Status: ever so slowly

The Café


Over the next few months, Katie and John began to see more of each other. When he was able, he came to the cafe when she was singing and he had come to visit her at the cafe while she worked a few times. Other times, they would just meet at a park or go to parties together.

“He knows all about me, where I work that I sing, but I don’t know hardly anything about him, Lynn,” Katie said as the two sat having coffee at her apartment.

“Well, Katie, I can understand why you are upset. You have been friends for a few months now, you two go out together quite often and he is clearly keeping things from you. But do you ever wonder how he feels?”

The younger woman thought for a moment then replied, “What do you mean how he feels? He is the one keeping secrets. He wants to be friends, but how can we when all that I know about him is what he quickly tells me then changes the subject so it is me that we are talking about?”

Lynn took a sip of her coffee before adding more sugar and cream to it stirring it slowly. She brushed her graying hair back tucking a curl behind her ear. “Katrina, what the things you are hiding? Did you tell him why you came here, why you never speak of your parents? Does he know that even though you love the safe haven the cafe provides, you don't plan on staying there forever? Does he know that you don't plan on staying in Tempe forever? Besides the generic things, did you ever tell him about your past?”

Katie looked at the ground realizing that she was in the wrong for complaining about John’s secrets. “No, I just did not find those things to be of any great importance.”

“Well, maybe he thinks that some things are not important to tell you about. But don’t you think that he will be hurt by what you have kept from him?”

Katie did not respond, instead she went into the kitchen and brought the batch of cookies out of the oven. From the other room she called out, “I guess he might, but if he ever tells me about his past. I will probably be hurt too.”

Lynn got up, went to the door, and slipped her shoes back on, “Well Katie, I had a lovely time today, but I am sure that I could do without a cookie although I know that yours are terrific. I’ll see you at the cafe tomorrow, okay? Just remember, two wrongs do not make a right, okay?

John sat in silence in his living room. He did not put on a record or turn on his television as his thoughts kept him occupied enough. He needed to tell her, but he didn't want to, he didn't want things to change between them, didn't want things to become complicated. There were certain parts of his life that he knew would change their relationship, mostly, it was his career choice.

It had happened to him before, meet a girl, a girl who had no idea of his existence prior to their meeting, then eventually tell the girl the truth about himself only to have her leave him. That girl was upset that he hadn't told her the truth, felt as though he had lied to her. John thought to himself, I didn't lie, I just didn't tell the whole truth. He did not want that to happen with Katie. They got along too well, their personalities complimented each other too well, she understood his breed of humor, something only his mother was able to understand. It was that thought that triggered another to appear in his mind, call your mother, she will know.

Of course Jenny would know what to do, she always did, it was as though God himself had a direct line into her ear telling her exactly the correct thing at that exact moment. In other words, it was as though his mother was a prophet. Not many other people knew this about her in fact, John doubted that this fact was hidden from his brothers. At least he hoped it was, he felt as though the prophet-like ability Jenny had was a connection she and John shared. It was his favorite thing about her.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed the familiar number, his old land-line number.

“Hello?” his mother said picking up the telephone.

“Hey ma, how are you?”

“John, honey, I am doing well. I’m glad that you finally decided to call your dear old mother.”

“Ma, it wasn't that long ago that I called you, it was like… well, I can’t think of the exact date and time but, I know that it wasn't that long ago. And for you being old, you could never be old mom. You will always be young to me. But I have a question,” John said, he felt nervous for her response to his question.

“Well, I’m listening, go on ahead and ask away,” she laughed into the telephone.

John took a deep breath then spoke, “It’s kind of a long question but it has to start with a story so I hope you don’t mind,” He paused but not long enough for her to speak. “I met a girl the other day, well, actually I think it was last week. Anyway, she sings at a cafe, you know that one? Its the only one we ever went to when I was a young boy. But that doesn't matter, not at all. We have a lot in common, in fact we complement each other. Now before you get all excited, we are only friends. I know that the tides will soon change though because she doesn't know about my career; and I know that when I tell her, she will think that I lied to her. However, if I don’t tell her and she finds out from another person, then she will be even more hurt by me. Momma, I’m just wondering what I should do.”

“Johnny,” his mother began, “I think you should tell the girl. She won’t be upset with you I think she will understand. In fact, I know she will if she likes you the same way you like her. If you tell her it will be much better than if she were to find out from a third person. That’s just my opinion, but I think that you sound like you know what you should do, okay? Now listen, I’m watching the neighbours’ kids and I think one of them just broke something, so I’m going to have to let you go.”

“Alright, ma. I’ll talk to you later on, I’ll let you know how everything goes.”

“Okay son. I love you.”

“I love you to ma,” John replied ending the call.

Just as he had suspected, John now knew what to do after speaking with his mother.

Katie was upset that Lynn’s words had bothered her. Why would the small part of her life that had been carefully left out bother John? She knew that the forgotten facts would be minuscule compared to that of John. However, she was left with a question. Why did she care so much about what John was hiding? The more she thought about it, the more she really didn’t care what it was. Why should it? They were only friends and nothing more would or could come of their relationship.

She did not want to go to the cafe the next morning because she knew that John was going to be there. He had started coming in the mornings, staying for about half the time he stayed in the afternoons. However, to be able to visit Katie, he had to eliminate his afternoon visits and therefore eliminated his time with Lynn.

While Lynn understood his want and perhaps it was more on the ‘need’ end of the spectrum than the ‘want’ end, she missed the boy.

Much to Katie’s surprise, John did not show at the cafe that morning. That morning, it was very slow, much slower than the past and it left Katie feeling very empty and isolated. When Lynn arrived Katie left as soon as she could citing the arrival of a guest as the reason. However, both women knew that the guest was fictitious.

That afternoon, John stopped by to speak with Lynn. Part of the reason was because he felt guilty for not seeing her and he wanted to see how the woman was faring and the other part was because he had something he had to tell her.

“Well, long time no see, young man. How are you?” Lynn asked as John entered the building and the little bells on the door chimed.

John sat down at his usual space at the bar. “I am so sorry for not seeing you more… I’ve just been busy. I am doing well, thanks for asking, Lynn. How have you been?”

The woman replied, “I’m doing good, but, I’ve been better. My knee has been acting up and now I am beginning to think that I have arthritis in my right hip and right elbow. But other than that, I am just fine, much better now that I’ve seen your shining face. Speaking of which, what has got you so chipper this morning, my dear?”

The boy sat for a while before he spoke as if trying to pluck the right words out of the thin air. Lynn had learned from the past that this signaled that John was going to speak of something that was of great importance to him.

“As you know,” John began, “I have been friends with Katie for quite a while now.” He paused. “You also know about my career.” The woman nodded, slightly smiling knowing where he was going to go with this conversation. “Well, I’ve decided to tell Katie. I have to before anyone else does or before she searches my name on the internet, if she hasn’t already done that.”

The smile on the woman’s face grew, “John, I think that’s a wonderful decision, in fact I know that Katie thought that you were keeping something from her. She will be very relieved when you tell her.” Now, I just have to have Katie tell John, the old woman thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would like to sincerely apologize for not updating sooner. I could attempt to come up with a million excuses, however, they would all be for naught. It is actually a very simple explanation: I was not inspired and the few moments that I was, I was too busy to write. Anyway thank you to those that have subscribed and to those who might still be reading this. Haha. Again, I am very sorry.