Therapy Is Good for the Soul

Chapter 41

“I talk to his doctors every day. Michael and Melissa are helpin Momma out and visit Daddy every day and you only live an hour away. If you think they need more support, why can’t you go Becca? I just don’t see how me bein there would be any different.”

“Michael and I are married and we have our own families to take care of; we shouldn’t have to deal with Momma and Daddy too. You’re the only one with a medical background, so you need to stop bein so selfish and move your ass back down here!”

“I may not be married but I do have a life here and I can’t just drop everything because you think I should. Momma and Daddy would never expect me to do it either. The only thing I can’t do from here is give them hugs and kisses in person. I love them very much and unlike you, I would never think of them as a burden.”

“That’s easy for you to say when your hundreds of miles away!”

“Even if I did move home, I’d have to get a job and that would take time, then I have to give at least 30 days notice to the hospital here.”

“You only have to give two weeks.”

“No Becca, you are suppose to give 30 days notice as a medical professional to allow ample time to find a replacement, train them, and make sure all the patients are covered. It’s not as simple as you think. Anyways, I’d have to work fulltime so I still wouldn’t be available much to help except on weekends and some nights. You on the other hand don’t have a job and you’ve told me a million times how easy it is to travel with Kara. It’s just a short ride for you and it cheers Momma and Daddy up whenever they see her. I’m not sayin you need to go every day, but it wouldn’t kill you to go a couple times a week. It’d be easier for you than me.”

“Just ‘cause I’m not workin, doesn’t mean I’m not busy. I can’t just drop everything and go there all the time!”

“But it’s ok for me to drop everything? How’s that fair?”

“Bailey, wake up and smell the roses and stop livin in your little fairytale world! If you haven’t even talked about marriage with your boy toy by now, you need to face the reality that it’s not somethin he wants.”

Bailey inhaled deeply. “Ugh! Are you really goin to start this again? Just because we haven’t directly talked about gettin married, doesn’t mean it’s not goin to happen. Tyler and I are in love and things will happen in our own time. We don’t need to rush anything just to meet your approval.”

“Whatever. The truth is you really don’t have anything keepin you in Boston. There are plenty of hospitals and clinics here for you to get a job, so you have no excuses. You need to do this for the family!”

“Why wouldn’t Michael ask me to move back if things were so difficult for y’all?”

“Because you’re his precious little Bay; he still thinks of you as his baby sister he has to protect. I’m the only one who keeps it real in this family, calls you on your shit, and tells you what you need to hear. And right now, I’m tellin you get over yourself and move back home!”

“Becca, I don’t want to argue with you. I’m not makin any promises, but I’ll think about what you had to say. I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Fine, just do the right thing.”

“Bye.” Bailey screamed as soon as she hung up the phone with her sister.

“Bailey, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. You need to just tell Rebecca to stop harassing you! You’re life is just as important as hers and you’re family would never expect you to give up everything to move back home.”

“I know Christina, but what if she’s right and I am needed there more than my family has let on. Am I bein selfish?”

“Oh my God! She’s done it again; you let her get in your head. If anyone is being selfish it’s her. You are doing everything you can which is more than I can say for her. You dropped everything and went home for almost 3 weeks to make sure your dad was getting proper treatment at the hospital. You had to make all those difficult medical decisions not your sister. I think Freddy, Emily, Tyler, and I visited your dad more often than your sister did.”

“You know how she is; she just can’t deal with stuff like this. Her way of dealin with things is avoidin them.”

“That and dropping everything on you. Bailey, I know it is hard for you being so far away, just know you have a family here too and we love you. Before you make any rash decisions, I hope you will talk to your parents, Michael, and Tyler and hear what they have to say.”

“Like I told Becca, I have to think about it. Do you mind not mentionin this to Freddy? I don’t want it to get back to Tyler until I’ve had a chance to talk to the rest of my family.”

“I promise I won’t tell Freddy, but you really should talk to Tyler.”

“I know and I will, I don’t want to upset or worry him if there’s no reason too.”
~5 days later

"Dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes. Do you want tea, coke, water, or a beer while we wait?"

"You know I can't turn down your sweet tea. That stuff is addictive!"

"One tea comin up." Figuring that would be Emily's response she handed her a glass of her freshly brewed tea that she already poured.

Emily chuckled, "You know me so well. Hope that doesn't change now that I'm a married old hag and we aren't roomies anymore."

"Em it's been a little over a month since you got married of course I haven't forgotten things you like. You aren't an old hag and we'll always be best friends, nothing can change that... Even if we're hundreds of miles apart." Bailey frowned at that last part.

"Good thing we only live a few blocks away! I think I'm going to tell Stephen we can only buy a house if there's another house on the street for you and Tyler."

"Whoa, I think you're gettin a bit ahead of yourself; Tyler and I aren't even engaged."

"Please Bailey, you know it's only a matter of time before he proposes. I'm actually kind of surprised he hasn't already."

"We've only been officially datin for six months and we haven't really even talked about marriage. I mean we've joked a few times about our future kids but that's about it. I don't even know if he wants to get married."

"You're his soulmate of course he wants to marry you! Just be patient with him."

"Easier said than done."

"Is something going on between you two? I haven't heard you sound doubtful about your relationship since before you got together."

"No, just Becca gettin in my ears again, sayin it's never goin to happen."

"How many times do I have to tell you, your sister is an idiot? Don't listen to her, she's just jealous. I promise it will happen sooner rather than later."

Bailey inhaled deeply and gave Emily a half smile. "You're right I just need to have faith that everything will work out the ways it's suppose too."

"Good now that's settled let's eat, I'm starving!"

The girls enjoyed the fabulous dinner of chicken and dumplings, steamed broccoli, and cornbread that Bailey had prepared. Bailey caught Emily up on how her dad was just released from the hospital and Emily filled Bailey in on the latest drama with her family.

"Ooh, it looks like Stephen finally uploaded all our honeymoon pictures! Want to take a look while we wait for the game to start?" Emily got excited when she saw the email alert on her phone, since she’s been bugging her husband to do it since they returned from their trip.

"Of course! Go get my laptop so we can make them bigger. I'm just goin to put the leftovers away and do the dishes."

Emily quickly ran to Bailey's room to grab her computer. She was surprised and upset when she turned on the computer, seeing the last page Bailey had been on.

"Bailey, why are you looking at jobs in Atlanta? When you said we'd always be friends even if we're hundreds of miles apart, you weren't kidding were you? What the Hell is going on?" She put the computer down on the coffee table and went over to Bailey in the kitchen.

"Just curious." Bailey continued to clean the dishes, hoping Emily would believe her pathetic lie if she couldn’t see her eyes.

"Bullshit! Bailey I know you just as well as you know me and you're the worst liar ever! Now tell me the truth why are you looking for a new job and one that's not even in Boston?"

"I'll tell you but you have to swear you won't tell Tyler!"

"I promise, now tell me what's going on?"

"Becca's been callin, textin, and emailin, me ever since I got back. She thinks I need to come home permanently to take care of Momma and Daddy.”

“I thought your parents were getting better.”

“They are, but my dad’s prognosis still isn’t good and Becca seems to think they need more help than they are tellin me.”

“What kind of help? You’re still taking care of the medical stuff from here; why can’t she and Michael take care of the other needs since they live there?”

“I don’t know, she never gives me specifics, just tells me I’m bein selfish if I don’t move back home.”

“What did Michael say?”

“He tells me about the good days and bad days, but he hasn’t said he thinks I need to move home.”

“Exactly! This is just your sister being dramatic again.”

“She said he’s just tryin to spare my feelins and isn’t tellin me everything.”

“Bailey, I can’t believe you are seriously considering giving up your entire life to move back home based on something your crazy ass sister said! Your parents would never expect you to move home to take care of them. You are going above and beyond with all you are doing from here. You talk to their doctors and your dad’s therapists all the time, you read all the medical reports, and order any medical supplies they need. While you were there, you even interviewed and hired a couple of great certified nursing assistants to help take care of your dad for when he got released. What more does your sister expect from you?”

“I know, but what if she’s not exaggeratin this time?”

“Bailey I know you love your family but are you really prepared to leave Tyler?”

“No and that’s the problem. I love my family, but I love Tyler too! I’m losin my mind tryin to decide what the right thing to do is. What do you think I should do?”

“Bailey, You know what my opinion is, but I’m not going to make that decision for you. You’ve got to talk to Tyler before this eats you alive!”

“I know, I know! I’m goin to talk to him, but I need a little more time. Can we please talk about somethin else, something happier like your honeymoon?”

“Ok, come on I’ll show you the pictures.”
~3 days later

“Thanks for coming guys; I really appreciate it. Bailey’s at her yoga class and then she’s having dinner with Brittany and Katie so we’ll have time to talk. I was going to do this on her birthday, but I just can’t wait any longer. Plus, I’m not sure why, but she’s been really down this week and I want to cheer her up.”

“You can’t blame her for being sad with everything going on with her dad.”

“I know Marchy, but I don’t think that’s it. My gut says something else is going on. The past couple of days I woke up to find her crying on my chest. Her brother says her parents are doing better and her dad was released from the hospital, so I can’t figure out what’s bothering her. It breaks my heart to see her in pain!”

“Stephen, I can’t take this! You have to tell him!”

“Tell me what Em?”

“I promised Bailey I wouldn’t tell you, but you have to know. Stephen please tell him!”

“Tyler I don’t know how to tell you this man, but Bailey may be moving back to Georgia.”

“What the Fuck are you talking about?” Tyler demanded to know.

“Her sister said her parents need her to take care of them.”

“More like hounding her to come home! It’s awful Tyler; she’s making Bailey feel so guilty for returning to Boston. It’s literally been making Bailey sick.”

“It’s true Tyler, I overheard one of their conversations, and Rebecca has been relentlessly brutal to Bailey. You know how sweet Bailey is and how much her family means to her; Rebecca’s using that to her advantage. She’s also been slamming you and telling Bailey there’s no hope in your relationship so she has no excuse not to move back. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything, but she made me promise not to tell you or Freddy.” Christina felt horribly guilty and gave Tyler and apologetic look.

“Are you fucking kidding me? I don’t know what I did to make Rebecca hate me so much, but it’s unfathomable that she could be so cruel to Bailey. Bailey has been busting her butt to do everything she can to make sure her parents are ok. I know for a fact they don’t expect or want her to move back! Why is Bailey keeping this from me!”

“Tyler, she loves you and knows you’d tell her not to go. I think she’s just trying to figure out exactly what her heart is telling her to do. Please don’t be mad at her; she’s under a lot of pressure.” Emily defended her best friend.

“I’m not mad at her, I'm worried about her. She already had enough pressure to make the right decisions about her dad's medical care, she didn't need this. I'm really fucking pissed at her bitch of a sister! I know now more than ever that I can’t wait any longer to give her my surprise! If this doesn’t make things clear to her, I don’t know what will. Please tell me you’re all in and will help me?”

“Tyler, you know we have your back. We’d do anything for you and Bailey. Just tell us what you need us to do.” Freddy, assured his friend and everyone else nodded in agreement.

Tyler filled everyone in on his plan to cheer up Bailey. He really hoped it would be enough to convince her she belonged in Boston with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the delay, but I've had a lot going on as my mom is very sick and has been in the hospital. I just haven't been able to focus on much of anything let alone this story, hope you can understand.

This chapter is a bit shorter than I originally intended, but I felt I owed it to my readers to get something up. Hope this one is ok; I think you'll like what's coming very soon.