Status: Still working on it...

Twisted Coincidence


David was sitting with Michelle in the lobby waiting for news about her mother Annabelle. Michelle was getting sleepy and tired she needed to rest after all the things that happened with her mom and Daniel she was really tired.

"Thanks for staying with me David. I'm really tired and scared." Michelle explained as he tried to help keep her from falling over.

"Its okay, my mom was really worried and when she needs my help i'm there even if its for a friend. You look really tired, are you hungry?" David asked wrapping his arm around her waist and keeping Michelle sitting up.

"Um a little, but i'm more tired." Michelle said as she leaned on David's shoulder she stayed quiet she was starting to drift and David could tell she wasn't going to stay awake much longer. David now wrapped both his arms around Michelle with just seconds before she fell asleep. All David could here was her light snore and quiet breathing.

"Yep, you're tired." David chose to keep still even though he wasn't really comfortable holding a girl this close remembering that he left a girl in his room at home. I have to call May so that she knows she needs to go home. David pulled out his cell phone and dialed May's phone, "Hey its Dave, you should get going, i am not going to be heading home for a while. I'm probably not going to be in for a while."

"But why? I'm not even sure why i'm here?" May answered and she sounded angry, "Why in the world did you pick me up at that party?"

"Because you were drunk and someone was about to roofy your drink. I took you from a party before you could have been raped or even killed." David answered as he thought of the pretty brunette swaying with the crowd with her beer in hand with some of it spilling over onto the ground.

"You know something F*() you." May said and hung up.

"Bye..." He was cut off and looked down to see Michelle was looking up at him. She probably overheard what he was saying. "Oh hey Michelle are you feeling better?"

"I'm okay, i think i need some coffee." Michelle said and Dave released her from his embrace and pulled out his wallet. "I have money, David you don't have to..."

"Here just take it i'm going to get one too. Come on lets get some caffeine, i'm not leaving your side because i promised my mother." Dave said as he offered his hand to help her get up. "Come on, Michelle, you really need some caffeine, come on, i know where the cafeteria is." He said leading Michelle to the vending room.

"Thanks Dave-" Michelle cut herself off from calling him 'Dave' and flushed. "I'm sorry, i was about to call you something else."

"You were going to call me Dave, right?" David asked her and she nodded quietly as they were walking to the vending machine that had coffee. "Ya know its fine to call me that I don't mind."

"Oh okay. Um let's see French Vanilla or Amaretto?" Michelle asked and Dave moved her aside and pressed different buttons to a blend he knew. "Hey!"

"Try this... it will help." Dave gave her the Styrofoam cup and she took a swig ignoring that its hot.

"Ow." Michelle said trying not to swallow the coffee so fast because it was hot.

"Watch out its hot." Dave said with a silent chuckle as she glared at him. "You should know that by now since it is coffee." He said as he turned to make another cup of coffee with the machine.

"Yeah... right." She grumbled as she took a sip of her coffee, "Dork."

"What was that?" Dave asked. "Did i hear the word 'dork' come from you?"

"Michelle Panson?" A nurse asked around.

"Yes, that's me. Is my mother okay?" Michelle asked and followed the nurse with Dave trailing behind her.

"You can see your mother now, she's stable but she's got a lot of broken bones. The doctor said that she's going to make a full recovery and will be back on her feet in a few months." The nurse explained as they walked into Annabelle's room. Michelle's mother was lying there on the bed asleep she looked calm and peaceful.

"Hey mom..." Michelle whispered as she held her mother's hand, Dave had walked in with her but chose to go and sit on the far wall so that he didn't interrupt Michelle. "Hey Dave, come here." She said and he was hesitant about going over to the sleeping patient but if she asked he knew he had to go.

"What's up?" Dave asked as he stood beside Michelle.

"Dave this is my mother Annabelle, you're mother's best friend." Michelle said and looked over at her mother and saw that she was awake and looking at them. Dave finally understood why Michelle was so happy.

"Hello Annabelle. It is very nice to meet you i'm Dave, Betsy's youngest son." Dave introduced himself and Annabelle smiled at him and her daughter.

"Michelle..." her mother said weakly, "Dave..."

"Yes mother," Michelle said sitting there beside her.

"Can you call Betsy to come and see me?" Annabelle asked almost in a whisper. "Please either one of you."

"Um, sure, I'll call my mom." Dave replied and turned away to call his mother. "Hey Mom, when are you getting out of work?"

"In about an hour, how's Michelle and her mother." Betsy asked.

"Annabelle is awake and asking for you to come and visit. Could you?" Dave asked waiting for a response and he could tell his mother was happy about the news.

"Yes, I can come and visit in about two hours." Betsy said as she waited for more information.

"Okay, she wanted to know if you would come and visit." Dave said, "I'll tell her that in two hours you'll be here."

"Okay, Dave i will see you in two hours." Betsy answered and then hung up.

"My mother will be here in two hours and she's happy to hear that you're doing better." Dave said and sat down in a chair that was on the opposite side of the bed.

"Thank you David, you are as sweet as your mother." Annabelle thanked him and looked at him and Michelle seeing something growing between them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is Chapter 2, i'm glad i was able to work on it today and happily post it. I hope you all like it, I want the connection between Michelle and Dave to grow from a friendship then into a relationship but with Dave hiding his fame and fortunes. Feedback is appreciated...