or two tries before they find something before Sapphira joins and it takes all of Olivanders wands that don’t respond well to her before she tries one of Isamu’s wands. After the 3rd wand from Isamu she finally has one and Luke comes in.

“Did everyone find one or do you need to come back up?’ he asks Isamu.

“Everyone found one out of your students, the other said they will wait until they were done but Sapphira needed one from me instead of Olivander,” replies Isamu. “If you are thinking on paying for the children’s wand though I have received word that Dante Rizzo will be paying for all of them or rather the ones I let him pay for. All the family’s except for your daughter has come to this agreement.”

“Then I will pay for Sapphira’s and the masters I choose for them if there has been an agreement on earth.”

“We can leave get to training then?” asks Neveah.

“You 5 I will like to take out side and start a different training. I think you five are all ready and 3 of you are more than ready for them. I will meet you as soon as I get done here.”

I get my stuff and head out with the others to a quiet area in the forest that many aren’t practicing their force techniques. While I would like to try out this bow and get acquainted with it but it will have to wait until this lesson is done. Daisuke also follows and he is more than happy to have some outside time right now and his small black furry body stretches in the sun. We talk about this new development and more than excited this to happen because it means one more step for us. Luke joins us after a while and he stops in front of us.

“You guys are training to get your lightsabers,” starts Luke. “I wouldn’t be doing this if I don’t think you are ready. Sapphira, you have worked hard to come so far with your training that Mara and I believe it is the best time for you. Susanna, Michelangelo, Brian, and Neveah, while some of you like to slack Mr. Rizzo with what knowledge he had has trained you to the point of needing a lightsaber. Susanna, after this I do want to talk to you privately you will be studying privately from this group aside from today’s lesson; and Neveah, if you procrastinate you will not be heading back to Earth with your friends.”

“Master Skywalker, why would I be training alone?” I ask.

“It was a decision we feel it is for the best for you. You’ll learn more afterwards.”

“I would rather…”

“That will be up to me to decide when you train with them,” states a dark male coming in. “Master Skywalker; I haven’t missed much of the introduction to the lightsaber practice, and have I?”

“Master Sihin, no we just started with the introduction. If you would like to join and help out that would be of great help.”

“Sure, but I want to know why you requested a meeting with me after the training session. I had to book it from my mission to get back here.”

“About your request for a new padwan”

“You found one already? I only requested that before I went on the mission thinking it would take longer.”

“We’ll talk about it later and with the padwan I have in mind but I was waiting for you to show up.”

“Oh, then I’m glad I came back as soon as I could.”

This Sihin smirks and he helps Luke train us which is getting sticks and practicing with each other with the sticks. It does help that there is an extra since when they paired up I ended up not having a partner. It takes about an hour for this whole thing and the rest end up leaving before the three of us go in the same direction. But Luke has us wait as another person was there and wanted to talk to Luke. This person isn’t one to happy and keeps saying he doesn’t want a lazy person for an apprentice and she leaves in a huff before we can go in and Luke says that I can join.

“Sorry, Susanna, for not telling you when we talked earlier in but Mara and I thought it’d is best if we waited until Master Corellan Sihin,” starts Luke. “Mara and I have been looking into masters for the four of you now five because once you are done with the lightsaber training you will be given a master and now we need to look for my daughter one. It is a master and apprentice situation your position is normally called a padwan learner.”

“And this will take me to a Jedi Knight level?” I inquire

“Yes, while we have asked others who would be willing he was the only that asked if he could have a new padwan. Master Sihin has trained 2 fully trained Jedi both powerful, both wise they were with him together, and they both said he is an excellent teacher and trainer. He is an excellent teacher and since he is willing this would be a good match for training wise.”

“I’d accept Susanna if she wants otherwise you’ll have to find someone else,” informs Master Sihin. “From what it sounds like you are still in the looking phase and wasn’t going to do anything permanently until I asked.”

“Wait, so I’m going to be an apprentice now? Does my dad know?” I question.

“Yes you will be which is why you’ll be training alone unless he wants you in the group. Your dad and Tony know was well that this is in the works,” answers Luke smiling. “Sorry, I didn’t prepare you much before since I didn’t think it will come this soon. You can think about this and let one of us know if you are unsure.”

“Sure, why not,” I state. “What could it hurt?”

“Well then, I would like to see your room and I would like to ascertain your abilities for myself, padwan,” states Master Sihin standing up. “Please show me your room and then we can go outside.”

I get up as well and head to my room to show him and he inspects it before saying anything. He does pet Daisuke while he looks around. Peering into the closet, how I make my bed, and over all cleanliness he looks at. He also seems to be puzzled by my collection of stuffed animals before he finishes and sits beside me.

“Well you are a typical child but what is with the toys?” he asks.

“Tony buys them for me for the most part or my dad does,” I reply. “Anything else?”

“We’ll talk more in-depth later. Now let’s go outside so I can see what you are capable off and yes I will see how well you with the bow.”

I grab everything that might be used before we go further in the forest that I’ve been in and he has us sit and be quiet for a long time. I believe he is seeing how much I can meditate which I end up getting restless at one point and I can see him grimace but he has us switch to something else. He gives me instructions on what to do with the force and he seems rather pleased. Though he attacking me out of now where wasn’t expected but I end up dodging him and reacting with my bow.

“Whoa, first off great reflexes with the surprise attack and trying to counter act which you didn’t have on Earth correct?” he starts.

“Yes,” I reply. “And we ran into a trap that reacted before I could react.”

“That’s normal and you are child and still learning but when I attacked you, you got ready for a counter attack and threatened me in the same time. But I want to see you shoot it.”

“What am I to shoot at? Normally it is a moving target or a bull’s eye on Earth with the archery coach.”

“The smallest knot in a tree you can find and you hunt?”

“Yes, my dad gets a hunter license and me a child’s for archery.”

“Then I’ll find a moving target.”

I inspect the trees before finding one reasonably small that it would be hard to hit and I make sure I’m as far as away as I can with all these trees so I can hit it but it isn’t the farthest distance that he uses around 31-50 yards for my age range. It is only a few feet at the most so it is rather easy for anything to hit it so it is the reason I tried to pick a very small point. I think this is probably more for form than anything else is. With that in mind I hit the target on my 1st shot and he raises his eyebrows.

“Took you longer to find a point than hitting your target, why?”

“Normal target practice with my coach is around 25-30 yards away for 10 year olds and the maximum of 50 yards away. I’m one of the ones he has to put father back due to if I’m in the 25-30 mark I hit it the bull’s-eye in one shot and will make a neat circle around that arrow for 9 more arrows. I’ve been training in archery since I was 2 and competed in archery competitions since I was 5.”

“That would do it; you have excellent form even when caught off guard because it is ingrained into you. Now I’ll find something moving to shoot at. How small do you want to go?”

“I have gotten squirrels in New Mexico that are no more than 21 inches and no shorter than 17 inches long and they are shorter in height. My coach also uses a 6-10 inch diameter foam board for leading training and I get those pretty dead on. So if you want me to go the smallest that is probably the range you are going for. Though this is a new bow and there is some learning curve to a new bow.”

“Ok, and I’ll find something but I think we have something to incorporate into training with a lightsaber other than your wand.”

It takes him a few minutes to spot a small insect that he points out to me which is on the move. As I stalk it while it walks I start calculating where it is going and trying to see if I could lead it. The first attempt wasn’t successful since it moved but it moved from cracking of a step spooking it but I did get close. It doesn’t take me much longer to lead it and get it after another attempt failing because of the new bow. For a new bow and new surrounding 3 arrows seem to be good enough to get the small animal or rather kill it.

“That was impressive, three hits,” he states. “I’d thought it would take more and you were trying to lead it I see. That would be very useful in battle. We’ll talk more in depth when we get to a clearing.”
We head to a clearing and sit on a log.

“You are actually much more advanced than what I was expecting and the bow and arrow will be good to incorporate with the lightsaber training,” he starts. “All in all you have excellent potential. Though, you seem to get antsy when we were meditating.”

“Sorry, I’m just very active as my dad and Tony calls it,” I reply.

“It’s nothing to be sorry about just something that needs to work on. Were you antsy to do something when you were healing?”

“Yes, I can’t keep still for long and being cooped up for two months was hard on me. Then again I couldn’t get my stress out like I normally do.”

“Why would you be stressed other than the fire and the attack? I can get that but it seems to be a lot more personal in away”

“I’m forced to marry someone that was originally an arranged marriage but his grandmother interfered and the courts are forcing us to marry before I go to Walpi School of Magic. I don’t want to marry now, I’m too young and that on top of the fire that happened it was one of my worst days. He is a nice person but right now he gets on my nerves.”

“You are getting older and starting to go through puberty which is the main factor. He could very well be going through puberty as well.”

“He’s 8 years and some odd months older than me.”

“It is probably the major age difference then, is he protective of you?”

“Yes, sometimes over protective and I don’t know why dad picked him for me. He kisses me.”

“And he at times is probably annoyed by you because you don’t know how to reciprocate nor do you have the capacity to realize this. Your body right now isn’t in the area that would be receptive of his behavior confusing you but when you get older you will understand. Who did you talk to first your dad or this Tony?”

“Tony, I don’t know it seems there is some connection between him and I, I just don’t see it.”

“Ok, on to a different subject do you remember what happened after you blacked out on Earth when they were trying to help you?”

“No, at least not much anyway, it was more or less wanting to feel safe, Master Skywalker said it was a survival technique that I must have in me. All I know at that point I was in so much pain that it felt like I was shutting down. I don’t know how else to describe it.”
“You were also put into a force sleep to help you heal which doesn’t help matter, what I heard before they could put you to sleep you gave what you could enough of a battle to stop. I’ll ask Luke about more details on it later but I wanted to get your version but it seems you don’t remember much if anything at all in that state. That is troubling and we need to find away so that doesn’t take place even with mediating and so forth. Maybe it is good that this happened now so tools can be started than just meditating and you getting antsy. It is good to know all of this so I can help but with Tony you still have growing up to do and eventually you’ll see what your dad saw.”

“And if I don’t?”

“I don’t think he choose him just to marry you off to someone. He has your best interest at heart and while I was informed of the tradition when I was on Earth helping, I don’t think he would intentionally choose a boy who would hurt you or you weren’t compatible with. You also have to figure in the age difference, as of right now you two are on two different pages when you should be on one because of the age. You want a friend, he wants a girlfriend something you both have to fill, and it is hard to fill them when the age differences in children and young adults have them at their prime and preadolescent. Right now the you two can’t be any more different. I’m thinking when you get older you two will reconnect and get back on the same page as when he was younger and still a child himself.”

“I never told you about the tradition.”

“Your dad did when I asked about the tribe. Very interesting, I must say but maybe we should head back so you can contact your family. They will be glad to hear the news and I’m sure Tony would love to know you got his present. Then we can get to some practicing, as well I want as much time to show you how a lightsaber is built before you make it. Even then more time to show you how to use one than getting yourself hurt. A lightsaber is a….”

“A weapon and should be treated with respect and care so you do not injure or kill others or yourself. My coach has the same speech every practice with the bow. If you don’t use it properly you can cause more harm than good.”

“That is correct.”

We get back to the temple and I get to my computer and start dialing but with my dad I didn’t get an answer so it will have to wait. So I attempt to call Tony hoping I am not interrupting things since school is still in session unless it is spring break but I’m not sure. I’m sure that’s why dad didn’t answer since he was at work. Tony answers but he has a worried look on his face.

“Is something the matter?” he asks.

“No, but I can call later,” I reply. “I just have news to tell you and to thank you for the gift the bow just got here.”

“No it’s fine; I have down time between classes right now anyways. It is just you normally call when I’m off of work and that is when Luke lets you.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t know your schedule like Luke does,” informs Sihin. “I’m Corellan Sihin and I’m Susanna’s master and I thought right now would be a good time to contact her father and you considering the circumstances. I am sorry about the tradition and your grandmother getting involved no child should have to get married so young and without say.”

“That’s the news I wanted to share,” I add.

“Well I’m glad you decided not to wait then to call to me then. Have you tried your father?”

“He didn’t pick up so I’m taking it he is at work as an Auror and I will need to call dad back later when he gets done.”

“That’s fine I was just wondering.”

“Thank you for the bow and arrow set as well.”

“You’re welcome I wished you received them before you left at your birthday but I was late getting them ordered. I’m just glad they came so I didn’t have to ask Isamu where they were if you already have your wand.”

“I just got my wand today as well. I think he came to make sure he didn’t need to tweak them more along with getting more hair.”

“Got, it and have you tried the new bow out?”

“Yes I have, Master Sihin wanted to see what I could do and had me shoot a few things. I love it and the painting down the center.”

“That’s good; I was trying to get something you would grow into. Also I would have called you later today. Professor Álverez is retiring this year since he has seniors and I will be taking over the head potions teacher here. I don’t know what they will be doing with the head of Awanyu right now but they are accepting inside applications or vouches. I do know Professor Álverez has put my name in for consideration but other than that I’m unsure what is happening on their. If I do become the head of Awanyu you will have a predetermined house.”

“Isn’t a former student from Awanyu supposed to be the head?” I inquire.

“Yes,” answers Tony. “Or at least there should be but the only person here that fills the requirements is Principal Carter and Álverez was actually from a school in Central America so that rebukes that. Álverez did it after Principal Carter became the principal. I’ll let you know later fully what they are going to do with the head of Awanyu. I’m still getting answers myself on our relationship at school but so far it seems we won’t be breaking any rules stated but I still want more confirmation.”

“I see so that means if you do become the head I have no choice where to go and if you aren’t it might be unlikely I will even see my dorm room?”

“Yes, anyways, I need to get going but we’ll talk later.”

“Bye, Tony”

We hang up and Corellan laughs making me raise my eye brows.

“Now it makes sense. You and your friends are from the forbidden part of the galaxy. So are you this Great Jedi?” inquires Sihin.

“Yes,” I reply. “And why is Earth forbidden? The last…”

“Way before the battle of Yavin, hell before the Clone Wars, Jedi was sent on 1 final mission to Earth under orders not to return but them and their decedents to monitor Earth. It was then the Jedi Grandmaster and the government at that time made it illegal to go to Earth unless we received word that force sensitive popped up. Earth at that time was very primitive and in an attempt to minimize the damage by us we stopped the missions and made it off limits. Though while developing, Earth is become more advanced, nowhere as us but still getting better.”

“Not every place has technology. Third world countries hardly have any and the wizarding world rebukes it or just starting to accept it. Are you referring to Alluria Yorcot and others that made up the original Lords of Peace?”

“Yes, how did you know that?”

“I’m a decedent of Alluria Yorcot.”

“Well then how about right now I do a history lesson on the galaxy that includes Earth so you are more aware what is going on. And I do admit from the pictures I’ve seen you look exactly like Alluria Yorcot.”

“Ok, are you happy about this though?”

“More than happy, I would love to teach new Jedi and the Jedi from Earth will pose a different area to teach. But for my knowledge does the wizarding world interact with their counter parts that aren’t wizards?”

“No, there is a statue of secrecy unless they are from parents that aren’t. Muggles are referred to people who aren’t a witch or wizard. If they are born to muggle parents the witch or wizard is considered a muggle born, a wizard that has wizard and witch for parents but muggle ancestry, i.e. a set of grandparents, they are half-bloods, and wizards that don’t have any trace of muggle ancestry, far enough back to not register, or lying are pure bloods. When I was born there was a war going on in the wizarding world because of these blood notions called blood purity.”

“Who was the enemy?”

“Death eaters and a person called he-who-must-not-be-named. I don’t know his name no one told me. But the Jedi seem different.”

“For there is no blood purity, you are either a force sensitive or not even if there is variation on how force sensitive you are even in the Sith. That’s foolish on Earth if you ask me.”

“Then why do they attack or a person turns?”

“Power, seduced by the dark side by means that play on their emotions, thinking it is better, and many more reasons that don’t include blood purity. So many reasons that I don’t even know the full answer to and I think varies per individual.”

We head to the library and the dark skinned Sihin starts going over history on how this galaxy became how it is. He does a three hour session on it along with astronomy in the area that he is going over so I could have a sense of the area itself. Afterwards he has me do a few laps around the building before calling it a day since he said he wants to sleep and I don't blame him for that. Just for this day, we both had a lot of stuff put on us. Getting my wand, question of the abuse, and more one my end that I can't fathom how his travel went but I don't think it was relaxing. I take this time to see if dad will pick up since I figure he is back and f I'm correct. It takes a few rings before he answers.

“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” I ask.

“No, you’re not,” he replies. “Is something the matter? This is the 2nd time you called today but you didn’t leave a message.”

“Just some news, one I got my wand today from Isamu, and I have a Jedi master but he went to his room to sleep. If I had gotten through earlier you would have met him. His name is Corellan Sihin.”

“I see, I just thought something was the matter so you didn’t feel like leaving a message?”

“No, I didn’t see the point since I wanted to somewhat tell you in person and not in a message. Sorry to cause you to panic but I didn’t think it would be appropriate for a message.”

“Ok, have you told Tony yet? He would love to hear this.”

“Yes, I called after attempting to call you and talked to him. Oh Isamu had the gift Tony got for my birthday/Christmas presents. I already ate the candy he sent up for Valentine’s Day and the dog is underneath the cat he got me.”

“I see, at least one of us could mention and he is probably the main one that needs to be introduced to your trainer. We’ll set up a room for him here until you and Tony find a place of your own and I’m sure Luke has plans on him working at Walpi. Anything else going on?”

“Not really.”

I talk to dad for an hour, Tony calls me back afterwards, and I talk to him for another hour about things that may or may not have relevance. Though with Tony we are starting to plan the wedding and he is getting things set up. What do agree upon is that it is only a family affair and if we can get grandma to officiate the wedding it would be nice and to have it soon after I get back. Since I do not know when that will be it will be awhile before the date is actually set. When I’m done talking I get back to my room and Daisuke hops on my bed before I can get in it.

“You done talking to others?” asks Corellan as he comes over.

“Yes,” I reply. “And you said you were resting so I’d thought to take the time to see if I could contact dad and he answered. Then Tony called back and we are organizing the wedding the best we can without knowing my return date. Do you have more plans?”

“No, just wanted to see what you were up to. Besides I’m kind of curious has the Higaher pledged a life debt to you or not yet.”

“Not yet, the pack he was born into made me apart of the pack and I have feeling they will spend tonight here.”

“You have the highest honor which is probably why he hasn’t yet since even young ones once abandoned pledge their lives to a person when they can. So he wasn’t abandoned?”

“No, his mother before she died set him at my feet giving him to me. Daisuke’s father is the alpha, I helped his father one day, and then that day he was given to me. I had no clue what was going on. I think they are on a hunt for majority of the day. Let’s just say I have a way with animals. On Earth I’ve became one of my nonno’s hippogriff heard and I’ve tried to get close to dragons but I’ve been stopped. I just don’t collect them; it is a curiosity thing and observing them.”

“Well it seems you have an innate gift for animal friendship in the most basic form of probably their rituals and them growing enough to trust you that you don’t have to. Though, with dragons I don’t blame them from stopping you. With Daisuke it does explain a lot especially why you are in the pack, giving a pup to a human is not always done and they have to trust you. What you did to help his father when she was expecting must have been substantial for her trust and following her a sense of respect towards her. You wouldn’t have gotten him if she deemed you unsafe let alone being a part of their pack. The alpha has the entire say in it and he must have been ok with you after hearing things and wanted you apart of them. He will probably post pone the life debt for a while until he feels he needs to otherwise he will just act like he has done it which suffices the pack and it seems you. It will come when either we have to leave or you are attacked again. I see another person has two but they aren’t following him as Daisuke is to you since he goes where ever you go.”

“My brothers, he took them and I believe if they ever find their family they will be abandoned due to his sent on them.”

“Your brother just took them?”

“Pretty much, he says he is looking for their packs but with no luck so I have no clue what he is doing other than they don’t follow him, hell, most of the time they will obey me first before they obey him.”

“The pack probably knew about it and has decided that they don’t want them or to be found by him. You did the best for Daisuke but not actually taking the pup without the mother giving him to you.”

“Anyways, I was thinking on something, I have a mission soon and I was thinking on teaching you how to be a pilot. Would you like that?”


“Good, we leave in 3 days and I suggest you start packing for it. We are going to Tatooine it is an arid planet and with it has two suns so it is hot there. You need to be properly shielded from the suns. There is some conflict there and we can work on your lightsaber between now and then.”


He ruffles my hair and gets up. For the next couple of days my wand ends up producing a pink gem that and learning from Master Sihin I have to get ready for this mission.
♠ ♠ ♠
`Based of knowledge but skipped a few for more see