Sequel: Exposed
Status: This is about Alec, Layla and Kyle from my 'Summer ended a long time ago' story ;)

Somebody or Nobody?

One of Many

Dany was standing with a group of cheerleaders. She had blond hair now, lipgloss and fake-nails. Dany didn't look like Dany anymore. Alec stared at her as she was talking with a lot of unnecessary waves of her hands. She didn't look like a girl anymore, she looked like a bitch…
He walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey baby, long time no talk!" she said hysterical and kissed him on the cheek.

"Yes." he said a little dumbstruck. "You look different…"

"I know, I just thought: I need a serious change! And look how much better it is. I finally look like a person!" she said. He only smiled bitterly at that.

"What's wrong, you don't like it?" she asked in an unnatural high voice.

"No, no…it's great." he tried to make it sound convincing.

"Good." She smiled.

"So are you like a cheerleader now?" he asked.

"Yes, I am on the team. Isn't it great?"

"Yes, but I thought you would never wear lipgloss." he grinned.

"It is pretty!" She yelped.

"But sticky…" He reminded her.

"I can deal with that." she smiled convinced.

"Good for you." she smiled back.

She just wasn't his Dany anymore, she was one of them. One of many girls who wanted to be the prom queen. He was disappointed in her. Of course he was hanging what those kind of girls lately, but he had never known them otherwise, while Dany had changed from a perfectly good person to one of many.