
One by one,

Friday March 13, 2009: 5:12

“What happened?” Megan panted as she joined the others in a fresh, dark blue, fitted V-neck shirt. There was a drop of something red on her shorts. It’s just fruit punch, Sydney figured, She probably dripped a little bit on her shorts when she saw Emily…

“Some fucker slashed all the tires,” Cody growled with clenched fists.

“What?!” Megan ran towards her car, at the front of the line, and inspected every tire on her Oldsmobile, “But why?”

“Because clearly whoever killed Emily doesn’t want us to leave,” Amber answered her hauntingly.

They all looked at each other. Haley quickly shook her head and ran her fingers through her long blonde hair.

“No,” she muttered, “No I’m not dying here!”

“No one else is going to die!” Sydney confidently announced, “Okay? This is my party. And damn-it I’m not going to let some asshole ruin it.”

“Look around you!” Cody screamed at her, using his arms to further the gesture, “It’s already been fucked to hell! Now the only left to do is get the fuck away from this place! Anybody else wanna leave?"

“We don’t have a car,” Megan sniffled a little.

“Then we’ll fucking walk,” Cody sounded like he was mocking her, “How far is the closet house?”

“Nine miles,” Megan answered.

“But there’s a house just down the street!” Haley contradicted.

“It’s abandoned,” Megan shook her head, “It’ll be dark soon, why don’t we just wait till morning?”

“I’m not staying here,” Haley was the first to protest, “Why don’t we go now?”

“It’ll take over an hour to get there if we walk, and look,” Megan pointed towards the direction of the setting sun, “The sun’s setting. It’ll be dark soon, and I know that they little girl isn’t going to want to go walking down a strange street with a bunch of people she doesn’t know at night after what she saw tonight.”

No one bothered to argue with her, because in a way, they knew she was right.

“So what do we do now?” Elizabeth asked.

“We go back inside,” as the birthday girl spoke, they all turned and looked at the old, white farm house. The setting sun made the far off horizon a mixture of bright pinks, yellows, and oranges.

And so, one by one, they marched back inside and back into the living room. Natasha sat on the couch alone, chewing on her bottom lip as she sat with her thighs pressing against her chest and her arms wrapped around her folded legs.

Annabelle still sat on her father’s lap, in the same exact spot she was before everyone left. The spot where Jaime had been sitting was vacant, as was the spot where Donna had been.

“Where’s Jaime?” Sydney asked, looking around for him.

Sean shrugged, “I thought he was with you.”

“What about Donna?” Michael sounded panicked, “Where’s Donna? DONNA!”

Sydney and Michael were the first out of the room. He ran through the kitchen, while Sydney went to the right – towards the office. It was gut feeling, she could explain it.

There was only a small crack in-between the door and its frame. It creaked as Sydney pushed it all the way. As she peered her head inside, she saw nothing – only the sun’s bright rays peering into the room – and as she stepped forward, she saw the body of a petite dark-haired woman lying face up on the blue carpet. Her bright blue eyes were wide open and, Sydney saw as she took one step forward, a trickle of blood slid past her lips and down her cheeks, making a small pool on the floor beside her head. There was a large crimson stain on the front of her shirtand the blonde knew another friend of her's was dead.

Under the windowsill sat Jaime, his face coated with tears while his hands were coated in blood – fresh blood – and in his left land was a sharpened butcher knife soaked from tip to handle in the same blood that stained the carpet.
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