Different Directions

Caitlin DeCarr

"This is ridiculous," Louis complained.

"You're ridiculous!" Caitlin snapped back, crossing her arms over her chest. This boy might have been an adult but he was the furthest thing from a man in her mind.

Logahn and Liam came into the room, stopping Louis from replying. "What's wrong now?" Liam asked, looking between her and Louis.

Caitlin began picking at her nails. "You going to tell them what you did, or am I?"

"I didn't do anything. It's you that started it, you and that stupid obsession with how you look."

"There is nothing wrong with caring about how you look," Izzy interrupted, coming from the stairs. "And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I highly doubt you'd go out with some girl who never made an effort with how she looked."

"No one asked your opinion," he retorted.

Caitlin rounded on him and poked his chest. "Don't you talk to my friend like that."

Before things could progress further, Logahn and Liam had come between her and Louis. Normally Caitlin wasn't into arguing with people - she was more of the mediator - but this boy just didn't seem to have a clue how to interact with people properly. First they'd had the hike fiasco that was solely Louis' fault, and now he was just picking arguments with her and then making out as if she had started it. They hadn't even been here the entire week and she already dreaded the tour if this was how it was going to be the whole time.

Izzy came over to where she and Logahn were and felt her forehead. "You must be ill," she said, a smile on her lips. "You're normally so level-headed."

"I'm fine," she said, rubbing her forehead. "He just got on my nerves, I guess, and I'm just feeling a bit off today."

Just then Zayn walked in from the kitchen with the popcorn he had disappeared five minutes ago to make. He looked between where the two boys were and then where the three girls were and shook his head. "What's happened?"

Caitlin just shook her head, intending to not bring it up again, but it seemed that Louis had a different idea. "Caitlin got all fussy and offended over something I said," he said offhandedly. "She's probably on her period or something."

"I am right here!" she snapped, glaring at him. "And if I'm on my period, what are you going through? Menopause?"

Izzy, Logahn and Zayn sniggered at her words while Liam tried to keep a straight face as he spoke. "Can you guys just apologise so we can all get along?" he asked, looking at Louis. "Even if it wasn't your fault."

This time it was Logahn that jumped in. "Woah, who says it wasn't his fault? None of us were in here when it happened."

"I'm just trying to pacify the situation."

"By putting the blame on my friend!"

Caitlin glanced over at Zayn to see him watching the scene while eating popcorn. She couldn't keep the smile off her face as she looked away, knowing that this was not the time to laugh. Knowing how Louis tended to overreact, she figured he would accuse her to laughing at him and set off another argument. All she wanted to do now was get away from him and go put on one of her anti-stress facial masks and phone her father. She hadn't spoken to him since arriving at the house and figured he would love to hear from her. She also needed to talk to someone who was out of the house before she completely lost it. These arguments were probably because they were cooped up without any other civilisation around with nothing else to do. Management sure knew how to make two bands hate each other in a week.

"She is to blame anyway," Louis countered.

Izzy scoffed. "I doubt it. You got us lost and tried to blame us, so it's probably your fault again and the only person for you to put the blame onto is her."

"I knew where I was going!"

Zayn then interrupted, seeing how the hike seemed to be a touchy subject for Louis. "Why don't we just forget what happened - by the way, neither of you explained what exactly did happen - and just watch the film we were going to?" he suggested.

Caitlin sighed. "I'm not in the mood for a film. I'm going to go put on a mask and phone my dad."

"A mask?" he questioned, looking confused.

"A face mask. You're welcome to join if you'd like. I'm sure your skin would reap the benefits."

He appeared to be thinking for a moment before looking down at the popcorn. "I can still eat, right?" he asked.

Caitlin beamed. "Yes, absolutely! I have the perfect one for you. It'll open your pores and leave your skin so smooth you won't be able to stop touching it," she gushed, hurrying over to him and linking arms. "I don't have any cucumber, though, so we can't work on our eyes."

As they crossed the room, Liam and Louis looked at Zayn in shock. "Are you actually going to put on a face mask?" Liam asked.

"Why not?" he replied.

"I'm coming too!" Izzy yelled, "I think we have some cucumber in the fridge!"

"You're a doll," Caitlin replied as she and Zayn disappeared upstairs. This was beginning to look like a beautiful friendship.