Sequel: The Takeover
Status: It's finally finished! Which makes me sad... I miss writing Elessar and Idril :/


Chapter Four

It took until noon the next day for us to reach Corjhi. She was an obnoxiously slow hiker, it was as if she had never been in the forest in her life. But she was different today. In my day and a half with her, I have observed that she is quite a talker, or at least craves constant conversation. Which, admittedly, is my weakness.

However, today she was silent. She seemed to be in deep thought, as if trying to piece something together. Her eyes were clouded over and I don't believe she noticed were she was going. I could lead her into a bear cave and she would pay no mind until she was actually eaten by the bear. What is she possibly so focused on? And why isn't it me?

"Idril?" I grabbed her forearm and pulled her back.

"What?" She said dreamily, as if coming out of a daze.

"We're here, well, we've been here and you've marched halfway into the town." I said gently. "What has you so preoccupied up there?" I poked her forehead.

"Nothing." She said stubbornly.

"I bet it's me." I smirked, I knew it wasn't me. But teasing her is so much fun. "You're thinking about how warm I was when you were all snuggled up in my chest this morning."

She blushed and shouted, "I was not!"

"But now you are." I winked at her. She huffed in anger.

"Where are we going from here?" She growled and glared at me with her arms crossed.

"Well I was thinking we could get a drink. I have a whole 20 loriens, so maybe we can get two." Guilt is a great weapon. She will feel sorry for me and buy a drink, guaranteed.

"You need that money for food not ale. Where is your job?" She instantly shut me down.

"But drinking is my only escape from this hell." I whined. Also drunk girls are easier to deal with... Most of the time.

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I know I've already set you back, and I do not wish to be the cause of you missing this opportunity for money. Now come on, lead the way."

"Fine." I grunted and began walking towards the farm I knew all too well. Hopefully Corinth isn't there. She would cause a lot of unneeded trouble.

It wasn't a tremendously far walk, but again I noticed Idril's silence. What is wrong with her? Did that story upset her? I can't see why, it's just a myth. Our king doesn't have a daughter. And if he did he wouldn't be able to hide it as long as he did. She's probably just moody. Or maybe I pegged her wrong. No that's not possible, she can be read like a scroll... Most of the time... I think...

She stopped suddenly, what's wrong this time? She always stops for silly reasons. It grows more a d more frustrating every time.

"Wait I have to mail something." She muttered and headed into the courier's shack. She's been away from home for a day and a half, who could she possibly need it send a letter to.

"What reason could you have to send a letter such a short time after you left home? It hasn't even been two full days!" I questioned; something sparked in her eyes.

"I promised my friend I would write to him and I figured he deserved to know I have a traveling partner for the time being." Her tone was one you would use to reassure a jealous boyfriend or significant other. She thinks I'm jealous... But I'm not... Am I? No. I'm sure he's not half the man I am.

"Ooh, a boyfriend?" I teased, trying to hide my inner turmoil. "Is he cuter than me?" I batted my eyelashes at her.

"He is not my boyfriend!" She yelled and her cheeks turned bright red. "We grew up together and he is the closest friend I have." A stab of pain sliced through my heart, I once had a close friend. He was always so happy even as a criminal. I miss his deep brown eyes and his long red hair. I miss him. Life isn't the same without him, or his letters. I had looked forward to getting those at every city. Now I can't.

"Oh ok." I muttered, not masking my grief at all. She fell silent and I lead the way to the farm. It was a familiar path I had taken three times since my escape.

However, those times were to see a certain black haired elf who always made sure my stay was... Pleasant, or pleasing. She knew her way around those black silk sheats. I'm excited just thinking about it.

It can't happen this time. Sleeping with another woman is not a good way of seducing someone. And Idril is already a challenge, No need to make it harder.

I shuffled up the stairs and my heart started pounding in my chest as if it were trying to escape. What would Corinth think of Idril? What would Idril think of Corinth?

"Are you okay?" Idril asked, concern covered all her features.

"Yeah," I cleared my throat to stop my voice from quivering."Why do you ask?"

"Well, for one your hand is constricting blood flow in my hand... And two you're holding my hand..." She trailed off. When did I grab her hand? I went to drop it, but the door swung open causing me to squeeze even tighter.

"Elssar!" Corinth screamed one of the many pet names she has given me. "I cannot believe you're here! I have so much to tell you... And show you." She smirked at me.

Ah hell.
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I have to write most of this on my iPad, so I apologize for unruly autocorrects :P

Anyway hopefully this is good! Next chapter something will actually happen so yay! (Also comments are much appreciated)