Escape From This Afterlife

Chapter 13

"Where are you going?" Matt asked as I walked down the last few steps of the bus. He was right in front of me, about to get on.

"Uhm. I just need to get some things at the store," I lied trying to walk past him.

"Zach just went to the store," he told me.

"Yeah, but there's some things I need." I lied again.

"Like what?" He knew something was up.

"Just some milk and stuff." I shrugged trying to play cool.

"We've got plenty." Matt sighed. "Why don't you just tell me where you're really going. You've been acting weird all week."

"I'm fine Matt. and I told you. I'm just going to the store." I kept staring at the ground and I started to walk away.

"Emily." He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. "Tell me the truth."

I looked up at him and felt tears form in my eyes. No, Emily. Don't cry. Not in front of Matt. I kept trying to tell myself that. Apparently it didn't work since I started to cry. Matt sighed and pulled me into his chest. "What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant," I said quietly, not able to speak any louder.

I could feel him tense up a little. "Are you serious?" He asked shocked.

I nodded and started to cry harder, knowing I couldn't bring myself to tell Brian. We have been fighting for the last week. I bitched at him about doing drugs and lying to me. He told me he can't change who he is for me, so I left him alone. We haven't talked to each other since the fight. I started getting morning sickness and moody. I took a test and it was positive.

"Have you told Brian?" Matt asked rubbing my back.

I looked up at him. "Are you kidding?" I choked out. "We haven't talked to each other for week. I'm not telling him."

"Emily." He lifted my chin to him as I started to look away. "You have to tell him. He's the father of the baby."

"He's an asshole!" I yelled started to get mad. "I can't stand him anymore! He hasn't changed since high school."

"That's not true." Matt said defensively.

"Oh really? He still lies to me, he still does drugs, and he doesn't care!" I lashed out.

"Emily, I don't care if he's an asshole or not. You have to tell him!"

"I'm not telling him! And I swear to god Matt if you tell him, I'll fucking kill you." I wiped my eyes.

"I have to tell him-"

"No you don't! This is none of your business Matt!" I pushed his chest. "Stay out of it." I started to walk away. Here I go. Running away from my problems. Now things were messed up with Matt and I, and it was my fault. I wasn't making things any easier on myself. Sighing, I got into the cab I called and told him the address of a hotel I was going to stay at. I had enough money to live decently. But it wouldn't last too long.

"Room Service," the guy said on the other end of the telephone.

"Can you send a chocolate cake, a cheesecake, and some cookie dough ice cream up?" I asked pulling my gum out of my mouth and playing with it.

"Right away." He said obviously annoyed since this was my 3 request of the day.

I hung up and flipped on the TV wishing the guy would get here faster. I was big already. Not too big, but enough to tell I was pregnant. I didn't like it. I didn't like the back pains or my aching feet. It wasn't fun. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant to be. I watched some soap operas as I waited. Soap Opera's were turning into my addiction lately. All I did was watch them and eat. I cried over them as I ate a pint of Ben and Jerry's. The show was way too dramatized, but when you're pregnant you have weak emotions.

I heard a knock at the door about 10 minutes later. "About god damn time," I sneered and got to my feet. Groaning I walked to the door and I unlocked it. "What took you so long? You should have been-" I froze when the door revealed someone who wasn't the room service guy. It was Brian.

"Brian?" I asked weakly. I haven't seen his face for 2 months. I felt butterflies form in my stomach as he smiled a little.

"Can I come in?" he was holding a bouquet of yellow and pink flowers.

My heart stopped when I realized he didn't know I was pregnant. I gulped and opened the door, stepping behind it. "Wow. This is nice." He looked around.

"How'd you find me?" I asked pulling my jacket over my stomach trying to make it less noticeable.

"I asked Matt. He told me you got into a cab. And I knew you wouldn't go far. So I went to different hotels asking for you."

I tried to stop myself from smiling so I bit my lips together. "What do you want Brian?" I asked quietly.

He turned to me and looked me in the eyes. He obviously didn't notice yet. "I'm sorry. I don't think you realize how sorry I really am."

I bit my lip and looked away from his gaze. "It took you 2 months to apologize to me?"

He sighed. "It was hard to find the right words to say." He hesitated. "I was scared you were gone for good. The tour was consuming my life, and I barely had time to think of where you might be."

I sighed and looked down. "I don't know what to say Brian."

"Just tell me you forgive me. Please." He stepped towards me.

"I don't know." I crossed my arms biting the inside of my cheek.

"Emily. I love you. You know that. I didn't mean to lie to you. It's just hard for me. I didn't mean anything I said to you. I really love you and I promise I will change this time. I want to cause I know it will make you happy."

I looked up at him after a while with a slight smile on my face. "Promise?"

"I promise. And I mean it this time."

"Okay. I forgive you." I looked at the ground again smiling.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, only to realize it was pretty hard. "What-" He looked down and saw my stomach sticking out further than it had been. "Oh my god!"

I was afraid. I didn't know how to take his reaction. Would he be mad? Would he be happy? A smile spread across his face and he pressed his lips to mine. Shocked, I put my arms on his chest and kissed him back happily. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Brian was finally happy with me. And I was finally able to trust him again. It seemed like everything was going back to normal again.