Status: Still working on it...

Twisted Coincidence


A few hours later...

"Mom... Betsy is here..." Michelle whispered waiting to see her mom open her eyes and they looked brighter than before. Betsy came to sit in Michelle's place. "You can sit here Betsy. I'm glad you're here."

"Thank you sweetheart. Hey sweetie!" Betsy tanked Michelle but then quietly shouted at her son making him flush a deep red even with his tan. "Hello Annabelle. I hope you're doing well."

"Thank you, Betsy... Michelle, David could you two give us some time to talk?" Annabelle asked and David got up and took Michelle's hand and pulled her away from the hospital bed.

"Come on, Michelle." Dave said as they walked out of the room and he wrapped his arm around her waist. "We should give our moms time to talk."

"Okay. Since when do you get all touchy?" Michelle asked and Dave chuckled as he looked down at Michelle.

"Since my mom asked me to keep an eye on you." Dave told Michelle and she was now nervous because Dave tightened his grip around her waist. "Let's go get some real food, our moms will call if they need us." Michelle looked up and laughed...

"Fine..." Michelle said rolling her eyes as Dave led her to his car. "So where are you dragging me to?"

"Okay, what is with the attitude i'm inviting you to get some food, i spent hours with you waiting to see that your wakes up. I could just leave but i'm choosing to stay." Dave said stopping next to the passenger side door of his car.

"Look Dave, you're only here because of what your mom wanted but if she didn't tell you, I bet you would still be in bed with that girl." Michelle said and Dave just stopped talking. "Isn't that true? You were going to stay with that girl if your mom didn't ask you to help me."

"Michelle... you've got it all wrong about May. She was drunk." Dave explained opening the door to the passenger door. "Look let's go and get some food and i'll explain everything to you."

"Okay, fine, where are we going anyway?" Michelle finally asked while we finally drove to a small restaurant that was a few blocks away from the hospital. "Wait i've been here before."

"Really? When?" Dave asked after opening the door for Michelle.

"Thanks," Michelle answered, "A long time ago when my dad was still around, he died almost twelve years ago."

"Michelle, i'm sorry about your father, I lost my dad when i was a kid." Dave responded quietly as he led her into the restaurant and held Michelle close to his own. "Look let's eat and we can talk about everything."

"Okay." Michelle said pressing closer to Dave as they sat down in a booth deep in the back. Dave sat across from her but didn't let go of her hand. "What are you thinking of ordering?"

"I might just get a burger its only 11 am. I don't know what to drink? What about you?" Dave answered and he still kept his hold of her hand.

"I think a burger sounds good. Except i'm going to get a Chocolate milkshake, its early so it will taste better." Michelle decided and Dave smiled at her answer.

"I'll get a Milkshake too." Dave said and the waitress had listened to everything they were ordering.

"I'll get your milkshakes as soon as i get them ready." the waitress said as she was leaving with the orders.

"Thank you." Dave said and the waitress smiled a seductive smile...

"Huh..." Michelle scoffed at the waitress and looked down at Dave's hand and her own intertwined and pulled it away. She looked away and waited quietly.

"Whats wrong?" Dave asked trying to look at Michelle's face. "Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm just tired..." Michelle whispered and Dave slid his hand to grab hers once more. "You wouldn't care."

"Look, Michelle we need to get this out of our systems already." Dave said, "Look, i took Michelle home because someone drugged her drink and she had it going through her system. I came because if my mom needs my help I'm there. I didn't want to leave you alone even after your mom is recovering."

"Look Dave, you shouldn't have to worry about-" Michelle was cut off.

"Here are your milkshakes... oh!" The waitress squeaked... "I'm so sorry." She said when she tipped the milkshake forward causing it to spill onto Michelle's white sweater. "Let me get you some napkins."

"No thanks." Michelle said as she got up and left the restaurant.

"I'll be right back," Dave said as he hurried to catch Michelle and got ahead of her. "Michelle put this on and come back to eat. I'll talk to the manager i know the waitress did it on purpose."

"No, Dave i don't want to go back in there with that desperate waitress." Michelle said as Dave removed his leather jacket and gave it to her. "No, Dave its fine. Except i'm not going back in there."

"Michelle you are going to freeze if you walk around with wet sweater, please just put on my jacket so you can stay warm." Dave said and finally she took his jacket and slipped it on.

"Fine Dave." Michelle said and he dragged her back to the restaurant and they both took their original seats. Dave called on the waitress quickly.

"I need to talk to your manager and please get my girlfriend another milkshake." Dave said and Michelle just stared at Dave after what he called her and the waitress groaned under her breath.

"Sure...pig." The waitress answered whispering that last part hoping no one heard her.

"I heard that Miss so please call your manager." Michelle finally spoke up and the waitress glared at her.

"Okay, Sir do you know where the manager is of this restaurant?" Dave asked at the man who looked like a cook.

"Yes, I'm the manager, is there something that I can help you with?" The cook asked when he made it to their table and the waitress hurried into the kitchen.

"Yes, the waitress that just left into the kitchen spilled a Milkshake on my girlfriend and when i asked her to speak to you she called my girlfriend a pig hoping for her not to be heard." Dave explained and the manager stared at Dave, and he held Michelle's hand in his.

"Sir, I will speak to her and i'm very sorry about her attitude and the fact that she insulted your lovely girlfriend, You know, your food is on the house today. I hope you enjoy it and i will have another waitress serving both of you." The manager said and Dave smiled.

"Thank you, but we will still pay for our food don't worry about that. Can I get another milkshake for my girlfriend." Dave finally said and the manager nodded excusing himself from their presence.

"Here is your Milkshake miss." A new waitress came with the milkshake, "Oh and my manager says that you will get another milkshake for both of you on the house for giving us notice of my coworkers behavior. Thank you and excuse me." She left and Michelle looked shocked.

"Dave i wonder what happened to her." Michelle asked and he shrugged. "And i'm not your girlfriend."

"Only when you're out with me you are, other than that we're friends." Dave said and he pulled Michelle over to sit beside him. She leaned her head onto his shoulder and he started to drink his milkshake when he stopped to look at Michelle she held his face in place and kissed him softly.

Dave was confused and kissed her back but didn't know why she was kissing him. Dave pulled away after a moment and he held Michelle, she had her eyes closed and a slight flush of color on her cheeks.

"Dave, you're staring." Michelle said and he stopped and held her close. "I hope you don't mind about the kiss."

"Um you took me by surprise but I really hope you can warn me before hand." Dave said and she finally opened his eyes and looked at him.

"You didn't warn me about the whole girlfriend thing." Michelle retorted and he looked at her and kisser her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep here is Chapter 3 i wanted to try and get them alone and well i hope this will satisfy a little bit of curiosity! Thanks! Feedback is gladly accepted.

Thanks everyone!