Status: Still working on it...

Twisted Coincidence

My broken heart just broke a little more...

Morning came and the funeral passed the previous day. Most hours of this past night I haven't slept enough to see my love but he's gone now.

"I miss you Aaron, i wish you didn't have to be in the accident..." Michelle cried to herself as she was resting in her bed her room was covered with photos of Aaron and herself. She tried to look away from the wall of photos but her eyes stopped at the poster of their first concert they went to as a couple.

"Michelle! Are you okay?" Her mom yelled through the wall then she heard a strong crack, her moms boyfriend threw something at the wall. "Stop doing that!" her mother yelled at her boyfriend, "Can't you let me ask her something... You know something just leave you're not staying the night."

"No, I'M STAYING HERE TONIGHT AND YOU'RE NOT GOING TO CHANGE THAT!" Her mother's boyfriend yelled and she could visualize her mom shrinking into a corner.

"Oh crap," Michelle said as she pulled out her cellphone from her bedside table drawer and dialed 911. "Hello, yes i need someone at 1123 south Winifred drive my mother is being physically abused by her boyfriend Daniel johnson. Please Hurry."

"you're name miss?" The emergency operator asked.

"Michelle Panson. please hurry, i can hear her from my room." Michelle said as she heard her mother crying out in pain and the snapping of a belt.

"The police and ambulance are on their way. I will stay on the line, please remain in your room for your safety." The operator said and Michelle's eyes were now turning red and tearing up as she was listening to the torture her mom was dealing with. Michelle left her room and quietly walked over to see if her mom was okay.

"NO!" Michelle yelled when she pushed the opened the door to find her mom lying on the ground unconscious and bleeding. Michelle ran to her dropping the phone by the door.

"What the hell are you doing? Leave her alone she's fine." Daniel said to her walking closer.

"Get away from her, she's barely breathing." Michelle said checking to see if her mom was still breathing, "you almost killed her you asshole."

"Come here she's fine." Daniel said trying to come closer to Michelle and she hurried to grab the hairspray.

"Come near me and i promise i'll hurt you." Michelle threatened Daniel...

"DANIEL JOHNSON! POLICE!" The police rushed into the room and with guns pointed at Daniel. "Daniel Johnson, you are under arrest for Conspiracy to commit manslaughter." The first officer said as he took Daniel's wrist and turned it, causing Daniel to react with a slugger. The officer hit the ground and two other cops hurried to cuff Daniel, "Mr. Johnson you are also charged with resisting arrest."

"YOU PIECE OF S&*T YOU CALLED THE COPS! I HOPE SHE DIES!" Daniel yelled as he was forced out of the room and the officer who was injured got up and hurried out to get the gurney.

"Mom, are you okay? Mom! Mom! Please answer me!" Michelle cried turning her mom to face her and she was barely breathing but the officer came in with a pair of EMT's. They hurried to lift Michelle's mom from the ground carefully. "Is she going to be okay?"

"Right now we need to get her to the hospital, Please Miss, what is your mothers name?" The EMT asked.

"Annabelle Panson she's 46, i'm her daughter Michelle Panson." Michelle answered and the EMT found her moms pulse and hurried to get her breathing with the small machine.

"Ms. Panson, do you have anyone to stay with for the evening?" The officer asked Michelle and she nodded 'No' and he turned to look at Annabelle. "Okay you can join us, you won't ride with Mr. Johnson, you'll be able to accompany your mother in the ambulance."

"Thank you, Officer, Mommy you'll be okay, we're going to the hospital you're going to be okay." Michelle whispered to her unconscious mother as they loaded her into the ambulance and she hurried to sit down beside her. "Thank you." She took her mother's hand as they drove away.

"She's fine we have her under control she's resting. We'll be in the hospital in a moment." The EMT reassured Michelle as they were arriving to the hospital and she waited as they finally stopped the doors swung open. The two EMT's finally unloaded Michelle's mother and got her into the operating room. "You need to wait here, Ms. Panson, you can't follow her into that room."

"Can you put this around her neck then if i can't come with her?" Michelle asked offering the EMT a locket her mother gave as a child with both of their photos. The EMT took the locket and placed it quickly around Annabelle's neck. "Thank you. Momma you're going to be okay!"

"Ms. Panson, do you know someone who can come and stay with you while you wait?" The officer asked and she looked down at her phone she had scooped it up from the ground before leaving.

"I don't know i have to see if i can call someone, could you wait with me for a moment?" Michelle asked and the officer nodded motioning for her to sit down on the chair behind them. "Andy, Aaron, Betsy... Okay let me call Betsy." She hurried to choose the contact and called Betsy she was their neighbor for over five years. "Hello... Betsy, its me Michelle your neighbor."

"Yes, Oh Michelle how are you?" Betsy asked... "Are you okay sweetheart you sound worried...?"

"Betsy, i'm in the hospital, Daniel attacked my mother, can you please come to St. Arnold's hospital to wait with me?" Michelle asked and waited for her to answer... "Or can you send someone to wait with me please? I can't call anyone else i'm scared and worried about my mom."

"Oh my, i can't come but i can send someone to wait with you. I'm going to send my son David. I promise he will be there in five minutes and will wait until you are well enough. Let me tell him." Betsy responded and waited to hear anything else, "David!"

"Yes, Mom?" She heard David respond faintly from the phone.

"Please head over to St. Arnold's hospital and wait with Annabelle's daughter Michelle, Annabelle is in serious conditions and Michelle is there alone. Please son." She explained to him. "He's on his way sweetie, i promise your mother is going to be fine. What happened to Daniel?"

"Oh Thank you so much Betsy, i'm sorry if i inconvenienced you this late in hour. Oh and Daniel was arrested." Michelle responded as she waited.

"Okay, that's good sweetie, David left already he should be there in a moment. I have to go but I will keep you and your mother in my thoughts and prayers okay." Betsy said and hurried to hang up.

"My neighbor Betsy, she is sending her son to wait with me." Michelle told the officer and in that moment a man rushed in.

"I'm looking for Michelle, her mom was admitted in a few moments ago." David asked immediately.

"David?" The officer asked and David turned to look at Michelle and the Cop.

"Yes, I'm David Franco. I'm here to wait with Michelle Penson." David responded, "Are you Michelle?"

"Yes, this is Michelle, Please stay with her she's going through a lot." The officer explained and David came to Michelle's side and placed his hand on the small of her back. "Please wait with her while we get some information on her mothers condition, the boyfriend is at lock up right now."

"Yes, sir, i will take care of her..." David answered and led Michelle to the small love seat as the officer left them there. "Are you okay Michelle?" he asked and she couldn't stop staring at David...
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow okay this is my first chapter please don't murder me that the chapter is long and very choppy but i wanted something different than the normal love story. I want Michelle to try to learn who Dave Franco is throughout the story.

Thanks for reading i hope you all like it! I'll try to update a few times a week.