Status: This is posted on other sites under the username "dismantlingsummer". If you see it posted by someone else unless stated that it actually me, please message me.


Chapter 3

I woke up to a throbbing body. I wondered for a moment why the fuck I was in so much pain, then the events of last night popped in my head and it all made sense. I slowly stretched, and reached over for my phone to check the time. 9:16am. And since it was Saturday, I didn't work tonight. Jeremy always gave me Saturdays off. I sent him a quick text to make sure he didn't want me to go in tonight since he had given me last night off. His response was instant and he refused to let me work tonight. I laughed at his reply and pulled the warm blankets off my body.
I went to the kitchen to start on some breakfast, looking around the room and settling on the idea of pancakes.
As I cooked I thought about what I was going to do throughout the day.
My apartment really needed cleaning. I needed to go for a run because it had been three days since I ran. And I was probably just gonna end up back at the club for a few drinks.
Once my pancakes were cooked, I curled up on my couch and ate, while looking through the channels on the TV guide. I settled on watching the daily news for a few minutes, just to quickly see what was happening around in my city these days.
Same old shit, different day. Car accident here, storm there, you know, nothing new. Until the report came on about a murder that had happened in the very early hours of the morning. They said it was about 5am. Seemed to be drug and/or gang related since the body was left laying in an alley and was found by a random hobo looking for shelter. I turned off the TV and got up and rinsed my plate off in the sink.
I turned on my iPod dock, scrolled through the songs and put on New Found Glory's album Sticks and Stones, and danced around my living room as I tidied everything. I didn't realize exactly how disgusting my apartment was until I really started cleaning.
An hour and a half later and the place was spotless. Run time.
I went to my room and changed into my Nike shorts and a tank top, tying my hair up into a messy bun before heading out the door. The air was nice and cool outside as I started on my run. I ran through the park, near the water. It was my favourite place because there was always a breeze down there. I made it to the dock after a 2 mile run and decided it was time for a break. I sat on a bench close by and took in the scenery around me. It was absolutely beautiful out. The sun was shining, there were kids everywhere playing.. a line up of them at the ice cream truck that was close by.
I remember what it was like to be a kid. So pure. So innocent.
After what I assumed was around 15 to 20 minutes, I got up and made the 2 mile jog back to my apartment to get ready to head to the bar.
As I walked into my apartment I could hear my phone ringing from my bedroom. Marley was calling, I could tell from the ringtone.
Before I could even say hello when I answered her call, I could already hear her squealing on the other end.
"WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT. DETAILS WOMAN!" Marley shrieked in my ear. I winced at the pain she had just caused me and I was sure I was going to be deaf in one ear thanks to her.
"What do you mean, what happened?" I teased her. I always told her every detail of my sex life, and vice versa.
"You left with that guy. The dark one that never fucking talked the whole time until you entered the room. I tried to get his attention at first and he didn't even give me a second glance. What the fuck did you do?!" She demanded answers.
I explained the events of what happened in the lounge, and at the bar. I didn't quite get to the coming back to my apartment part yet before she cut me off.
"How was the sex?"
I laughed at her eagerness.
"God Mar, do you really think I'd take home a complete stranger and have sex with him?" I said in a serious tone.
A second or two passed and we both burst out laughing.
"But seriously," Marley continued, "How was it?"
"He was probably the best I've had, and I'm not exaggerating one bit. The man knows what the fuck he's doing." I smirked as I replayed last night in my head.
"You lucky fucking bitch. He's so hot. I still have no idea how you managed to get him in your bed so fast. Like I said, I tried. I basically threw the offer right out on the table but I didn't get any reaction from him. You're my hero."
We ended the call with plans of Marley stopping by and picking me up and we would both head to the club together. I picked out an outfit for the night and quickly took a shower. I didn't have much time since Marley said she'd be by in about 20 minutes. I washed my hair and body as fast as I possibly could and rinsed off all of the bubbles.
As soon as I got out of the shower, I dried off and started on my hair instantly. Leaving my natural waves come out to play, simply because I didn't want to put any effort in it tonight. I looked at my outfit and debated on if I wanted to change it at all.
I opted for something more simple for tonight. It wasn't a huge night, anyway. I wasn't dressing to impress this time around, so I settled on some black ripped jeans, a skeleton tank top and black combat boots. I touched up my dark makeup and applied some dark red lipstick to finish off my look. As I was checking myself out in the mirror to make sure I looked okay, I heard my front door open.
"Hurry your sexy ass up, woman!" I could hear Marley screaming throughout my apartment.
I laughed and grabbed my phone, stuffing it into my purse as I made my way out to the door to leave with Ash.
"Daaaaaaamn" Marley said when she finally looked up from my phone to take look at me.
I smiled, no longer feeling worried about my outfit for the evening.
"Let's get going, Louis is at the club already. I swear if I don't get some tonight, I'm so done with this boy."
"Wait, you didn't do him yet? I was sure that was happening last night." I replied to a pouting Marley.
"I was way to wasted for that last night," she laughed, "besides, I think he might have a girlfriend but I really don't care."
I shook my head while laughing at my best friend. She was going to get that guy if she wanted him and she didn't care what it took to make that happen.
The ride to the club was short and full of laughter. The usual. We parked and again went through the front doors where the bouncers were already tossing someone out for being too drunk.
In through the somewhat lively club, we walked to get to the lounge as we normally would.
I noticed a somewhat familiar set of curls over at the bar with his arm around a ridiculously hot chick who you could clearly see playing up her act. Not like it mattered, anyway.
We went into the lounge and again, there was Jeremy and Louis. Smoke filled the air and they were laughing at something we completely missed before we walked into the room.
"Nice to see you lovely ladies again." Jeremy smiled as he passed his bong over to Louis who instantly lit it and hauled back, taking in as much as he could and holding it for an impressive amount of time.
"Always lovely to see you as well, Jeremy." I smiled, "was it hard here last night without me?"
Jeremy laughed at my comment, knowing I was his best employee and that the place never ran the same as when I was working.
"You know it, babe."
We continued to converse and laugh for quite a while after we arrived. Marley and Louis were already cuddled up on the couch. I decided it was time for a drink and excused myself from the conversation that was going on about some chick Jeremy had brought home last night.
I crossed the dance floor to get to the bar where Daniel was working again. As he saw me approach, a smile spread across his face.
"Oh look it's the prettiest girl I've seen all night. What can I get you?" He questioned with the same smile still across his face.
"Let's go with Long Island Iced Tea tonight my friend."
Daniel laughed and started on my drink. I quickly scanned the club to see what was around. There was no one around at all that I recognized tonight, which was really unusual. Aside from the mop of brown curls I suddenly saw up on the dance floor with the hot chick from earlier. I turned back around to Daniel as he slid my drink across the bar to me.
"Now Daniel, I have some pretty high expectations when it comes to this drink because I truly believe no one makes it better than I do."
"Well why don't you take a drink and tell me what you think." Daniel laughed.
I smiled and took a sip of it and made an approving noise because it was definitely better than mine.
"You win this round." I glared at him.
I turned around to leave the bar and head back to the lounge when I was stopped clean in my tracks by a tall figure who was standing right in my path. I nearly spilled my drink all over him and quickly thanked god that I wasn't that clumsy to actually let that happen. I looked up at the person in front of me to quickly be met by bright green eyes that definitely weren't unfamiliar.
"I didn't know you were here." The dark raspy voice that made me involuntary shiver, spoke.
I laughed, "why would you care if I'm here?" I wasn't trying to be rude or anything. Just because we slept together didn't mean we were suddenly friends.
Harry looked down at me with a stern look on his face.
"If I would have known you were coming here, I wouldn't have had that slut all over me."
I nearly spit out my drink from laughing so hard.
"You're kidding right?" I finally looked up at him, "whether I'm here or not, have her all over you all you want" I said, stressing the word all.
"I don't want her all over me though," Harry replied, "I was kind of hoping we'd be able to have a repeat of last night"
He winked as he reached up and ran a finger along my jaw line.
"How about you let me have a few more drinks, and when I've had enough to make bad decisions, come find me and I'll consider it." I said before walking out of his grasp and back to the lounge, leaving him by the bar staring as I walked away from an invite almost any girl would quickly jump on.