13 Reasons Why I Love You

1. Smile

I love so many things about you, Frank Iero, but I was told I can only pick 13. So many things jumbled in my mind, the first thing that came up was your smile.

I remember the day I first saw you, your smile could light up a whole room. Your smile was brighter than the fireworks that were lighting up the sky on that 4th of July. Out of the whole crowd of people sitting out in the park staring up in the sky, you stood out and I still don't know why. Everyone had a smile on their face as the colors flashed before their eyes but yours was the one that distracted me from the fireworks up high.

The way your hazel eyes scrunched up when your lips curled into your beautiful grin and the way that smile would shortly falter then pick back up again as the next firework lit up the dark night sky made the need for you even stronger. I looked around you and saw you were alone and right then I just wanted to slide over to you and say hello.

There was no way I could though, I'm terrible at conversation and quite the introvert. The only reason I came out of the house that night was because my brother, Mikey, dragged me out. I was a bitch about it at first, whining about how I didn't give a shit about the damn fireworks, then I saw you and I was grateful that my brother spent hours convincing me to come.

I only knew the fireworks where over when you turned away from the sky and your smile faded. You looked up at me for a split second, I swore you did, but I turned my head back to the now stained grey sky, wondering if you caught me staring. Mikey tapped me on the shoulder telling me it was time to go and by the time I looked back over, the spot where you were was vacant as if you just disappeared into thin air.

I regretted not talking to you before you left, thinking I would probably never see you again. I thought hopefully I would be lucky enough to see that lit up face again.

I had never seen you around town in the brief times I would actually leave the house to get more art supplies. I tend to pay attention to the people around me, studying their faces to get inspiration for a piece I could do but no face ever stuck out to me like yours.

As soon as I got home that night I spent hours trying to recreate that smile with a pencil on paper. I could remember every detail of your face as if I knew you for a long time. I was the type of person who noticed the little things about people before I noticed the big things and being that type of person made drawing people accurately easier.

It was around 7am and 5 cups of coffee later when I was finally satisfied with my work. I stared at the beautiful face before me tracing the smile on your face with my fingers; it was perfect; you were perfect.
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This is a new story I'm working on! It will most likely consist of 13 chapters. I don't know how often this will update, it depends on if I get feedback from you guys!

The more comments, subscriptions, and recommendations I get will decide on how much I update this so please do those 3 things. :)
