Status: This is posted on other sites under the username "dismantlingsummer". If you see it posted by someone else unless stated that it actually me, please message me.


Chapter 4

3 hours and 12 drinks later and I was ready to call it a night. Marley was also drunk so there was no way she was driving me home.
I quickly grabbed my purse and said goodbye to Jeremy, Marley and Louis. Marley sent me a text earlier saying she was going back to Louis' and to not worry about her because Jeremy said her car was safe parked at the club.
As I stumbled my way out to the dance floor so I could get to the exit, I searched my bag for my cell phone. Finally finding it and looking at the time, I saw that it was 2:30am. I hadn't realized I was at the club so long. Everything was ridiculously slow and blurry. I was way too high and had way too much to drink for one night. I finally made it to the doors and said bye to the bouncers that were still guarding the door and continued to stumble my way home.
I noticed an unfamiliar car parked just up the street with its lights still on. I didn't really think anything of it so I walked on by without giving it a second look. As I passed I could hear the window rolling down.
"Hey you." A deep voice said. I turned around but I couldn't really see who it was in the car.
"Had enough to drink to make some bad decisions yet?" The person said and I could tell they had a stupid grin plastered on their face. Realizing who it was, I walked back to the car and leaned against the door.
"I don't know, " I smiled, "Are you going to make it worth it?"
"Didn't I last night?" Harry replied.
"Touche, my friend." He nodded his head for me to get in the car, and I did so.
The ride back to his place was quiet, between us, but he had music blaring the whole way while his hand rested on my thigh. The ride seemed a whole lot longer than it should have been but that was probably thanks to the amount I smoked throughout the night. I was still really high and I was hoping the effect wouldn't wear off any time soon.
We pulled into the driveway of an absolutely beautiful 3 story house. It looked like something you'd see in a movie. Harry parked and quickly got out of the car, walking around to open my door and help me down. He didn't say anything as his arm snaked around my waist almost as if if he let me go, I'd run away or something.
He lead me up the stone path to his front door. He quickly unlocked the door and ushered me inside. Quickly taking a look outside as if he was looking to see if anyone had saw us, before closing the door and locking it behind him.
Before I could even say anything, he grabbed my chin, holding me in place as he crushed his lips to mine. I felt his tongue pushing to enter my mouth.
Suddenly I was pushed against the wall. He pressed himself against me, pinning me there. His hands slid around my waist, trailing down to the front of my pants. I couldn't contain the moan that escaped my lips, as he popped the button and broke the zipper. Using his hips, he kept me in place as his hand trailed up my side before cupping my breast and squeezing lightly.
He made a show of pulling my pants down slowly, like we were two lovers building the anticipation before making love. But that definitely was not the case in this situation.
Harry turned me around quickly, attacking my neck with his lips. His hands roamed my body as my fingers were in his curls. He reached down and grabbed the backs of my thighs and pulled me up. He lifted me as if I weighed absolutely nothing. Still sucking on my neck, he turned and started walking towards his bedroom. Or at least what I assumed was his bedroom, all of it was a blur.
As soon as we were in the room, the door was closed and Harry placed me on the bed. His eyes were dark and full of lust. So dark it almost scared me a little.
I watched as he ripped his tshirt off and tossed it to the floor, his pants coming next. His eyes didn't leave me the whole time, knowing I was enjoying watching him undress. I licked my lips as I noticed his jaw tighten when I pulled my shirt over my head.
It didn't take him long to attack me again with rough, wet kisses. I was sure the bruises from the previous night were going to be worse tonight. Before I knew it, my panties were down and my bra was discarded and tossed somewhere in the room. He didn't waste any time in touching me.
I felt his fingertips trace the opening of my body. The pleasure he made me feel from just a single touch drove me crazy. No man has ever been able to make me feel what Harry could. His touches were light, his fingers gliding in the moisture from my body. I couldn't hold back a moan when he worked his way up to my clit.
"Do you enjoy that?" he smirked as he licked slow traces down my neck.
I was so distracted by Harry's fingers, I hadn't noticed his tongue leave my neck. But I sure as fuck noticed when his tongue took the place of his fingers. He licked my pussy with long, slow strokes of his tongue. His hands gripped my ass cheeks to keep me in place.
I couldn't stop the sounds from escaping my mouth when he slipped three fingers inside me. They pumped and curled and twisted. I whined a little when Harry's mouth left my clit. His fingers continued to work my body as he whispered in my ear, "I've never tasted anyone as sweet as you. Tell me I made your pussy wetter than it's ever been."
I couldn't say anything. The amount of pleasure coursing through my body wouldn't allow me to speak. His fingers curled inside of me, rubbing over that bundle of nerves inside me over and over again. My body clenched around his fingers.
"Come on baby. Say it. I want to hear it from you."
"You've made my pussy so wet," I moaned a little at the end, finally finding the ability to speak.
"Say it again." his fingers moved faster and faster.
"You make my pussy so fucking wet," I yelled as my body tightened around his fingers to the point of pain. My vision blurred and I was gasping for breath.
He pulled his dripping wet fingers out of me and held them out to me. Harry grinned as I licked myself off of him.
This time I took control, rolling Harry over and onto his back before pulling his boxers down his long legs and tossing them onto the floor with the remains of our scattered clothes. I opened my mouth and let him slide himself inside. I moaned around Harry, sending vibrations down his body. He threw his head back and thrust himself deeper down my throat. I struggled to breath as his balls slapped against me. He pulled out and I gasped for breath as he rubbed his dick over my lips.
I started working my hand up and down Harry's dick as I licked the tip of him. He growled, thrusting his hips against my hand.
Before I could even register what was going on, Harry had me underneath him once again. With no warning, he slammed himself into me.
He grinned and rammed his cock balls deep inside me. I screamed, partly out of pain. Mostly out of pleasure. He thrust against me, hard, angling his hips so he he hit every inch inside me. I threw my head back. His hands were on my breasts, tweaking my nipples while he worked his way in and out of my body.
"Tell me you love my cock."
My head was so clouded with pleasure, I didn't even hesitate to agree.
"I love it. I love your cock." I said between moans.
"That's good," he groaned. "Fuck you feel amazing. I can't wait to feel you cum on me."
I felt pressure begin to build in the pit of my stomach. I knew I was about to come. I pushed my hips against Harry. The pressure built and built until I wanted to scream and cry.
"Goddamn," Harry groaned, "I'm about to cum."
He started fucking me harder. I fucked him harder right back. Then the pressure burst over me in a scalding wave. It tightened me like a vise around Harry.
He let out a roar and shoved himself as deep inside me as he could. He let himself go inside me. He thrust a couple of more times before he slumped against me. "Damn, baby, I am definitely going to keep you."
I couldn't react to the comment as he slowly pulled himself out of me. I was still trying to collect myself after what had just happened. There was no doubt in my mind that Harry was hands down the best sex I've ever had.
I stood up on shaky legs as I made my way towards the bathroom. I could feel Harry's cum drip down my legs, which normally I would probaby be grossed out by, but for some reason I wasn't this time.
I didn't say a word to him as I closed the bathroom door behind me. I turned on the hot water and instantly washed the remains of Harry from my body. My mind wandered all over the place while I let the hot water run down my body.
I wondered about what I was doing. I never slept with a guy more than once, and I definitely never went back to their place. It was always mine so I could easily kick them out as soon as it was over. But here I was, at Harry's. In his shower.
I was quickly taken from thought when I heard the bathroom door open and the shower curtain push aside. The brown hair, green eyed beauty was standing in front of me with the smug look on his face that he always had.
"Back for round two?" I questioned. Harry looked a little surprised at my comment.
"Actually no, I just wanted to have a shower as well and I figured y'know, save water and all." He winked as he stepped into the shower with me. He reached up and grabbed my chin, tilting my head and placing a soft kiss on my lips.
I wasn't really sure why I was enjoying this. I could tell this wasn't a usual thing for him, either.
Harry placed his arms around my body, hugging me into his now wet chest. I felt a weird comfort in his arms. He reached back and grabbed the shampoo and squirted some into his hand, before turning me around and starting to wash my hair. He massaged my head while doing so, making me almost fall back into him.
"You know, I'm capable of washing my own hair."
I could feel Harry laugh against my back.
"I know, you are. But don't complain that I'm doing it for you," He said with a hint of laughter in his voice.
I let him continue, enjoying the feel of his long fingers through my hair. Once he finished and all of the bubbles were rinsed out of my hair, he turned me back around to face him and once again, placed a sweet kiss to my lips.
His kisses were different. I could feel emotion behind them and I didn't know why.
This whole situation was confusing me and that's when I realized I needed to get out of there.
I finished up the shower and stepped out, leaving Harry in the hot water by himself.
"Where are you going?" Harry questioned. I grabbed the white towel he had placed on the sink and wrapped it around my body. I left the bathroom in search of my clothes that were randomly thrown around Harry's room.
I heard the water turn off and in no time, a towel clad Harry appeared behind me. Water was still dripping from his hair and running down his chest.
"Teri, what's wrong?" He asked while reaching to grab my hand. I pulled it away from him and bent down to grab my shirt, panties and bra I had finally scoped out in the mess of clothes.
I didn't reply. I just slipped on my underwear and shirt while wondering where the fuck my pants were, when I remembered those were taken off near the front door. I walked out of the room once again leaving Harry behind and went to grab my pants. Harry wasted no time in putting on some clothes and following me.
He sighed behind me as he watched me putting my boots back on to leave.
"Teri, if you're gonna leave, which you don't have to do, at least let me give you a ride."
I thought about it for a second before nodding my head. It was late. It definitely wasn't safe for me to be roaming the streets alone at this time of night. And to be honest, I wasn't even sure how to get home from here.
Harry put on his shoes as I stayed silent. We finally left his house and walked down the familiar stone path and down to his Range Rover. He opened the door for me and I climbed in before he could attempt to help me.
I watched him walk around the front of the car, the look of pure confusion on his face. I was confused just as well as he was.
He got in and we both buckled our seat belts. He turned on the engine of the car and pulled out of the drive way. I was dark so he couldn't see me staring at him. Taking in his appearance. He was wearing black basketball shorts and a white v-neck tshirt. His hair was more curly than it normally was since he didn't have time to do anything with it after he showered. And even though he was dressed so simple, and definitely ready for bed, he was still beautiful.
I noticed his tongue flick out over his lips, almost as if he wanted to say something. And he did.
"Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?" He quickly glanced over at me, trying his hardest to keep his attention on the road ahead of us.
"You didn't do anything. I'm fine." I replied. I didn't want to get into it. I didn't want to tell him I have this thing where I take guys home, fuck them and never see them again because the truth was, deep in me there was something intriguing about Harry that I wanted to know more about. There was a side to him I didn't know anything about and I for some reason I knew it was a scary side of him. But I wanted to know. I never felt this way about people and the fact that it was happening with Harry, scared me.
We finally arrived back to my apartment and I quickly took off my seat belt and turned to Harry. He was looking at me, almost as if he was waiting for an explanation about what was going on.
"Look, Harry." I said, a little look of hope shot up into his eyes.
"It's been fun. But I don't think we should do this anymore." I wasn't sure if I was going to regret this or not but I felt it was probably the best.
"Why?" Harry asked, genuinely interested in why I felt this way.
"I'm not really sure. And please don't take offence to this, but I have a bad feeling about this whole situation. I know there's a whole different side to you, the side that works for Jeremy. I'm not exactly sure what that side is, but I feel it's probably better if I keep it that way."
Harry nodded. That alone was the confirmation I needed that there was more to Harry that met the eye. I could tell he was a little bummed about it, but he'd have a new fuck toy tomorrow night so I couldn't be concerned about this.
"Thanks for the ride." I said before closing the door to his car and quickly walking up to the front of my apartment and unlocking the door. I took a quick glance back to see him still watching me, before going inside and locking the door behind me.