Status: This is posted on other sites under the username "dismantlingsummer". If you see it posted by someone else unless stated that it actually me, please message me.


Chapter 1

Where do I begin?
If I start from the very beginning, you'll get every little detail my mind can possibly remember.
Every gruesome, demented detail.
It all started when I was 20. Just turned 20 years old. I had a great life, amazing friends and family.. I really couldn't ask for much more. I graduated high school, an honor roll student. I went on to college and got a diploma in graphic design. I had a good job even though it involved late nights and perverted men. Before you get the wrong idea, I was a bartender. I loved my life and I couldn't imagine any of this ever happening, until of course, he came along.
I awoke on Friday, mid afternoon. It was a late night.. a very late night. The club was packed, we were short staffed and of course an insane fight broke out. Glass and alcohol everywhere. Cops were called, the place was a mess. I didn't get home till almost 7am thanks to those fuckers keeping me all night, or should I say morning, for questioning. I couldn't really remember exactly what happened but I did recall someone getting seriously hurt. I crawled out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. Advil was definitely needed today. The pain in my head was excruciating. I hadn't had a hangover this bad since I first started bar tending. Now, most alcohol went down like water. Probably why I was in this state at the moment.
I popped two Advil in my mouth and took a sip of ice cold water to wash them down. The liquid hit the back of my throat and it was possibly the most refreshing thing I had ever felt in my life. I slowly made my way back to my room to take a shower. I reeked of alcohol and cheap cologne. The downside of being a bartender was definitely the old men who didn't know how to keep their hands to themselves.
I turned on the hot water and just stood under for almost half an hour. Letting the heat relax my muscles and clear my head. Once done washing the disgusting odor from my body I stepped out of the shower and dried my body and replaced my blue towel with pajama shorts and an old Motley Crue tshirt that I lived in as a teenager.
I looked at the time on my phone. 2:37pm, no texts or missed calls. Great, I had tons of time to just relax before having to get ready and head out to the club once again. I crawled back into my warm bed and turned on my TV that was perfectly placed on my wall. I flicked through the channels, continuously flicking and nothing seemed to catch my attention. After 5 minutes of constantly looking through the boring TV guide, I noticed The Shining was on and had only started 15 minutes ago. Not that it mattered, I knew the movie word for word.
Something always intrigued me about the way Johnny snapped in the movie and tried to kill his family. Something always interested me about murder. Not as in I wanted to go out and murder someone to see how it felt, but the murderers themselves. Why they did it, why they chose to do it the way they did, that sort of stuff.
Once the movie ended it was nearly 4:30pm and I decided since I was most likely going to be drinking again tonight, I should probably eat. I got up with a bit more energy this time around, since that shower and Advil really helped, and made my way to the kitchen for the second time to make something to eat. I looked around and nothing seemed too appealing to me so I settled on some left over Chinese from the evening before.
After stuffing my face, I figured it was about time to start getting ready. I wanted to go in a bit early tonight, have a few drinks on the house and see who else was hanging around in the VIP area of the club. Oh the perks of working in the towns most popular, high end club. There were always interesting people in the VIP area.
I curled my long dark brown hair into loose curls that cascaded down my back like waves. Light make up for the night. A little bit of eyeliner, bit of mascara, next to no eye shadow, and very light red lips. So light it hardly looked like I was wearing anything on them. I topped myself off with a red and black leopard print, strapless dress and clung to my body in all of the right places. I gave myself a once over in the mirror and decided if I could bring a guy home tonight thanks to this outfit, it was happening. Not that that was anything new, of course. I always met guys at the club, brought them home and never spoke to them again. Not that I was a player, if that's what you want to call it. But just because I didn't want a relationship. I was enjoying my life the way it was.
My phone ringing broke me from my gaze upon myself in the mirror. I checked the caller ID. Marley's name appeared on the screen. I slid my finger across my phone, answering her call and putting her on speaker.
"Yo Marls. What's up?"
"When is your sweet ass getting down to the club?!" Marley slurred into the phone. I laughed while I fixed my dress.
"Dude, it's not even 6 and you're already drunk? This is becoming a problem!" I said through my continuous laugh. This girl could party. I could hardly keep up with her most nights.. I honestly had no idea how she did it.
"Listen bitch, if you're not here by 7, I'm having shots without you. Now, you know how much I hate doing that without my beautiful best friend so you best be here to participate!" and she hung up the phone.
There was no arguing with her. I shook my head and locked my phone and went on a search for my black pumps.
Once I had my heels on, I gave myself a once over, again in the mirror just to make sure I looked okay. I tousled my hair a bit and applied a bit of gloss to my lightly colored lips and decided I best be on my way to the club before I had to deal with an angry Marley on my ass all night.
Locking up my apartment and making my way to the elevator, I debated did I want to catch a cab or walk the 5 blocks to work. As soon as the warm evening air hit my skin the idea of a cab completely left my mind. It was too beautiful outside to get in a smelly cab.
Along my journey to work, I got lots of stares from guys passing by, or cat calls from some in cars that drove by but I didn't pay much attention to it. Not to be conceited but it happened all the time. I learned to just ignore it. I looked at my phone to see that it was now 6:48. I picked up the pace a little to make it to the club by 6:50 and I succeeded.
The bouncers were already at the doors. Like I said, high end. Not just any dirt ball got in here, thankfully. It was usually the richer half of the city that got in, which I wasn't complaining because I made amazing tips thanks to them.
I approached the two big men outside of the door and flashed them my white smile.
"Eugene, Mark. Nice to see you boys again."
"Likewise, Miss!" Mark replied, grabbing me to give me a hug as I made my way in through the doors of the club.
Since I didn't start my shift till 10, I had almost 3 hours to get shitfaced with my partner in crime, as soon as I managed to find her, that is. There weren't many people in here at the moment. The ones that were, I recognized. Regulars for the most part. They were hanging out at either the bar or in the more private booths with their friends, casually having drinks and talking.
I smiled to myself as I made my way across the empty dance floor and over to the bar. There was a new guy behind the bar. Or at least he had to be new since I didn't recognize him and I worked 6 out of 7 nights in this place.
He looked to be about 25 years old maybe. Tattoos all over his arms, bright grey eyes, a full grown beard, a septum piercing and spacers in his ears. He checked me out exactly how I checked him out. He flashed me a smile and leaned against the bar.
"Why hello, pretty lady. What can I get you this evening?" I admired the way he spoke, since he was working in a place I had a lot of love for. I didn't like when assholes got hired and were rude to people for no reason.
"Hm, that's a good question." I thought out loud. "I think I'll just take a beer for now. Something simple because it's gonna be a long night. I don't care what kind you grab. I like all of the choices you have to offer" I gave him another sweet smile as he grabbed a Dos Equis and took the top off for me.
"Here you are, that'll b-" I laughed and stuck out my hand for him to shake it.
"I'm Teri. I don't know if they warned you about me but I work here as well." He had a look of confusion at first but then I saw a wave of realization come over his face and he just let out a little laugh and shook my hand.
"Sorry about that. I've heard a lot about you. They praise you at this place. I hear you're very good at your job. I'm Daniel, by the way."
"Well it's very nice to meet you, Daniel. I'm sure we'll get to know each other by the end of the night" I gave him a sincere smile. "But, I'm headed to the VIP lounge on a hunt for my best friend. I'll see you in a bit!"
With that I spun on my heels and carried on my way to the lounge. I got to the big silver doors that were guarded by a big man in a tuxedo. As I walked up to him he was already opening the door for me.
"Thank you Gio!" I called back as I continued on into the lounge.
I took a sip of my beer as I rounded the corner of the lounge and saw quite a few people sitting around on the black leather couches with drinks, and nothing but smoke in the air. I instantly spotted my blonde haired best friend sitting on the lap of a brunette boy I couldn't remember ever seeing before. I shrugged it off. The boss always had new people, friends, monkeys or so I liked to call them since they did his dirty work.
"TERI!" Marley yelled from the lap of the tattooed, brunette boy she was sitting on, opening her arms for me to go in for a hug. Of course, I did, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Baby you're so wasted already" I laughed while she flopped back down on the guy.
"Nonsense, Teri Bear" She giggled.
I turned to my boss who was sitting in the solo black chair, cigar between his lips and a glass of brandy in his hand.
"Jeremy." I smiled.
He nodded his head as if he was saying hello back to me.
Jeremy Winters. One of the most power men in the city. The owner of Exotica, the club I worked at, and many other restaurants scattered throughout the city. He wasn't married but had a lot of his play dates constantly around. I was never sure if these girls were aware he had like 10 of them going on at once but I never questioned because I didn't exactly care. Everyone feared him. Mostly because they knew he didn't fuck around. Get on his bad side and you were basically dead. Maybe not literally, as far as I knew, but pretty damn close, from the stories I've heard, anyway. I knew there was more to Jeremy than just clubs and other businesses, but I never asked. The less you know, the better.
"Ah Teri. Looking lovely as usual." Jeremy spoke through puffs of cigar smoke escaping from his lips.
"Why thank you." I said back, and I meant it. He was sincere with his compliment, as usual. He never hit on me or ever tried sleeping with me, so I respected him. He was good to me and thanks to him I loved my job.
"So, who's who? There are too many unfamiliar faces in here right now" I laughed.
Jeremy cleared his throat. "Well, Teri. There's Marley which I know you know since I can't keep you two apart. Hiring you both was a mistake because when together you're both trouble." He smirked. I knew he wasn't serious because he called us Double Trouble all the time.
"The one she is all over, that is my newest.. partner, Louis."
I looked over to this Louis character and nodded my head and gave him a sweet smile. He returned the gesture.
"Next to him," Jeremy spoke up again, "is Zayn. He's been a partner of mine for about 4 months. This is the first time he's been in the club though but I'm sure you'll be seeing more of him around since he's proved his loyalty."
I didn't know exactly what he meant by loyalty, and I'm sure I didn't really want to know.
I looked over at the one he called Zayn. Nice eyes, face in general, body, especially those tattoos I could see all over his arms. I flashed a small smile before looking back at Jeremy.
"And the one next to him, that's Harold, also a partner that has been around roughly the same amount of time as Zayn."
His eyes shot up at Jeremy. "Dude, I told you, Harry! Not Harold. Please."
Jeremy smiled, "Sorry I keep forgetting."
I looked over at Harry and was instantly intrigued by what I saw. Curly brown hair pushed back, piercing green eyes, plump lips. He was dressed in black jeans, a white v-neck tshirt and a black blazer over it. I could see tattoos sticking out by the collar of his tshirt.
He was very attractive, definitely the most attractive of the three newbies hanging out in the lounge.
He made eye contact with me and I gave him a sweet smile. I figured it was time to turn on the charm.
"Hello everyone" I said, but only keeping my eyes on the green eyed male in front of me. "I'm Teri. Pleasure to meet you."
Harry smirked. He knew that last part of that sentence was meant just for him.
"Likewise, beautiful." He replied. I didn't get a response out of Louis since him and Marley were groping each other, and Zayn was way too concentrated on rolling a joint for him and Jeremy.
When I noticed what he was doing I dibs getting in on that before turning my attention to the empty seat next to Harry on the leather, two piece couch. I made my way over and sat next to him , finishing off my beer and putting the empty bottle on the table in front of us.
Harry rested his arm behind me on the back of the chair and stared intently at me, waiting for my to put my attention back on him. Little did he realize, he had all of my attention even if I wasn't showing it.
I looked to my right at the curly haired boy and he was grinning at me. He knew I wanted him. I could read his face well enough and it was easy to tell by that dirty grin plastered across his face.
"So, love. How do you know Jeremy?" Harry questioned, taking a drink of his jack and coke.
"I bar tend here. Have for almost 2 years." I quickly replied since Jeremy handed the lit joint my way.
I hauled back and filled my lungs and held it for as long as I possibly could before letting the smoke seep through my lips. I did it again, and again before handing the joint on over to Harry. He took it from my fingers and mimicked my actions. God he looked so good as he let the smoke flow from his lips and into the room.
Jeremy took back the joint and cleared his throat, "Teri, I've notified Daniel down at the bar that he's alone for the night. Have the night off. Have a little fun."
I was shocked. I didn't expect to have the night off at all.
"Wow, thanks Jerm. I really don't need the night off though.. you know I have tons of fun while working." I gratefully replied.
"Don't be silly, Ter. You work hard. I'll even pay you even though you're not working. Have some drinks, dance, do whatever. Enjoy yourself for the night." He winked and smiled at me.
He really was great. My parents thought me working at a night club was going to be a horrible idea but little did they know I was having the time of my life.
I looked back to Harry, his eyes were glazed over. The effect of marijuana hitting him as he gave me the sexiest grin I could ever imagine on a man. He leaned in and whispered into my ear.
"Love, why don't we head out and get a drink at the bar, huh?"
I shivered at the feel of his hot breathe on my neck. All I could do was nod.
We both stood up to leave. Harry placed his hand on my lower back while guiding me out of the room.
"That's my girl." Jeremy said and I laughed at what he was suggesting was gonna happen.
Marley looked up from Louis long enough to yell, "Hey bitch! You better be prepared for those shots later!"
I laughed at her. She was way too drunk for any shots to be happening tonight.
I let Harry guide me out of the lounge and into the now lively club.