Sequel: The Takeover
Status: It's finally finished! Which makes me sad... I miss writing Elessar and Idril :/



Footsteps pounded on the ground. Tathar was right behind me, I could hear his frantic breathing, he was just as terrified as I. If we were to be captured the executioner would get to use his ax for the first time in fifty years. The bastard was probably sharpening it right now. I could hear the growling and snapping of the pegasilounds they had our scent and were excited to sink their teeth into the flesh of our legs and drag us back to their masters. Out running them was not an option; dodging and weaving was not something that could slow down these monsters, because they flew.

"The Dark Woods, we'll lose them there." Tathar called. I huffed in agreement and we veered off toward the most forsaken place in all of Peltumbe. Only those with a death wish ventured into there. Once you entered them your funeral was already being planned. Only a rare few have every made it out alive. Unfortunately, it was our only choice.

We stumbled and crashed through the dense, thorn clad, bushes and dead trees until the fog settled in, and the sound of the pegasilounds had faded. I fell to the ground desperately sucking in the air my lungs had been begging for. We were safe. At least for a few seconds.

This was my very last moment of freedom, ever. Once I leave this forest I'll never be safe again. A life full of running and hiding was in my future. It sounds.... Exciting! At least I'll get to see the world like I've always wanted.

"Elessar?" Tathar called, trying to get my attention.


"What do we do now?" He murmured, staring at the dense fog.

"We find our way out."

"Then we should split up." He muttered with a frown. "I know we're partners in crime and I've really enjoyed having you as my best friend. But I want to see how my mother is doing. And I don't want you to get hurt if they're waiting for me there. And it'll be hard to capture us if we go separate directions."

I nodded. "I understand. But just be careful, okay? Watching my best friend being beheaded is not on my list of top 10 things to do." He laughed and cracked a half smile. Then walked over and placed a small compass in my hand.

"I'm going west to where my mother last was. You head east to Falledge, they're the last to get any sort of news so you have time to get a haircut and new clothes. Maybe some of the new ear hole circlets... You know the ones that put holes in your ear lobes?"

I laughed and nodded. "I'll cut my hair short too."

"I guess, but you know how I like your long hair." He winked, he's the reason all the other races think we're all fairy boys.

He walked over and gave me a final hug. "Good luck out there, maybe I'll see you again!"

"Hopefully someday soon. Tell your mom I say hi." I gave him a good squeeze an watched him leave.

That was the last time I saw Tathar alive.
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1st ch tell me what you think :)