

Take me back to the sleepy haze that surrounded us in that lavish hotel room at 2:39am on a Monday morning. Your ridiculous bed hair, piled haphazardly atop your head, is my favourite look. We laid there, side by side, and stared sleepily into each other’s eyes. I apologized for staring but you insisted you liked it, kissing me softly. I accidentally whispered “I love you” between the sheets and your face lit up immediately, letting me know you felt it too, even before you uttered back “I love you too” quicker than I could regret those three little words slipping out. I am so caught up in you and things are moving so fast but maybe they’re supposed to. And I know I never put much stock into relationships and I always sort of laughed at those high school kids who claimed to love each other within the first week of knowing each other but I think I am beginning to understand. Love makes you crazy and it comes along without warning, and hits you in the face before you even know what’s happening. You make me feel like I’ve been knocked off my feet. Punched in the stomach by the school-yard bully and gasping for air as I wrap my small arms around my torso. With you, I am breathless, yet you provide me with all the oxygen I will ever need.
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for jaimes