Black Rainbow

The end

“Please... Don’t, don’t! She could still make it! Please! Can you keep trying! She HAS to make it!” The man’s deep voice pleaded. “I’m so very sorry; Mr. Warner, but she won’t make it this time. She has overdosed on large amounts of Cocaine and heroin, I’m so sorry but we’re too late this time so we’re shutting her life support off, or she’ll go though more pain”
Weeps... long quiet weeps came from beside me, and his warmth covered my hand.
Though his sobs came his tender words,
“I love you...”
His words faded, moments later came a sudden long mechanical sound that he dreaded,
A loud sob was all I heard as I was devoured by pure silence.

A black rainbow is woeful as a grieve-stricken soul, its odd beauty of unnatural colours, stretched across the sky. Like a black tear, smudging away dark makeup.
You could wrap a life in foil, keep away the pain.
You could wrap a life in foil, keep away the evil.
But, keep, wrapped in foil, nightmares come along.
Stay, wrapped in foil, a new reality comes along,
Come out of your foil, life can be too much.
Live wrapped in foil, try and carry on, close off one you love, afraid to lose them, you are devoured by the beasts and strong nightmares.
You were wrapped in foil, not wanting to spoil... But flies will lay their eggs.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the end to my short story, Please leave comments and ask questions and give your opinion on what else i should do and what you think of this story :) Thanks :)